Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 222 Draw Up A Contract

Chapter 222

Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua left, leaving only Ye Tianxue in the rental house. Before leaving, Tang Feng gave her the key and asked her to match one by herself, and return it to him after returning.

Soon after Tang Feng left, Ye Tianxue started a big check. Looking at the sheets hanging on the balcony, her eyes gurgled. She didn’t know what she was thinking, and then went around the room several times. Finally, Put his belongings on the bed, and now the only bed is occupied by her again.

"Tang Feng, your classmate seems to be interested in you?" Chen Yuhua actually joked with Tang Feng in the taxi. It seems that the relationship between the two has drawn a lot recently.

"Interested? Sister Yuhua, don't make fun of me. Just the eldest lady, who can stand it?" Tang Feng showed a wry smile very innocently.

"Really? Why don't I think so, you are in the blessing and not knowing the blessings, such a beautiful girl can't help but come to you elsewhere, don't you..."

"Sister Yuhua, just let me go!" Tang Feng interrupted Chen Yuhua directly.

"Isn't what I said is the truth?" Chen Yuhua was delighted to see Tang Feng eating Karma.

"Sister Yuhua, I can't help it. Do you really think she came to live with me? She is here to take revenge. I don't know where to offend her. I will trouble me every day." Tang Feng didn't dare. Tell Chen Yuhua what happened at the entrance of the cafeteria that day.

The taxi was very fast and arrived at the Beijing branch in a while. Chen Yuhua laughed a lot on the way, and Tang Feng also told her about Ye Tianxue.

Chen Yuhua is very relieved of Ye Tianxue. She found that Tang Feng is very mature, and she even likes women. That is the type of sister. Whether it is Bai Yaqing or Leng Yuhan, who is not a mature sister, he does not treat Ye Tianxue. Colds are also normal.

In the Beijing branch, neither Kang Lifeng nor Yang Chunxiu were there. There were only a few small employees. They may have gone out. Especially after Kang Lifeng received Bai Yaqing’s notice, he was already a little overjoyed. I don’t know where he is now. .

Tang Feng ignored Kang Lifeng because he was going to get out soon. As soon as Kang Lifeng left the Beijing branch, another one was vacated. He hadn't figured out who would replace it, whether to recruit another one or promote one from these employees.

"Director Tang, Director Chen." Xiao Yang is Kang Lifeng's assistant. After seeing Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua, he hurriedly said hello.(Read more @

"Where is your manager Kang?" Tang Feng is obliged to ask whether he is present or not.

"I'm not quite sure about this. I haven't come back after I went out at noon." Xiao Yang answered honestly.

"There is no business for you here. Go ahead and take care of you! By the way, call Consultant Li to the meeting room." After Tang Feng finished speaking, he walked towards the meeting room. Chen Yuhua nodded to Xiao Yang in a gesture. Just behind Tang Feng.

Consultant Li, formerly known as Li Liqun, is the legal counsel of the Beijing branch. He is about 40 years old. It can be said that he is the eldest brother of the Beijing branch. Colleagues like to call him Brother Li.

"Director Tang, Director Chen, are you looking for me?" As soon as Li Liqun came in, he saw Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua sitting together.

"Consultant Li, I came to you about the last contract..." Tang Feng told Li Liqun carefully about the content of the negotiation with Smith. After listening, Li Liqun nodded repeatedly, admiring Tang Feng's difficulty in his heart.

Li Liqun must be about 40 years old. He sees people very accurately. Not everyone can enter his eyes. Tang Feng brings him not only surprises, but shocks. This is 50 million U.S. dollars. But for those who are proficient in various legal monographs, this kind of contract is simply one-sided.

If Li Liqun was 20 years younger, he would also think that Tang Feng was just a piece of luck. It was because he had lived for 20 more years that he saw the essence. A director who was less than 20 years old is really as rumored. Is it the eldest of a certain family? He doesn't think so.

Chen Yuhua is a well-known workaholic in Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. She has no brilliance in front of Tang Feng, and has not shown any disrespect. Is this normal? This is not normal. In many ways, he saw that Tang Feng is not simple.

"Director Tang, this contract seems reasonable. In fact, you benefit both inside and outside. Even if the company loses money in the future, if you really can't get the money, the other party has nothing to do." Li Liqun said seriously.

Tang Feng just smiled and didn't speak, and Chen Yuhua, who was next to him, glanced at him and said, "Consultant Li, don't worry about him, this guy is rich."

"Director Chen, where do I have money? I was wronged." Chen Yuhua didn't know Tang Feng had money either, she was just a guess. She knows the company's accounting information. She knows that Tang Feng has never taken money from the company, but he spends money lavishly, and has never seen him short of money. Chen Yuhua also wondered if Bai Yaqing gave it to him, but she rejected it later. Even Bai Yaqing had to get his salary in the company.

Chen Yuhua was not all right when it came to Bai Yaqing’s salary. She ran out of the house and didn’t have much money on her body. The only one million yuan was the insurance money for the car. In the end, she invested in Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. Now she is also a pauper, so she often takes money from her belongings for living.

"Have I wronged you?" Chen Yuhua's words were completely bombing Tang Feng. Tang Feng believed that it was true. He thought she knew that she had other industries.

The two people fought for a few words and then formally entered the working state. About an hour later, Li Liqun walked in with a newly drawn contract. "Director Tang, Director Chen, you two have a look. What needs to be changed?"

Li Liqun handed the two printed contracts to Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua respectively, and stood by himself and waited for instructions.

Tang Feng looked up at Li Liqun, "Consultant Li, sit down, don't be restrained." After Li Liqun sat down, he began to look at the contract.

The contract was agreed upon by the three people. Li Liqun just sorted it out. Tang Feng nodded while watching. After he finished reading, he found Chen Yuhua was looking at him. He nodded, and Chen Yuhua also nodded. Tang Feng said: "Counselor Li, thank you. After you go back, talk to the finance company. This month's bonus has doubled, just say that I said it."

Li Liqun was very shocked after hearing this. Tang Feng was completely private. It shouldn’t have happened. He helped out for personal reasons. He didn’t expect Tang Feng to return this way. He thought about it, “Director Tang, this is not Great?"

"There is nothing good or bad, you just need to find finance as I said." Tang Feng seemed to understand what Li Liqun meant, and he didn't want to explain more, he just wanted the result.

"Consultant Li, go! Director Tang has always said one thing in the company. He said that if you double the bonus, your bonus will definitely double." Chen Yuhua became more and more thinking about Tang Feng and helped him explain At once, this also more verified Li Liqun's ideas.

"Thank you Director Tang." Li Liqun was grateful from the bottom of his heart, whoever has little spare money, he is just an ordinary person.

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