Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 206 Kang Lifeng Was Invited

Chapter 206

After the people of Sequoia Capital left, Kang Lifeng was really at a loss. He didn't say anything wrong. What was going on? Only Yang Chunxiu laughed secretly on one side, really lifting a rock and hitting her in the foot, and left with a sneer.

"Dididi..." Just when Kang Lifeng was about to leave the meeting room, the sound of the mobile phone interrupted his thoughts.

The message was an unfamiliar number, so he clicked on it and read it, "Manager Kang, I don't know if I have time to meet alone. I will wait for you in the opposite cafe for 10 minutes."

Kang Lifeng read this message three times in a row and didn't know what the message meant, let alone who sent it, but he probably guessed one or two. It was really hard to find a way out. Go downstairs with a happy mood.

When passing by Yang Chunxiu, she also took a special look at Kang Lifeng. She had a bitter face just now. Why was she so happy this time? I watched him walk out of the office building.

Dingli Coffee, when Kang Lifeng walked in, a twenty-seven-year-old young man was sitting opposite and looking at him. Kang Lifeng looked around and saw no one and walked over, "Mr. Zheng, I don’t know what you mean. ."

"Manager Kang, celebrities don't talk secretly, I just want to make friends with you, hello and me, hello everyone." Zheng Zihe motioned to the waiter beside him to order a cup of coffee for Kang Lifeng.

Kang Lifeng narrowed his eyes and lightly sipped his coffee and looked at Zheng Zihe, "Mr. Zheng, I think you have no ulterior motives? Can't you just say something?"

"Manager Kang, don't you think the coffee here is good?" Zheng Zihe said and took a gulp.

Kang Lifeng cursed in his heart, "Little fox, where is this delicious? It's so bitter." Kang Lifeng doesn't like coffee very much. He prefers Chinese tea, especially this kind of coffee without sugar. He was even more unbearable.

Without sugar, Kang Lifeng estimated that Zheng Zihe must be intentional. What exactly does he want to express? I had to frown and take a sip again, "Although the coffee is good, it is a bit bitter. In contrast, I prefer Chinese tea."(Read more @

"Manager Kang, it seems that you are still a patriot. I am also a Chinese. I also like tea. It seems that we are really destined. You don’t think so. At noon, we two should find a place to have a meal and talk about Chinese tea culture."

Kang Lifeng is also an old fox, how could he not understand Zheng Zihe's intentions, and thought for a while, "Since Mr. Zheng is so enthusiastic, then I should respect my fate."

"Okay, Brother Kang is happy, we will contact you again at noon." Zheng Zihe walked outside after finishing talking. After a while, Kang Lifeng also walked outside and returned directly to the company.

At noon, Kang Lifeng received a message from Zheng Zihe, and the two agreed on a meeting place. When Kang Lifeng arrived, there was only Zheng Zihe and no other people. The two walked into a small private room together. The small private room was not very large, but the decoration was luxurious.

"Brother Kang, I really like to deal with people like this on time. Now it’s just the two of us, so I won’t be oblivious. Sequoia Capital pays great attention to the financing of YY, and hopes to open up through this financing China’s market."

After the two people sat down, Zheng Zihe went straight to the point. Kang Lifeng didn't expect him to be so direct. "Mr. Zheng doesn't know what you mean by calling me?"

"I want to know the content of your negotiations with Softbank and DFJ. Of course, we will not treat you badly in return. We know that Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch has always lacked a supervisor. You really want to sit here. In return, we will help you complete it. This is just one. Once the cooperation is reached, we will pay you a lot of money according to the situation. Even if you are not developing in Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., you will have nothing to worry about."

The amount of this information was so great that Kang Lifeng couldn't digest it for a while, and it took a while before he came back to his senses, "How can I trust you?"

"Once the cooperation intention is reached, I will immediately put 100,000 yuan in your account. This is just an advance payment. As for the amount of money you can get after the contract is signed, it depends on how much you can play and how much you can bring to us. Interests."

Zheng Zihe went out after speaking, leaving Kang Lifeng a little restless. On the one hand, he wanted to agree to Zheng Zihe's request. On the other hand, he didn't want to betray the company. Although he was a little arrogant, he still had a certain bottom line.

About 5 minutes later, Zheng Zihe walked in from outside, "Brother Kang doesn't know what's going on?" Zheng Zihe smiled and sat opposite him.

"Mr. Zheng, I don't quite understand what you want to do?" Kang Lifeng was still a little uneasy, but his interests drove him to compromise.

"Brother Kang, you should know more about the internal situation of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. than I do. At present, there are only three companies that can reach financing with your company. Knowing ourselves and knowing the enemy is not dead, I just want to know the bottom line of the other party, so that we can take the initiative Hold it in your own hands."

Kang Lifeng thought for a while, "I didn't follow up with SoftBank, and I don't know how they talked about it, but I know that Defengjie's asking price is a valuation of 100 million U.S. dollars, and he also agreed to only 10% of the shares. Do not participate in the operation of the company. I think Softbank should not be able to outperform DFJ."

"Brother Kang, why are you so sure that SoftBank is not superior to Defengjie?" Zheng Zihe asked curiously.

"Although DFJ has not reached a strategic partnership with the company, it is ready to invest in another project."

"Another project? Does your company have other businesses besides YY?"

"Is it true? This project has nothing to do with the company. Director Tang used the company's resources to make an appointment with the other party alone. I don't know exactly what it is about now."

"Brother Kang, can you tell us what the project is?"

"Mr. Zheng, I advise you to give up. That Director Tang is simply a lunatic. I didn't expect De Fengjie to go crazy with him..."

Kang Lifeng briefly said the content of the negotiations between Tang Feng and Smith that day. Zheng Zihe took a breath after listening to it. I have never seen anyone who can do business like this, I have seen a gambler, no Having seen such a gamble, he also wondered whether he would agree to such a request if he replaced Smith, and whether Mr. Andrew would agree to such a request, the answer is yes, no.

Through the above judgment, Zheng Zihe came to the conclusion that this director named Tang Feng is difficult to entangle, and also judged the accuracy of Kang Lifeng’s words, but he is not worried. Since he knows Defengjie’s bottom line, he only needs to be slightly higher. Able to win this cooperation.

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