Chapter 224

It was almost 9 pm when Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua returned to the rental house. They could only knock on the door without the key. Fortunately, Ye Tianxue did not leave, but the door opened slowly, otherwise the two of them would really go to the hotel to sleep overnight. Up.

"Going out for a drink didn't take me." Ye Tianxue wore a pink pajamas with a coat on the outside. It seemed that she had just put on it. He pouted when she heard Tang Feng's drunkenness.

"Little kid, what do you know, are we talking about work?" Tang Feng said disapprovingly.

"Who is a kid, we are classmates, if I were a kid, so would you be, if you weren't, then this lady would not be the case." Ye Tianxue has never lost in her mouth, it seems really a bit Tang Feng's nemesis.

"Get out of the way, I want to go in." Tang Feng stretched out his claws to Ye Tianxue, scared her to back away quickly, and then gave up a way, Tang Feng took advantage of the situation and walked in, Chen Yuhua followed. But did not speak.

"Pervert and hooligan." Ye Tianxue walked to the bedroom after speaking. Chen Yuhua looked a little uncomfortable after seeing it, but her place was now occupied by another girl, and she was always a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"Ye Tianxue, that is Sister Yuhua's room." Tang Feng seemed to see Chen Yuhua's uncomfortableness, and then said.

"I know, but it will be mine from now on. I can tell you that I will pay the rent and don't push me out, or you will know the consequences." Ye Tianxue slammed the door shut after speaking to vent her. dissatisfied.

"Sister Yuhua, don't be familiar with her. You sleep on the sofa. I can go back to the dormitory tonight." Tang Feng said so loudly that Ye Tianxue in the bedroom might not be able to hear it.

"No, I'll go find a hotel outside!" Indeed, as Tang Feng said, Ye Tianxue is just a child, and she doesn't need to be as knowledgeable as her, so she simply stepped back.

"Sister Yuhua, how can you do this? It's too late now, and I don't worry about you being outside alone." Tang Feng didn't speak very loudly this time, and Ye Tianxue in the back room just heard it intermittently. Chen Yuhua was very grateful for Tang Feng's thoughtfulness and gave him a thankful look.(Read more @

"Die Tang Feng, smelly Tang Feng, you don't know you let me order, you are a big man, a stingy, mad at me..." Ye Tianxue also felt a little too much just now, but seeing Tang Feng treat her like that, She couldn't control herself, she wanted to lose her temper, and she was lying on the bed and kept telling Tang Feng that it was not.

"No, you sleep on this sofa, I'll just sleep on that sofa." Chen Yuhua looked at the two sofas and seemed to have made up his mind.

Tang Feng looked at Chen Yuhua as if he didn't believe that this was the truth. Finally he ordered a little bit, "Sister Yuhua, go to sleep here! Give you the quilt, and you still have a fever." Tang Feng said, unfolding the quilt, and then Spread it on the sofa.

"Sister Yuhua, I'm sorry, I was so angry just now, so you can squeeze it with me first!" Ye Tianxue thought about it, the more it became unpleasant, she got up from the bed, opened the door and walked out of it. .

"No, I'll just take a look here. I'll take out my belongings in a while."

"Sister Yuhua, you can squeeze it with me first, I'm really sorry just now." Ye Tianxue thought Chen Yuhua was angry and apologized again.

"I don't really need it. Just stay here for one night. I will return to Haicheng tomorrow." Originally, Chen Yuhua wanted to stay one more day and help Tang Feng. Next time I really don't know what the two of them are. Time to meet again.

Another point is that Chen Yuhua is not used to living with another person. This is the main reason. She is a very slow person. Today, I have only met Ye Tianxue for a long time. She thinks that the two people are not close to that level at all. , Even if the other party is a woman.

"Sister Yuhua, do you want to go back?" This surprised Tang Feng a bit. He was still thinking, could it be that Bai Yaqing asked her to go back?

"Yes, the matter here has been handled almost, and I should go back. In the past two days, President Bai has complained to me countless times." Bai Yaqing did complain to her, but she did not say so seriously. At the same time, it was only her own intention to go back.

"Sister Yuhua, I still have a lot of things for you to come forward. You can't go back. As for Sister Yaqing, I will tell her." Tang Feng immediately rejected Chen Yuhua. No matter who meant it, he couldn't let it go. Chen Yuhua left, he did have a lot of things for Chen Yuhua to deal with.

Company registration, location selection, and team formation must be completed by someone. Tang Feng is not at ease when it is handed over to others. Now he only has Boss Liu and Yuhua Chen available. Boss Liu is busy setting up his own logistics, and he can't at all. Getting out, now can only be handled by Chen Yuhua.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of management talents. Tang Feng is very conservative in hiring. He is not suspicious of hiring people. Suspicious people don’t use them. He would rather use a person who has little ability but is loyal than someone who is talented but loyal. Can be learned.

Chen Yuhua didn't expect Tang Feng to be so decisive, but she still suggested, "You can leave it to Yang Chunxiu to do things here. She has good personal abilities."

"Sister Yuhua, Yang Chunxiu is indeed a good person, but this person cannot be reused. At most, she can only be a deputy. She has a strong desire. I am afraid that she will be dazzled by desire." People, Tang Feng is still very positive about Yang Chunxiu's ability. As for some minor issues, Tang Feng didn't care too much.

Chen Yuhua doesn't like Kang Lifeng too much. What's more, Tang Feng has now been sentenced to death. He is now in a KTV with Zheng Zihe, and there are several singing girls sitting next to him. Zheng Zihe is still the same as before, always with a faint smile on his face.

"Handsome guy, shall we sing one together?" Zheng Zihe has been keeping a certain distance from these singing escorts. The more he is like this, the singing escorts are closer to him.

"I'm sorry, I already have a girlfriend. I can't make a song like this with you, otherwise my girlfriend will be unhappy after I go back." The girlfriend Kang Lifeng mentioned by Zheng Zihe seems to know who she is talking about, but He smiled, "Mr. Zheng, it seems that you are still a seed of infatuation."

"I haven't seen her for three years. She seems to have some opinions on me. Women are like this. It will be better after a while." Zheng Zihe, the guy really knows Leng Yuhan, but he doesn't know where it is. Out of the error, Tang Feng's intervention has caused a crack between the two people and they are no longer perfect. 21010

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