Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 207 The Lion Opens His Mouth

Chapter 207

Zheng Zihe and Kang Lifeng talked about it for a long time. Only two people knew exactly what agreement the two had reached. They left at about a little more than 12 o'clock. Kang Lifeng directly met with the company, and Zheng Zihe might have gone back to negotiate.

Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua arrived at the Beijing branch at just 1:30. The originally agreed time was 2 o’clock. When he and Chen Yuhua arrived in the meeting room, the five people were sitting face to face without talking about anything. Tang Feng is a little strange. He originally wanted to see the excitement, but it seemed that he was in trouble.

"Mr. Zheng, what is the wind today? Did I read the wrong time or we made the wrong appointment? Didn't Manager Kang inform you?" When Tang Feng saw Zheng Zihe, there was a resentment, even the tone of voice. All with ridicule.

"Director Tang, I'm so sorry. I misread the time, but this does not hinder our cooperation. Don't you think we are more sincere in this way?" Zheng Zihe thought he was a little unhappy about Tang Feng's arrival early. He ignored his emotions.

Tang Feng has been staring at Zheng Zihe since entering the conference room. He is white and clean. The skin and tender meat is indeed handsomer than himself. He is really jealous. He has been speculating about his relationship with Leng Yuhan, his ex-boyfriend or Is it your current boyfriend?

"Mr. Zheng, since it's here, let's sit down and talk!" Chen Yuhua saw Tang Feng there in a daze, and at the same time his brain was thinking about what he was thinking, and looked at Zheng Zihe.

"Ms. Chen is happy, Mr. Andrew and Ms. Alice are very concerned about this financing, and hope that we can have a good cooperation."

Chen Yuhua's words also interrupted Tang Feng's thoughts. He pulled down the chair and sat next to Chen Yuhua, "Mr. Zheng, whether you can cooperate depends on the conditions you set, and you should also know why you are able to stand. Here, it is because of the failures of Softbank and DFJ. If you cannot offer us satisfactory terms, I am afraid..."

"Director Tang, we at Sequoia Capital are different from Softbank and Defengjie. Since sitting here today, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." Zheng Zihe smiled very confidently.(Read more @

"It seems that Mr. Zheng is very confident, but I have a problem with me. People who are too confident tend to fall here." Tang Feng felt a little heartache when he thought of Leng Yuhan's affairs. He planned to leave it alone. He would not agree to any conditions offered by the other party.

"Director Tang, don't speak so absolutely, first listen to our conditions, and then make the final conclusion." Zheng Zihe still greeted him with a smile, and Tang Feng really admired his restraint.

"Okay, if that's the case, I don't know what you think of YY?" If the play continues, there must be outsiders. Even if it is his own company, Bai Yaqing is still the boss, and she always wants to give her some face.

"From the current development of YY, it can be up to 100 million U.S. dollars. However, Mr. Andrew is very optimistic about the future development of YY. We can make a price of 150 million U.S. dollars. If we can, we will purchase 49% of your company's shares at a price of 80 million U.S. dollars. ."

"Mr. Zheng, you may have misunderstood. Our Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. is only going to sell 5% of the shares." Chen Yuhua was afraid of what Tang Feng was saying, so he hurriedly interjected.

"Miss Chen, it really disappoints me. 5% is too small. If that happens, we are only willing to bid 100 million US dollars. I am afraid that the situation of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. cannot be solved at all, right?"

5% is 5 million U.S. dollars, and the synthetic China coin is only a little over 40 million. In terms of Chang Yuan’s interests, it is impossible to completely get rid of the status quo of YY. If YY wants to continue to grow, it must have sufficient funds, otherwise This rapidly developing society simply cannot survive.

Chen Yuhua didn't look pretty after hearing Zheng Zihe's words. She didn't expect the other party to investigate YY so clearly, but she was not worried. Even if 5% is not enough, 10% is enough. If the other party really paid 150 million US dollars, I believe that the status quo of YY will be resolved soon.

"Mr. Zheng, if you think the conditions are harsh, we really don’t have to talk about it anymore. First of all, the US$150 million assessment simply cannot meet our requirements. I think US$500 million is more appropriate, or more, isn’t it? Don’t you think so?"

Zheng Zihe was stunned, and Chen Yuhua was stunned. The most ugly face was Kang Lifeng. This was nothing but nonsense. He looked at Tang Feng and went out quietly, then picked up the phone, found a number, and dialed it.

After Chen Yuhua left, Bai Yaqing was relatively busy, and she needed to personally take care of all major and minor matters. She is now meeting with the backbone of various departments to deploy the next work plan, and the phone rang. Since it was in a meeting, Bai Yaqing adjusted the phone to vibrate, glanced at it casually, and hung up.

Kang Lifeng did not expect that Bai Yaqing did not answer the phone, and suddenly patted his head, "How stupid I am, she doesn't know my phone number at all, and strangers' calls will definitely not answer." Kang Lifeng ran back to his office thinking of this. , And then picked up the phone on the table to call Bai Yaqing again.

Bai Yaqing frowned when she heard the vibration of the phone, but she still took a look. She still recognized the number of the Beijing branch. She was afraid that something would be answered and walked outside, "Hey! I'm Bai Yaqing." "Bai Yaqing is very official.

"Mr. Bai, I am Kang Lifeng from the Beijing branch. I have disturbed your work. I have one thing to report to you." Tang Feng didn't know that Kang Lifeng had gone outside to make a small report, and he was still proud of his words.

"Manager Kang, let's talk about anything, I still have a meeting." Bai Yaqing's cold voice reached Kang Lifeng's ears through the Internet.

"Mr. Bai, it’s about financing. Now Director Tang is talking about it with people from Sequoia Capital, but he is too foolish. It is a trifling matter to use financing. He actually offered 500 million US dollars to the other party. He didn’t even think about it. Financing..."

"Okay, Manager Kang, I see. I will give Director Tang full authority over the financing. You can do your own job, and I will have to open it." Bai Yaqing directly hung up after finishing her speech. The phone was disconnected, leaving Kang Lifeng dumbfounded.

"Xiao Feng, I heard that you paid 500 million dollars to the other party? You really have you, it's almost enough." Bai Yaqing hung up the phone and did not put it away. Instead, he edited a message and sent it to Tang Feng. Walked to the meeting room.

It took about 5 minutes before Kang Lifeng came to his senses and shook his head, "Mad men, they are all a bunch of crazy men." Then he walked to the conference room.

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