Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 209 Whistleblower

Chapter 209

For Tang Feng's approach, Chen Yuhua can only smile helplessly in his heart. She wanted to help him, but was helpless by his willfulness. As for the bond Tang Feng said, she didn't know what was going on, and she had never considered it.

Zheng Zihe looked at Tang Feng a little unwillingly. He still wanted to fight for it. He looked at Chen Yuhua, "Miss Chen, I think your conditions are too harsh. I am afraid that financing will not be able to be reached at all. I think it is expensive. The company will not last long."

Chen Yuhua looked a little ugly after hearing Zheng Zihe's words. She looked at Tang Feng and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything. She looked at Zheng Zihe again, "Mr. Zheng, let's get here first today. Why don't we have another day? Talk about it again."

Zheng Zihe seemed to understand what she meant, and nodded, "In that case, let's talk another day!" Then Zheng Zihe murmured a few words in Andrew and Alice's ears, and the three left together. Before leaving, Alice Si also took a look at Tang Feng, making Tang Feng a little confused. What does she mean, is she going to use beauty tricks?

"Manager Kang, Manager Yang, let's go ahead. I have something I want to talk to Director Tang." After Zheng Zihe and the three of them left, Chen Yuhua's face immediately became cold, and he directly issued an order to remove the guest.

"Sister Yuhua, I know what you want to say. If you want to talk about financing, I think it's fine. I will have my own plans." After Kang Lifeng and Yang Chunxiu left, Tang Feng immediately smiled at Chen Yuhua.

"Tang Feng, I don’t want to ask too much about your thoughts, but financing is not a child’s play. Once the financing fails, you know how much loss it will bring to the company, and if today’s things go out, how dare that company dare to cooperate Cooperation? You are too arrogant."

"Sister Yuhua, forget it, one day you will understand." Tang Feng was a little tired, and he didn't want to explain too much.

Chen Yuhua looked at Tang Feng's expression that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. He was deceived and almost went crazy, and finally held back, "Okay, anyway, financing is your business, and I don't care." After that, he stepped on high heels and left.

Tang Feng then remembered that he had received a text message during the negotiation. When he turned on the phone, he found that it was Bai Yaqing's message. There was a faint smile on his face, but his face was not very good after he clicked on it.

"Xiaofeng, I heard that you gave 500 million dollars to the other party? It's really you, it's almost enough." This is obviously someone who informs you, think about it, only Kang Lifeng went out in the process, and you don't need to think about it. .(Read more @

"Kang Lifeng, right? It seems that I won't trouble you. You're here to trouble me first, very good, very good." Tang Feng muttered to himself and left the meeting room.

"Snee!" Kang Lifeng was sitting in the office thinking about where to go next. Suddenly it was a sneeze, as if someone was cursing him behind his back. How did he know that Tang Feng hated him a long time ago? It seems that there will be no good in the future. The fruit was eaten, and it didn't take long for Tang Feng to come in, "Manager Kang, what do you think about the cooperation talks today?"

Kang Lifeng didn’t know what Tang Feng meant, but he said seriously: “As a company’s benefit, I think Director Tang has done a good job. As a bystander, I think our company’s requirements are somewhat harsh."

Kang Lifeng spoke very smoothly. If it weren't for this person's arrogance, Tang Feng would think he is a good talent. From the attitude to see the character, Tang Feng will not use such a person, even if you are talented, he will not consider it if the character is not good.

"If this financing is left to you, can you take it down?" Tang Feng changed his usual attitude and unexpectedly smiled at Kang Lifeng.

Kang Lifeng was really flattered when he heard Tang Feng's words, and was blinded at the time, "What? Give it to me?"

"Yes. You also know that I don't have enough time, and I can't fully follow up on this matter. Director Chen may also be at the headquarters after a while." This is a signal, a signal that makes Kang Lifeng ecstatic.

"If this matter is handed over to me, there will be no problem, and I promise to complete the task." Kang Lifeng couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

Tang Feng looked at Kang Lifeng's smile and he smiled, "Laugh, you will cry sooner or later."

Kang Lifeng thought there was a pie in the sky. Who knew it was a sharp knife, Tang Feng had already dug a hole and waited for him. The laughter of the two people happened to be heard by Yang Chunxiu who passed by the door, and he stood there for a while, "What the hell is this?"

"Manager Kang, don't worry, I will ask the headquarters soon, and you will receive the commission from the headquarters soon." Tang Feng said and patted Kang Lifeng on the shoulder.

"Thank you for the promotion, Director Tang. I don't know if I have time tonight. I will treat you and let us have a good meal."

"Good or good, it's just Director Chen, I think..."

"Whatever you are afraid of, just bring her. I know you have always been interesting to her. We will drink more tonight. Then you will..." Kang Lifeng said with a lewd smile.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, then let Manager Kang spend more money, once the financing is successful, it will be a great credit, then the Beijing branch will be your world." The two laughed together again.

After listening to the conversation between the two people, Yang Chunxiu was frightened in a cold sweat, and hurriedly walked away. She went back to her office and felt a little uneasy. She didn't know if she should tell Chen Yuhua about this matter, and kept repeating it. Hovering in his brain, he finally walked out of his office to Chen Yuhua's temporary office.

When Chen Yuhua heard the news from Yang Chunxiu’s mouth, she was also surprised, but she soon calmed down. If Tang Feng didn’t take care of her all night last night, she would believe this statement. Regarding Tang Feng’s character There is still some trust.

"Thank you, Manager Yang, I will pay attention. You only need to do your own job well. You can't run away, and you can't fight if you aren't." After Chen Yuhua finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued. Looked at the financial statements in hand.

Yang Chunxiu was a little frustrated. She thought that Tang Feng and Kang Lifeng could be brought down through Chen Yuhua, but she didn't expect that the other party would ignore it at all. Is it true that the two of them are so... .

"Tang Feng, what on earth do you want to do?" Chen Yuhua is getting more and more unable to understand him, and the financial statement in his hand does not know when it fell on the table. It was not until Tang Feng walked into his office that he realized his gaffe .

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