Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 223 Heart-To-Heart

Chapter 223

"Don't thank me, this is what you should get, Mr. Smith will be there soon, and I will trouble you at that time." Defengjie is an international venture capital company, signing contracts in English, and Tang Feng has it now. It is only the Chinese version and must be translated into English now.

The specific content of the cooperation has been negotiated a long time ago, and now Smith is just coming here for business, and he gave Tang Feng a big hug as soon as they met.

"Happy cooperation!" The two separated after only a moment of contact, and Smith said with that crappy ordinary number.

"Happy cooperation! Mr. Smith, I will be the host tonight. We should celebrate." Tang Feng politely extended an invitation to Smith. This time Smith quickly agreed. After signing the contract, he will return to United States soon. I don’t know when we meet again next time.

This time Tang Feng did not choose any star-rated hotel, but planned to invite Smith to a food stall. This also proves that Tang Feng really likes Smith. Laying on skewers and drinking beer is also a great joy in life.

In the previous life, Tang Feng did not have any friends. He was usually alone. Every time he passed the food stalls, he was a little envious, envious of the happiness of those mediocre life, and he was just a messenger of darkness, a person who lived in the dark. people.

Since it was still early, Smith came in a hurry and never traveled to the capital. This time Tang Feng happened to be a guide and used a half-day to go to the Great Wall. If it were not too short, Tang Feng would really like to go to another one. Take a look at the scenic spots.

It was dark early in October. The sky was clouded just at 6 o'clock. The sun was setting and the last ray of sunlight disappeared. Four people walked down the Great Wall one after another.

"Tang Feng, your ancestors in China are really great. I have heard of the Great Wall in United States. It was an eye-opener to see it today." Smith was on the Great Wall, and Tang Feng also told him Many stories about the Great Wall, especially'Meng Jiangnu Cry on the Great Wall', he told the folk version. This was what his grandfather told him when he was very young, and now he moved to tell Smith again.

"Mr. Smith, there are still many interesting places in the capital. If you can stay for a few more days, I will definitely take you around the whole capital." While talking, a taxi arrived and interrupted the conversation between the two.

The planning of the capital in 2003 was still very fragmented. There were food stalls everywhere. Tang Feng did not go far. He found a place near the school and the four of them sat in the open air.(Read more @

"Tang Feng, I will return to United States tomorrow. After I arrive in United States, I will pay the money as soon as possible. I hope you can form your own team as soon as possible." Smith is a very working person. When clinking glasses with Tang Feng, I didn't forget to talk about work.

"Mr. Smith, this kind of thing is impatient, what I want is quality, not quantity. You can just wait for the money in 5 years." Tang Feng directly gushed out half of the beer in the glass. Then he said calmly.

In fact, Tang Feng had his own ideas for a long time. He planned to acquire a scout company, and then sign up those big names who are not yet popular but who will become popular in later generations.

It's easy to say, but difficult to do. Entertainment companies must be just established. These people may not buy it. The most important thing now is to grow the entertainment company. Only in this way can it attract more people.

This meal didn't last long, but the two of them were very happy. The most important thing is that Smith will catch a plane tomorrow. Similarly, Tang Feng can't drink too much. What happened yesterday must be still fresh in my memory.

Today, Chen Yuhua didn't drink, and at the same time he didn't speak much after a meal, and he would glance at Tang Feng from time to time. From this moment on, she found that she was farther and farther away from Tang Feng. She was at most a supervisor, and he really became the boss. I really don't know if the two people will have the opportunity to work together in the future.

"Tang Feng, will you still be at the company in the future?" On the way back, the two of them walked side by side on the main road instead of in a car. Chen Yuhua still asked.

"Where is my company?" Tang Feng felt that Chen Yuhua was a little inexplicable.

"Oh!" Chen Yuhua stopped talking after responding. It seems that the mood is not very good. Now that the YY funding matter has been resolved, she will go back. It can be said that we had a great time today. When she was at the Great Wall, Tang Feng took her and took a lot of photos.

Chen Yuhua is not usually a person who likes to go out too much. It can be said to be counted from a young age to travel. She was a little restrained at the beginning, but after playing, she actually took the initiative to ask Tang Feng to take pictures for him. The most meaningful thing is two. The individual asked Smith to take a group photo.

Of course, Tang Feng took the initiative to speak out, especially when she took the photo, her face turned red. Tang Feng put an arm directly on her shoulder, looking very close, just like two brothers and sisters. Like individuals, if this kind of thing had never happened before.

People can change. Chen Yuhua himself didn't realize that he was changing a little bit. He didn't become so cold. Sometimes he also learned to retreat. Maybe it all came from knowing Tang Feng.

"Sister Yuhua, in fact, I think you should be more cheerful and don't live so rigidly. Life is really short in just a few decades. Maybe you will get old in a blink of an eye. By then, it will be too late to regret. People are still alive. Try not to do things that you regret."

Tang Feng saw that Chen Yuhua’s emotions were not too high, and thought she was minding what happened this morning. In fact, she didn’t mind for a long time. It had already happened, and it was irreversible. It was better to accept the endless complaints, or It is not acceptable, she is a very smart woman, she chose the former.

"Tang Feng, sometimes I think about what's going on in your mind, and even sometimes I suspect that you are older than me. I am not so much a sister, but a younger sister."

"Really? Then listen to your screaming brother." Tang Feng laughed loudly when he finished speaking, and at the same time accelerated and walked a few steps forward.

"Tang Feng, do you want to die?" Chen Yuhua raised his hand to fight Tang Feng. Fortunately, he had a foresight.

"You see that's right, the expression is a little bit more, even an angry expression is more beautiful than a face that is cold all day long." Tang Feng said as he stood there waiting for Chen Yuhua behind.

"You are really a dog who can't spit out ivory. It's really unlucky to know you." Chen Yuhua also took a few steps, and at the same time she understood Tang Feng's intentions, and quietly put her hands down, but her mouth did not. Refusing to admit defeat, Tang Feng didn't point out, just with a faint smile on his face. 21010

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