Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 215 Send You Home

Chapter 215

Tang Feng did not drink, nor did he drink. Seeing Leng Yuhan's red face, he still couldn't bear it, so he gulped down.

"Tang Feng, am I counted as your sister?" Chen Yuhua's alcohol volume is a little better than Leng Yuhan, but he had already drunk half a cup before, and now it is no better than Leng Yuhan. Seeing Leng Yuhan in Tang Feng Fighting for favor there made her feel uncomfortable.

Tang Feng has just drunk a big cup, his stomach is hot, like a fire, of course he will not agree to Chen Yuhua's request, "Sister Yuhua, you were my sister at the time, okay?"

"Tang Feng, why don't you drink it for her? It's unfair, no, you have to drink it." Chen Yuhua said and put the wine glass that Tang Feng opened in front of his mouth.

Tang Feng thought, "She is my woman, you can count as my sister at best, can you be the same?" Pushing Chen Yuhua's wine glass aside again, "Sister Yuhua, don't make trouble, you drank too much, or we Go back?" Tang Feng really didn't want to stay anymore, and he regretted bringing two women here.

"Tang Feng, you are worthy of doing this..."

"I drink, can't I drink it? But is this the last one?" Tang Feng didn't expect Chen Yuhua to mention Bai Yaqing, but he was big at the time. Fortunately, Leng Yuhan was a little confused and didn't notice what Chen Yuhua was talking about.

Chen Yuhua shook his head and nodded, "Don't stop drinking for her." Tang Feng saw Chen Yuhua agree, and drank the wine again. After drinking, he felt dizzy. Knowing that I drank too much, I wanted to leave as soon as I was still awake.

"Sister Yuhua, shall we go?" The reason why Tang Feng is not called Leng Yuhan is because he knows that Zheng Zihe must be waiting in a corner outside. I am afraid that he can't insist on sending her home. Instead of that, let Zheng Zihe Send her back, so it's safer.

Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua just stood up, Leng Yuhan grabbed Tang Feng's arm, "Don't go, I still want to drink."

Kang Lifeng didn't know what to do while sitting there, so he secretly took out his mobile phone and edited a short message, telling Zheng Zihe that he was drinking too much.(Read more @

Zheng Zihe was waiting in the lobby on the first floor. He said he was drinking, but he kept his eyes on the corridor entrance. After receiving Kang Lifeng's message, he rushed upstairs immediately.

"Sister Yu Han, don't make trouble, you drank too much, or let's take you back first?" Tang Feng turned his head and glanced at Chen Yuhua, and saw that she was more awake than herself, and could only trouble her at that time. Besides, Zheng Zihe must be an outsider. He is somewhat uneasy. In case he plots a bad idea and the two have a relationship that shouldn't happen, then he will regret it.

Neither Chen Yuhua nor Leng Yuhan had any surprising objections to going home. The three of them helped each other and walked outside. They just met Zheng Zihe who was upstairs, "Yu Han, how can you drink?" Zheng Zihe said. To help Leng Yuhan.

"You go away, I didn't drink too much, and you don't need your help." Leng Yuhan pushed away Zheng Zihe who was supporting her. It may be that the force was too strong and the reaction force fell directly into Tang Feng's arms. Zheng Zihe's expression changed at that time, but it was a treatment that was embraced by others, even for himself. She was lying in the arms of other men now, and a tyrannical air rose from her heart, but she was soon suppressed by him.

"Yu Han, if you drink too much, let me take you home?" Zheng Zihe went to pull Leng Yuhan's arm again, trying to pull her out of Tang Feng's arms.

"Go away, go away, I want to go home, Tang Feng will send me home." Leng Yuhan pushed Zheng Zihe's hand away as he said. But she didn't have as much strength as Zheng Zihe, and she didn't get rid of it after several consecutive swings.

"Get away!" Tang Feng kicked Zheng Zihe, but he drank a little too high, and the speed of getting out of his legs became much slower. Zheng Zihe reacted very quickly, so he avoided him at once, and then let go. Leng Yuhan's hands.

What surprised Zheng Zihe was that Tang Feng would actually do it. He certainly couldn't return. Now that several people have gathered to watch the fun, he wants to continue to pull Leng Yuhan, but he is afraid that things will get worse, and finally treat himself The influence of is not good, if it reaches Miss Alice's ears, it will be bad, and I can only watch the three people walk downstairs swayingly.

Tang Feng, Chen Yuhua, and Leng Yuhan were in front, and Zheng Zihe followed behind. The four kept a few meters away. Until they walked out of the world, Zheng Zihe took a few steps to catch up, "Yu Han, let me Shall I send you back?"

"Go home, go home..." Leng Yuhan was already a little confused at this time, and couldn't tell who was who at all.

"Get out of the way, or I will be rude to you." Tang Feng shook his head and tried to clear himself up.

Originally, Chen Yuhua had a pretty good impression of Zheng Zihe, but after this incident, it changed completely. Leng Yuhan is your own girlfriend who actually let a stranger take away from you. Where is your responsibility? No wonder Leng Yuhan would not forgive him for leaving without saying goodbye for three years, if he would not forgive such a man.

"Mr. Zheng, you'd better go back, we will send her home safely." Chen Yuhua is the most sober of the three. Originally, she still had some opinions about Leng Yuhan, but now she feels a bit pitiful when she sees her like this. Today's strange behavior doesn't feel strange anymore.

Zheng Zihe was more at ease with Chen Yuhua, but he was still a little worried about Tang Feng. The phone rang as soon as he was about to say something. He frowned when he picked it up. He didn't answer it, but turned the phone to The vibration.

The vibration of the mobile phone disappeared, but it shook again soon. At this time, Tang Feng had already called a taxi and was about to get in the car, "Master, go away."

The taxi driver frowned when he looked at the three drunk people. Tang Feng also noticed, "Master, don't worry, money is not a problem." Tang Feng said that he took out 100 yuan from his pocket and stuffed it in and rented it out. The driver of the car opened the door.

Everyone who has ever been in a taxi should know that some taxi drivers are not willing to pull drunk guests. Once they vomit, it is difficult to clean the car, so they don’t need to pull other people for a day. There are also some drunk people who fell asleep in the car and didn’t know where to go, which caused great annoyance to the taxi driver. What's more, they made troubles through alcohol, which caused the taxi to see the drunk. People just hide away.

"Hello, dear. Is there anything I can do for you at this late hour?" The phone shook Zheng Zihe again or picked up the phone. Alice called him and asked him where he was. Zheng Zihe casually made up a lie. I'll go back after spending a while with my classmates...

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