Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 216 Horrified Morning

Chapter 216

When Zheng Zihe hung up the phone, Tang Feng's taxi had disappeared in front of his eyes. He clenched his fist, hired a taxi and left.

"Sister Yu Han, where did I send you? Sister Yu Han, Sister Yu Han..."

"Back, go home, home, back..." Leng Yuhan mumbled and didn't know what she was talking about.

"Sir, where are you going?" This is the fourth time the taxi driver has asked Tang Feng.

Tang Feng called Leng Yuhan several times again, still the same, and finally had no choice but to take her back to his rental house.

"Sister Yuhua, I have worked hard for you today." Tang Feng assisted Leng Yuhan and entered the bedroom, let her lie flat on the bed, then took off her shoes, and was about to leave.

"Don't go, don't leave me..." Tang Feng's body, which was about to stand up, was grabbed by Leng Yuhan unexpectedly and pulled directly onto the bed. After finding a comfortable posture, he arched into Tang Feng's arms, and kept muttering in his mouth.

"She drank too much." Tang Feng smiled awkwardly at Chen Yuhua.

"You take care of her first, I'll take a shower." Chen Yuhua walked outside after speaking. Tang Feng didn't stop him from saying anything else, and could only push away Leng Yuhan in his arms.

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight entered the room through the window, and the bodies of the three Chiguoguo on the bed were intertwined. "Ah!!!" A scream broke the calm in the bedroom. "Ah!!!" Then there was another scream, completely overturning the entire bedroom. "You, us?"

When Chen Yuhua opened her eyes in a daze, she felt something pressing on her body. When she saw it clearly, she immediately screamed. It was a thigh, and a snow-white thigh was pressing on her thigh. .(Read more @

After screaming, Chen Yuhua tried his best to calm herself down. He checked his body first and found that there was nothing unusual. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly grabbed the quilt on the side and put it on his body. Like Chen Yuhua, there is Leng Yuhan. She almost went to catch the quilt at the same time as Chen Yuhua, but Chen Yuhua was half a second closer to her, and her hands fell through.

"You don't want to go out soon." Leng Yuhan kicked Tang Feng's ass and kicked him out of the bed. Before he realized what was going on, he ran outside, and at the same time Leng Yuhan also pulled from Chen Yuhua's body. The corner of the quilt covered himself.

After Tang Feng ran to the living room, his heart was "pounding" non-stop, this picture was too exciting. It took about 5 minutes to calm down slowly, trying to remember what happened, but after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn’t remember it. I just remembered that I seemed to have drunk too much, and then I heard sister Yuhua say to take a bath. I don’t know about the matter, and then I heard two screams, and then a piece of white blossoms, and in the end I was kicked out of bed...

Chen Yuhua was the one who was the most uneasy lying in bed. After a short rest, she was thinking about what happened last night, why she was lying in bed, why the three people... She knew better than Tang Feng, she clearly I remember that I let Tang Feng take care of Leng Yuhan for a while, and then I went to take a bath by myself, but I couldn't think of anything later.

In fact, Chen Yuhua didn’t know that it’s not suitable to take a bath after drinking. Taking a bath after drinking will speed up the consumption of glucose stored in the body, which will easily reduce blood sugar and body temperature. Alcohol can also hinder the recovery of glucose storage by the liver, which is easy to cause shock. Do not take a bath immediately afterwards in case of accidents. It is also reported that taking a bath immediately after drinking alcohol is prone to eye disease and even raises blood pressure.

Bathing causes the blood distribution to be heavier than the body surface, which affects the circulation in the body and is not conducive to the decomposition of alcohol. According to the observation and detection of pathologists, after drinking, the glucose stored in the body will be accelerated by physical activity and blood circulation during the bath When consumed in large quantities, the blood sugar content will drop drastically, leading to a rapid drop in body temperature. At the same time, alcohol inhibits the normal physiological activities of the liver, hinders the recovery of glucose storage in the body, and can cause shock in the body, which can be life-threatening in severe cases.

Chen Yuhua doesn’t know how dangerous she is. Of course, Tang Feng is not a medical student. She doesn’t know this at all. Otherwise, she will be prevented from taking a bath. If she doesn’t take a bath, it won’t happen this morning. Things are up.

It was precisely because Chen Yuhua took a bath after drinking that he accelerated his blood circulation, and finally accelerated his drunken state. Until he came out of the bathroom, he didn't know how to get out, and fell on the bed feeling dizzy. Tang Feng at this time had already fallen asleep.

Tang Feng didn’t drink a lot at the beginning. Later, Leng Yuhan and Chen Yuhua drank two large cups in succession. He drank anxious wine. It may be that the reaction was less at that time. Once the wine became more serious, he was in Chen Yuhua. During the bath, the alcohol broke out and finally fell asleep.

The only one who didn’t know what happened was Leng Yuhan. She was still immersed in the scene of drinking in her private room. She seemed to want to make herself more sober, but found that she was slimy underneath. She knew what was going on no matter how stupid she was. She didn't dare to get out of bed, she didn't dare to lift the quilt, but occasionally took a peek at Chen Yuhua, wondering if she was the same as herself and had a relationship with Tang Feng.

After being calm for a while, Chen Yuhua got up from the bed, opened the closet, and then took out a few clothes from it and began to put it on. Leng Yuhan saw that the wardrobe was all men's except for a few women's clothes. At that time, his face changed, and she began to wear clothes regardless of physical discomfort. She wanted to escape from this place, escape from this place that made her sad.

Chen Yuhua was still sharp-eyed. The moment Leng Yuhan opened the quilt, he saw the stain on the bed sheet, pointed at Leng Yuhan, "You, you..." There was no blood on his cold face.

"What's the matter with us? I just had a relationship with him, what's the matter? Tell you, this is not the first time." Leng Yuhan almost roared out of Chen Yuhua's accusation.

Tang Feng heard the quarrel between two people in the living room. He knew it was broken at that time, and ran into the bedroom quickly, "Okay, okay, don’t quarrel, okay, okay, blame me if you blame it, it’s all my fault, I wish to make it The curse is up to you."

"Tang Feng, what is your relationship with her?" Chen Yuhua pointed to Leng Yuhan with a cold face.

"Tang Feng, what is your relationship with her?" Leng Yuhan pointed at Chen Yuhua with a sharp face. She wanted to walk away alone like this. She was a victim herself, but she didn't expect that the woman opposite was still reluctant, and the strong heart made her go to the head at that time.

"You two don't quarrel, okay, both of you are my elder sister." Tang Feng's head is already big. Whenever he has encountered this situation, he doesn't know how to solve it, so he has to bite the bullet and say.

"Your elder sister? Do you have such a elder sister?" Chen Yuhua opened the quilt, and the imprint of last night... was instantly revealed on the sheets. When Leng Yuhan saw the mark on the bed sheet, her face was not very beautiful. She didn't expect Chen Yuhua to be so direct. She blushed instantly and wanted to find a place to get in.

Tang Feng saw the mark on the bed sheet and knew what happened last night. Fortunately, it wasn’t Chen Yuhua’s. Otherwise, he really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn’t wash it. He took a deep breath, “She’s my woman. You don’t have to worry about what the woman does."

Leng Yuhan was stunned, "What? Did she say that I was his woman, or was it through another woman's face?" She seemed to have heard the best love words in the world. She was really moved at the time, and her heart suddenly I was touched, "How good would it be if that man said this to me?" Thinking of this, I was a little sad, and I couldn't help crying "Uuuu". "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Originally, Chen Yuhua was still a little angry, but Leng Yuhan, who saw "Woo" crying, was also very pitiful, and his expression on her expression was much relieved. Tang Feng was right when he said that, what is he? At most, it is for Bai Yaqing to fight the injustice, but is it really for Bai Yaqing now? She herself couldn't tell.

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