Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 219 Push Each Other

Chapter 219

Tang Feng was originally just a joke and didn't take it to heart at all, but Chen Yuhua didn't think so. She was originally a very conservative woman, even more conservative than Leng Yuhan. The first time she held hands, it was Tang Feng. It was Tang Feng holding two women's hands, one was her and the other was Leng Yuhan.

The first time I was seen by a man, this person was Tang Feng, her heart was touched for the first time, Tang Feng was still Tang Feng, and she had lost too many firsts in the past few days. If Tang Feng had no other women, she would really consider...

When Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua returned to the rental house, Leng Yuhan had already got up, washed the sheets and his own clothes, and was now sitting on the sofa watching TV in a big Tang Feng pants and shirt.

"I'm back." Tang Feng didn't show any boredom or joy when he came back, as if nothing had happened.

After thinking about it all morning, Leng Yuhan decided to leave Tang Feng. She felt that the combination of the two of them was a mistake. Not to mention the conditions of the two people, but the age of the two people, not a level at all. In terms of conditions, although Tang Feng is very good, it is not enough to make her tempted. Even if she agrees, she will not be able to pass her father's level. She may enter Zheng Zihe's path again, or even worse.

She doesn’t want Tang Feng to be bad, she hopes Tang Feng to be happy. She can see that Chen Yuhua has a good opinion of him. Rather than bringing them together like that, she still plans to think about it. If he doesn’t mind, both Individuals can be together, and if she minds, she can only bear it alone.

Tang Feng was a little surprised at Leng Yuhan’s calmness. He nodded, "Sister Yu Han, are you hungry? Would you like me to buy it for you?" Tang Feng originally wanted to go out to eat together, but looked at Leng Yuhan’s clothes. He knew it was inconvenient.

"No, I'm not hungry. Go and eat. I will leave when the clothes are dry."

"How can you not eat? I didn't eat last night, and I didn't eat this morning. What if I didn't eat at noon? You see you are hungry and thin. If this continues, I will feel distressed." Tang Feng sat Leng Yu By Han's side, a hand was placed on her shoulder, and she gently blew into Leng Yuhan's ear. Her face turned red at the time.

"Go ahead, your woman will be angry if you don't leave." Leng Yuhan glanced at Chen Yuhua who was standing on the side. Chen Yuhua neither opposed nor agreed. This surprised Tang Feng a little, and he couldn't help but glance at her.

"What nonsense, she is just my elder sister, you are my woman, how can she push her man outside, wait at home, and wait for me to buy it back for you." Tang Feng said coldly. Han stole a kiss on the forehead and ran away.(Read more @

"Do you like him?" Leng Yuhan asked Chen Yuhua, who was sitting across from him, looking at Tang Feng who disappeared.

"What about you?" Chen Yuhua did not answer but asked back.

"It's impossible for us, I only regard him as a younger brother." Leng Yuhan thought for a while and said frankly.

"Then do you think it is possible for us? I just regarded him as a younger brother." Chen Yuhua said lightly. On the surface, she couldn't see any fluctuations in her expression, and Leng Yuhan couldn't see what she was thinking at all.

"Really? I think you care about him." Leng Yuhan stared straight at Chen Yuhua, hoping to see something, but she was disappointed, and Chen Yuhua remained unmoved.

"Really? I think you care about him very much, and last night you two..." Chen Yuhua said and stopped here, hoping to find something in Leng Yuhan's body. Sure enough, Leng Yuhan was hearing what Chen Yuhua said. Her face changed. This was the scar that she was most reluctant to mention, but it was torn apart again and again.

"It was just an accident, and I already have a boyfriend." Leng Yuhan said calmly for a while.

"You are talking about Zheng Zihe? I don't like that person very much. I always feel that he has an evil spirit. I hope you can stay away from him."

She was a little surprised by what Chen Yuhua said. Leng Yuhan thought that she would let the two people reconcile, and then she could monopolize Tang Feng, but what she got was completely the opposite. She was really uncomfortable, and sighed, "Zihe is quite good. Okay, maybe you don't know him well, and you have some prejudices." Leng Yuhan's impression of Zheng Zihe still stayed three years ago.

"People will always change. If he is so good, he will not leave you at the beginning, and... Do you know him now? Do you know how he came over the past three years? What did he do, Why not contact you?"

Chen Yuhua wanted to tell Leng Yuhan about Alice, but when she reached her lips, she swallowed it back. She was just a guess, and there was no real evidence at all. What if someone was wronged?

"Yeah! Maybe what you said is right. But we must have loved each other, how can we say that the past is over? Maybe he has his own difficulties!" Leng Yuhan sighed again. Recently, she was too tired. Her heart can hardly beat.

"In fact, Tang Feng likes you very much, and sometimes I am very envious. Do you know that he refused to cooperate with Sequoia for you. This will cause great losses to the company. He still did this." Originally, Chen Yuhua I have been very calm, but when I said this, my heart was a little fluctuating, "It would be nice if he could treat me so well."

"Thank you for telling me this. If you don't tell me, I will still be kept in the dark, but you can rest assured that I will compensate him."

"Compensation, how to compensate? Are you going to tell Tang Feng to let him cooperate with Zheng Zihe? It is impossible at all. I opposed it at the beginning and it was useless."

"No, he told me that he was going to issue bonds, and I can only help him with this." Leng Yuhan has been thinking about the bond issuance mentioned by Tang Feng. It was not until today that Chen Yuhua told her the truth that she decided to take the plunge. Give it a try, it's a big deal, she will pay back the money in the future, not to mention that the possibility is almost zero.

"Is the bond issue mentioned by Tang Feng true?" Chen Yuhua didn't know the actual situation, she just heard Tang Feng say it casually.

"He didn't tell you?" Leng Yuhan asked rhetorically.

"No, he just mentioned it to me once, and I didn't care about it at the time." Chen Yuhua shook his head.

"Actually, there is nothing. I am a bank's deputy governor. He wants to use me as a bridge to issue bonds to the outside world through the banking system..." Leng Yuhan told the story about what happened. Chen Yuhua heard it all. She is amazing, this is okay, she is really unheard of, if everyone is like this, the financial market will be messed up.

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