Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 225 Restless Night

Chapter 225

The night was very restless, Ye Tianxue occupies the bedroom alone, Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua each occupies a sofa. Tang Feng couldn't sleep over and over again, and there were two other people who couldn't sleep, they were Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuhua.

Ye Tianxue felt a little too much about what happened to her today, she didn't say anything, she still minded Tang Feng's opinion of her.

Because Chen Yuhua is used to living alone, now she has to lie face to face with a man, feeling really uncomfortable.

The three of them had their own concerns, and they didn't know when they fell asleep. There is another person who suffers from insomnia this night, that is Leng Yuhan, who keeps flashing images of Tang Feng in her mind. She wants to erase him, but she can't do it.

Early in the morning, the beautiful alarm sounded Ye Tianxue first, because she was going to school today.

"Don't make trouble, let me sleep again." Tang Feng muttered in a daze.

"Lazy pig, get up quickly, or you will be late for school." Ye Tianxue crouched on the sofa with her long hair and scratched Tang Feng's face.

"Don't go." Tang Feng has taken skipping classes as a meal.

"Get up, big lazy pig." Ye Tianxue was still reluctant, and simply pulled Tang Feng up with his hands.

Chen Yuhua woke up due to the quarrel between the two people, opened his eyes dazedly, and stretched his waist, only to realize that this is not his own home, so he tried to wake up a little bit and quickly sat up.

Tang Feng was too sleepy. He just didn't want to get up. He was just pulled up by Ye Tianxue and fell directly on the sofa again.

"Ah! It's indecent." With a sudden yell, Tang Feng jumped up from the sofa and instantly became sober. At this time, he saw Ye Tianxue looking at himself with a smile.

"Next time you're barking, I'll really assault you." Tang Feng looked depressed, and a good beauty was disturbed.(Read more @

"Come on, if you don't mean to me, you won't be surnamed Tang." Ye Tianxue did not show any weakness, and stood tall in front of Tang Feng, but because his development was not complete, he was not so proud. This is the same as Li Xuemei. There is still a certain gap, which Tang Feng discovered recently.

Tang Feng just said that if he was allowed to act, he would really not dare, not to mention Chen Yuhua would sit opposite and watch. If she was not there, Tang Feng might really be a beast and show Ye Tianxue a little bit more. Also let her know what fear is.

"A good man doesn't fight with a woman, it's the most poisonous..." Tang Feng was about to say that the most poisonous was not a woman's heart, so he stopped because he found that both eyes were staring at him. If one offends him, he is already uneasy. Both are offended, and there will be no good days in the future, so he quickly added: "The most poisonous is the scorpion tail."

"Tang Feng, get up quickly. I'll be back to the company in a while." Chen Yuhua can't stand it anymore. The room that was originally quite quiet is now turned upside down by two people, and she really can't adapt.

"No, there is nothing serious about the company now. You will go to the airport with me in a while." Tang Feng hasn't forgotten that Smith is leaving today. He plans to send him off. They must be friends. Going to United States to develop in the future is also a big help.

"Go to the airport? What are you going to do to the airport?" Ye Tianxue didn't understand what Tang Feng was talking about. She thought he was going back to Haicheng.

"What do you say, my partner is leaving, and of course he has to give it away." Tang Feng still looks very impatient with Ye Tianxue, which makes Ye Tianxue even more angry.

"Tang Feng, it’s been a long time since the school started. Tell me how many times you have been to school and how many classes have you attended? You just wait for this semester to drop your course!" Ye Tianxue ran to the bathroom after speaking, Tang Feng watched Without seeing her, she fell directly on the sofa again.

"Tang Feng, didn't you sleep well yesterday?" Chen Yuhua put the quilt he had originally covered on Tang Feng's body.

There is only one quilt. Tang Feng must be a man. Of course, he has to give it to Chen Yuhua, and he has to take out the clothes he usually wears and cover his body.

"A big beauty guarding you, can only watch, but can't touch, of course I didn't sleep well." Tang Feng just used jokes to cover up his embarrassment.

When Tang Feng said this, she didn't realize that Chen Yuhua's face was red at the time. It reminded her again of the scene that morning. It can be said that her body had been seen by Tang Feng a long time ago. Maybe it was still that night... ...But the final relationship did not happen.

All three of them drank too much that night. No one knew what happened. The only evidence was the stains on the sheets and the disappeared clothing...

At this time, Ye Tianxue had already come out of the bathroom, and Chen Yuhua also walked inside with this opportunity. Ye Tianxue noticed that Tang Feng was lying on the sofa again, his eyes kept staring at him. When he passed by, he gave a cold snort. Seeing that Tang Feng was still unresponsive, he became even more angry. He took another two steps backwards with one hand. He stayed in the corner of the quilt and pulled it directly to the ground before he walked to the bedroom.

Tang Feng knew that he couldn't sleep anymore, so he sat on the sofa and picked up the quilt from the ground. Fortunately, the room was cleaned by him and there was no dirt.

"Sister Yuhua, I have wronged you first these days. Just treat her as a child. Let her order. When we return from the airport, we will buy a bed. You will live in the back room. I will do it myself. Just sleep on the sofa." Tang Feng walked into the bathroom after folding the quilt neatly and said, looking at Chen Yuhua who was brushing his teeth.

Chen Yuhua only paused for a while before brushing his teeth again. Tang Feng also picked up his toiletries and started to use it.

In about 5 minutes, the two people heard a door "bang". It seemed that Ye Tianxue had left, using the sound of the door to express their dissatisfaction.

"Oh! This eldest lady finally left, why I was so unlucky, but I just met..."

"What's wrong with me? It's your honor to meet this lady." It turned out that Ye Tianxue didn't leave. After closing the door, she slipped to the door of the bathroom to hear if Tang Feng was speaking badly about him, sure enough. I was talking about myself, and then I said it out loud.

Tang Feng was really shocked by the sudden voice, even Chen Yuhua shocked her. Tang Feng rolled his eyes with anger and said, "I am honored. I said Miss, you are really late if you are leaving. ."

"You're late, don't worry about it." Ye Tianxue said so, and walked out the door. This time Tang Feng followed out directly, and he was relieved when she saw her walk out the door.

"I really can't get through these days, and if I continue like this, I will really be crazy by her." After Ye Tianxue left, Tang Feng complained to Chen Yuhua again. It was completely inconsistent with the personality of her 30s. It's more and more like this age. 210

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