Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 210 She Is An Old Woman

Chapter 210 She's An Old Woman

"Tang Feng, does Manager Kang want to invite us to dinner?" Chen Yuhua turned his head and stared at Tang Feng.

"Ah! You all know this? Did you tell your fortune today?" Tang Feng said jokingly.

"Do you want to irrigate me too much, and then..." Chen Yuhua said and blushed. He had a fever today and his cheeks were a little ruddy, but now he looks even more ruddy.

"Yeah! Who told you to look so beautiful? Who doesn't look at it? If anyone can marry you, they will laugh every day in the future." Tang Feng admitted boldly, and even squinted with his lust Squinted at Chen Yuhua.

"You..." Chen Yuhua pinched Tang Feng's inner thigh and squeezed it fiercely. It hurt so much that he jumped up. It’s not good to sit there by yourself. I have to sit on her table. Isn’t this just looking for sin? With an innocent look, he walked away pitifully.

Chen Yuhua waited for Tang Feng to walk out of his office and laughed unexpectedly, "You little pervert, there is a time when you are afraid, and you will be treated like this when you are disobedient." After finishing speaking, he closed his mouth and asked what happened. Up? How could you say such a thing.

After Tang Feng left Chen Yuhua's office, he found a computer and started playing Doudizhu again. He found that the number of online users of QQ games seemed to increase, and he kept wondering if he should do something.

"Ahee! Ahee! Ahee!" Mr. Ma, who was far away at Tencent headquarters, sneezed three times and thought, "What will happen to QQ?" At this moment, his computer screen suddenly went black. , And then a line of words appeared on the screen, "Mr. Ma, long time no see, I don't know how the little secretary in your office is like?" Then the computer returned to normal, and Mr. Ma was startled in a cold sweat.

Ma is always a technical talent, and he has some achievements in computers. Otherwise, he would not create software like QQ. It is because of this that he is a little scared. Who is the other party and what kind of person does the other party have? Ability to invade your computer silently without being discovered by yourself.

After Tang Feng exited the Super Trojan page, he looked left and right, and saw that no one had passed by before playing Dou Dizhu again.

Since Tang Feng wrote the super Trojan horse, he has recorded the information of all computers that have been involved in the Trojan horse virus, and has left a backdoor on each computer. This backdoor is set up very cleverly, and most people can't find it at all, even Mr. Ma. None of the technical talents have been discovered, let alone other people.(Read more @

Tang Feng thought of Mr. Ma from the QQ game. Thinking of this billionaire tycoon in later generations, he wanted to molest him, so he looked around and saw that there were no other people at all, so he secretly opened the super Trojan link. Entered Mr. Ma's computer through the back door he left behind. The information Mr. Ma saw on the computer screen was exactly what Tang Feng left behind.

President Ma was surprised at first, but soon calmed down. The first thing was to think of the super Trojan horse virus maker. When thinking of the super Trojan horse virus, he thought of YY. When thinking of YY, he thought of the person standing behind Tang Feng. I was frightened in a cold sweat. Since he can hack into the company's computer, he can hack into the computer at home. If he lets his wife see such words, then he...the horse always wants to get scared.

I was afraid, but I was not idle. Numerous codes were knocked out of my hands. After half an hour, I finally found the back door left by Tang Feng, which was a sigh of relief. After the back door was repaired by Mr. Ma, he forgot to turn off the computer and ran towards the house.

"Old Ma, why come back so early today?" Mr. Ma's wife had just returned from shopping for food, and before she closed the door, she saw Mr. Ma rushing upstairs.

"One of the company's files is stored on the computer at home, and I got it back." Mr. Ma casually told a lie, and then went straight to the computer. Moreover, Mrs. Ma ignored it and went straight to the kitchen.

Seeing his wife’s back disappeared in front of him, Mr. Ma quickly turned on the computer and knocked out countless codes from his hands. He found the same back door and quickly repaired it. After the repair, he looked to the kitchen, "Wife There is something in the company today. I will come back later, so I don’t have to wait for me.” After Mr. Ma finished speaking, he hurriedly left.

"Oh! Work, work, you know when you are a head. Since you established Tencent, you have never cared about me." Madam Ma kept complaining at the entrance of the corridor looking at the disappearing back.

"Hey! Xiaoli? You will come back early, and I will wait for you at home." He Xiaoli was drawing her eyebrows in her small office, and she received a call from Mr. Ma, and she answered happily at the time.

"Mr. Ma, you haven't cared about people for a long time. I recently saw a necklace. I don't know when I can buy it?" He Xiaoli whispered to the phone.

"Well, I'll buy it for you when I get the chance. You come back now."

"Thank you, Mr. Ma." He Xiaoli said and kissed on the phone before she hung up, "I see you remember, it's not because of the old lady's body, but it's not bad, she got another necklace. As He Xiaoli said, she stepped on her high heels and walked downstairs.

"Mr. Ma, people miss you, so I won't come to see them." He Xiaoli, who returned home, saw Mr. Ma sitting on the sofa screaming and threw directly into his arms.

"Xiaoli, no one sees you when you come back, right?" President Ma didn't move because of He Xiaoli's hug, but asked solemnly.

"Mr. Ma, look at what you said, every time you are suspicious, if you don't tell, I don't tell, who will know?" He Xiaoli snorted slightly unhappy.

"Xiaoli, listen to me, we'd better be careful, I'm afraid..."

"What's so scary? You are so afraid of your old and ugly wife. The big deal is a divorce. Then I will marry you."

"Xiaoli, you are not allowed to say that she, she at least came here with me, you don't have to think about this." President Ma was also a little unhappy, and pushed He Xiaoli away from him.

"She shares the joys and sorrows of you, what are you and me? Miscellaneous, lover? I gave you my best youth, what did you give me? Even every time you buy something, you push three and four, how are you? Have you ever loved me?"

"Xiaoli, please don't make trouble, OK? Our affairs have been discovered by others. Recently, we'd better not contact each other. I will buy you the necklace you want in a few days." Mr. Ma cried again at this. The woman who is making trouble again has no good way, so she has to coax.

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