Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 220 Call From The Little Witch

220 The Little Witch's Call

About half an hour later, Tang Feng came back with large and small bags of food. Surprisingly, the two women were very calm.

In the dining room, the two women didn't say anything, and Tang Feng didn't dare to ask. However, both men and women are hungry from the perspective of eating.

"Tang Feng, I have already thought about the bond issuance you mentioned. I will communicate with the leaders when I go back to see if I can come up with a feasible plan." After the meal, Chen Yuhua took the initiative to clean up the table and leave it to Leng Yuhan and Tang Feng have enough time.

"Sister Yu Han, can you trust me?" Tang Feng looked at Leng Yuhan eagerly. Leng Yuhan nodded, and then he continued: "You obviously can digest it internally. This is also a kind of welfare! This money is for me. It is guaranteed that the capital and profits will be returned in three years."

"Tang Feng, I know your ability. Sister Yuhua told me about it, but I can't do this alone. I will go to work tomorrow. I will discuss it with the leader." Leng Yuhan is very serious. Said.

Tang Feng didn't expect Leng Yuhan to call Chen Yuhua his sister. He didn't know what happened in the past half an hour. He wanted to ask, but the last thought was forgotten. Even if he asked him, it would be a question of nothing, but he did. On the bright side.

Nowadays, the financing is finally getting better, and China Entertainment is about to be established soon. It is a double happiness, and I am in a good mood. I actually walked to the kitchen, "Sister Yuhua, what did you say to her?" Tang Feng put a hand on the shoulder of Chen Yuhua who was washing the dishes. Chen Yuhua frowned and glared at him.

If Tang Feng didn't dare to do anything with Chen Yuhua before, now as the relationship between the two people continues to deepen, his courage is getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing Chen Yuhua, Tang Feng didn’t speak, so he went back to the living room boringly and sat beside Leng Yuhan. At this moment, the phone vibrated suddenly. He glanced at Leng Yuhan and saw that she didn’t pay attention. , And then picked up the phone.

The call came from Dewey, and it may have been back to the capital. Tang Feng didn't shy away from picking it up, "Weizi, are you back?" Tang Feng asked directly after the call was connected.

"Not yet, it's still on the train. I brought some souvenirs from home. Would you like to get together at night?" Dewey's hearty laughter came across.

Tang Feng thought for a while, then took a look at Leng Yuhan, and then said, "Let's take a look, I will go when I have time. We will be in touch when the time comes, but I need to save some local products."

The two people chatted tepidly and then hung up the phone. Leng Yuhan looked at Tang Feng curiously, "Are you still a student?"

"Yes, this year is just a freshman, and school will start tomorrow." Tang Feng nodded.

Leng Yuhan became even more curious when she heard Tang Feng say that. She heard from Chen Yuhua that he was not only the director of, but also the director of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Chen Yuhua's supervisor in his position. What is even more surprising is that his empty glove White Wolf actually made DFJ invest 50 million US dollars to open an entertainment company for him. She was shocked at the time, and now he admits from his mouth that he is just a student. Kind of shock.(Read more @


"I want to see how your head grows." Leng Yuhan began to torture Tang Feng out of curiosity. He squeezed here and there for a while, and his mouth was squeezed out countless. Shape, the original airplane head has also become a rooster head.

"Why do you envy your brother? Just kiss me and I'll tell you."

"Oh!" Tang Feng was kicked off the sofa by Leng Yuhan as soon as he finished speaking.

"If you're talking nonsense, I'll interrupt your third leg." Just as Leng Yuhan finished speaking, Tang Feng got up from the ground in fright, protecting his artifact with one hand, his eyes staring in horror. she was.

"Why are you afraid? Just be honest." Leng Yuhan raised his small fist and began to demonstrate to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng discovered that the dignified-looking Leng Yuhan turned out to be a witch, why didn't he find out earlier?

Leng Yuhan was originally a clever and weird eldest lady. She was always naughty since she was a child. She turned the family around until she grew up. She didn’t converge a bit until she grew up, but she still couldn’t hide her girl’s heart. Now she can treat Tang Feng. It is said that it is true feelings, and has never shown this side when facing Zheng Zihe.

"Buzzing..." Tang Feng didn't put the phone away after answering the call, but put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and then it started to vibrate again.

"Little witch?" Tang Feng was about to get the mobile phone, but found that someone had a faster hand than him, and was directly taken by Leng Yuhan.

Tang Feng's head became loud as soon as Leng Yuhan read out the little witch's name. This was his remark to Ye Tianxue. What did she call herself at this time? Wouldn't you let yourself pick her up?

Just when Tang Feng was thinking about it, Leng Yuhan pressed the switch and turned on the hands-free, only to hear a cold female voice from the opposite side, "I'm downstairs in your house, come downstairs." Pick me up." After speaking, the phone hung up.

Tang Feng was big at the time, what's the situation? Now there are two, just calmed down, and another one, wouldn’t it shake the sky?

"Your girlfriend?" Leng Yuhan's face is not very good, although she does not plan to fight Tang Feng, two of them must have had it before, and they are somewhat jealous.

"No, classmate, my college classmate." Tang Feng said with some guilty conscience.

"Really? A college classmate will come to your residence to find you? Or a woman?"

"Sister Yu Han, wait for me, I'll be back soon." Tang Feng now wants to escape this place as soon as possible, and he has escaped outside the door before Leng Yuhan gets into trouble again.

"Tianxue, what are you?" Tang Feng just ran downstairs and saw Ye Tianxue's big and small bags, with a big trolley box behind him.

"The rent has expired, so I can only come here to borrow." Ye Tianxue said lukewarm.

"Miss, don't make trouble, okay, I'm a big man, it doesn't seem convenient for you to come to me?" Tang Feng now most wants to invite Ye Tianxue away.

"I don't mind a woman, what do you do with a man's mother-in-law? I just ask you, let me go up?"

"No." Tang Feng shook his head into a rattle. If this eldest lady lives here, she won't have a good day of her own in the future.

"I'll ask you again, will you let me?" Ye Tianxue glared at Tang Feng angrily.

"No." Tang Feng denied.

"Okay, this is what you said, don't regret it." Ye Tianxue threatened Tang Feng.

"No, no." Tang Feng is still unmoved, and he won't go to class after a big deal, so he won't meet this eldest lady.

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