Chapter 217: Two Ships

Today is the last day of China Golden Week. Tang Feng will start school tomorrow. He will completely end his work and life. Earlier this morning, he received a call from Defengjie Liang Shaoqiu, saying that Mr. Smith would like to meet him. Come to discuss things about China Entertainment.

Tang Feng looked at Chen Yuhua and Leng Yuhan who were sitting on the bedside. "Two big sisters, I still have work to deal with, you guys..."

"Tang Feng, is it Mr. Smith's call?" Chen Yuhua was the calmest, as if nothing had happened.

Tang Feng nodded, "Yes, he invited me to meet, maybe it was communicated with the board of directors." Tang Feng said directly without concealing it.

After a brief quarrel and conversation, Leng Yuhan also knew that Chen Yuhua and Tang Feng were not boyfriends and girlfriends, especially the quilt on the sofa had shown that the two were sleeping separately. She felt happy in her heart, and then a little confused.

She doesn't know how to deal with Tang Feng's relationship. If the first time was an accident, what about the second time? Although it was an accident, it was caused by oneself. She originally forgave Zheng Zihe last night, but at this moment Tang Feng appeared, and her heart was upset.

The best solution for a distraught woman is to drink alcohol and forget her troubles. She did it. Now she woke up even more distraught. She can no longer forgive herself, and once again buried her feelings for Zheng Zihe in the bottom of the valley. Will you still want me after knowing this? I'm already an imperfect woman, will he still love me? He will still spoil me like before..." She didn't dare to think about it anymore. , She began to feel a little scared.

Looking at the conversation between Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua, she was a little bit sad, feeling a little uncomfortable, "Am I jealous?" She once again frightened her thoughts. "No, no, I love Zihe." But he was a little guilty in his words, and he was no longer so sure.

"Sister Yu Han, should I send you back?" Tang Feng helped Leng Yuhan's shoulders with both hands, squatted down, and kissed her forehead gently. Leng Yuhan didn’t dodge, looking at Tang Feng stupidly, his grievance arose spontaneously, and he could no longer control his emotions, “Why, why did I meet you, why? Why do you treat me so well , Why? Why don't you leave me on the street and let me fend for myself, so I won't be so troubled."(Read more @

If it weren’t Tang Feng that night, if Leng Yuhan’s character were insulted by countless people, she would definitely choose to commit suicide. In theory, Tang Feng saved her, but it happened to occupy her body again. She originally wanted to remember this Erase it, but the two met again, and Tang Feng walked into her life again.

When Leng Yuhan was most confused, a Zheng Zihe who had been in love for many years appeared. This was a turning point, a turning point that could forget Tang Feng. However, Tang Feng appeared again at this time, completely disrupting her peace until today. The two had a relationship again, which was really good fortune.

"Go ahead, I want to stay alone for a while." What surprised Tang Feng was that Leng Yuhan actually wanted to stay, which made him happy. He held her shoulders and kissed directly...

"Tang Feng, would you please respect me?" Leng Yuhan pushed Tang Feng away, his face was not very good. She stayed because she knew that Zheng Zihe must be looking for her everywhere. Now that she hasn't figured out how to face Zheng Zihe, she might as well hide here.

Leng Yuhan didn't know that it was Zheng Zihe who just got up from the woman's bed, and just got up from Alice's bed. Alice is very beautiful, neither her figure nor her face is inferior to Leng Yuhan, but Zheng Zihe doesn't love her at all. He just uses Alice. He has lofty revenge and ideals. To achieve his goals, he must rely on this one in front of him. woman.

There is a big difference between white women and yellow women. White people are taller and taller than yellow people. The same aspect... is not comparable to yellow people. Zheng Zihe was originally a weak scholar. , He couldn't satisfy Alice at all, every time two people...he had to take drugs and showed a state of excitement.

Chen Yuhua watched Tang Feng feel a little bit sad about Leng Yuhan’s behavior. This is what she has never felt before, "Is this just jealous?" Tang Feng was originally just a second-generation ancestor who did nothing, but he had been in contact with him for a long time. She slowly discovered that it was not what she thought, even if she was reluctant to accept it sometimes.

From the first day of interviewing her, Chen Yuhua discovered that this little boy was not easy, and I blamed him for finding it too late. If Tang Feng was really a second-generation ancestor, would Bai Yaqing like him? Who is Bai Yaqing? Chen Yuhua sighed.

Along the way, YY continues to grow, and there is Tang Feng's figure. Even if YY's life and death is the key to "financing", Bai Yaqing is also very relieved to let him handle it. Sometimes he seems to be unreasonable to make trouble, why not for the company Striving for benefits, sometimes he doesn't know how to solve it at all, but he is confident.

Today I almost lost myself to him. It is a kind of rejoice and a kind of sorrow. It is only now that she found that Tang Feng planted a seed in her heart, slowly germinating, growing, blooming, and bearing fruit...

"Tang Feng, let me accompany you?" Chen Yuhua has always followed up on China Entertainment. That is, she personally drafted and revised the contract, and finally handed it over to Tang Feng for review.

Tang Feng nodded. He really needed Chen Yuhua's help. He didn't expect that she didn't care about what happened last night, and said apologetically: "Thank you Yuhua sister."

She was a little disappointed in thanking Tang Feng. Such a good man does not belong to her. Once the budding of love begins to happen, it will be out of control. If the two people don’t happen last night, maybe the two people will not have any intersection. , Is just a seed, it will not germinate at all.

Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua left. Before they left, the two women did not say a word, they both assumed that the other did not exist, and each was hostile. Tang Feng could feel that if he was not there, the two women I don't know what will happen.

"Tang Feng, how do you plan to deal with Leng Yuhan?" Chen Yuhua asked as soon as the two people got into the taxi.

"She is my woman." Tang Feng only said a word and stopped talking.

"You, you, you... well, she is your woman, so what about President Bai? Are you worthy of President Bai?" Chen Yuhua was so angry that he didn't know what to do, and he wanted to bite him unless he was in a taxi.

"She is also my woman, and no one can replace her in my heart."

"You, you, you, do you want to step on two boats?" She was even more angry about Tang Feng's attitude, and also a little bit sad, so what was she? Especially when Tang Feng said that Bai Yaqing's position in his heart could not be replaced by anyone, and her heart seemed to be blocked.

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