Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 226 Furniture Castle

Chapter 226

Chen Yuhua can tell that Ye Tianxue likes Tang Feng more or less. She just doesn't break it. Everyone can see that she is careful and mindful. She is asking Tang Feng to pay attention to her, but Tang Feng just doesn't like it. Everyone is angry when he looks like rationale.

"It's fine for a girl to coax, why bother with her, you are still talking about me, but you can't do it yourself." Chen Yuhua reminded him kindly.

"Sister Yuhua, I understand what you mean, do you think I have that necessary?" Chen Yuhua was silent after Tang Feng finished speaking. As he said, he didn't have that need, in case Ye Tianxue really liked Tang Feng , That’s also trouble. Bai Yaqing didn’t say it, it was Leng Yuhan. The two people had at least a substantial relationship. She had suspected it a long time ago. After that night, she became even more certain. The main reason was that Leng Yuhan was too much. Calm down, which is not in line with the situation at the time.

"Tang Feng, there are some things that can't be avoided. The more you want to get rid of, the closer she will get to you." Chen Yuhua suddenly raised her head and looked at Tang Feng. Maybe this sentence meant something.

Tang Feng didn’t want to talk about this issue. He didn’t understand it himself. He could only let the flow go, and the time was almost there. The two of them cleaned up the room and walked downstairs to find a place to eat nearby. It was a little bit earlier, and then we headed to the airport for the first time in the morning, and then went to the airport to go to the airport for the first time in the morning.

When Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua arrived at the airport, there was still half an hour before Mr. Smith’s plane took off. Smith also just arrived at the airport. Only Liang Shaoqiu came to see off the plane together. The two of them set off at the airport first. Walk inside.

"Tang Feng, thank you for your hospitality yesterday. This is the most unique banquet I have received. I hope to come to China again next time. I also hope that you will visit United States as a guest. I will definitely do my best as a landlord." Smith was before leaving. Give Tang Feng a big hug again.

It wasn't until Smith's back figure disappeared that Tang Feng turned around, "Mr. Liang, we will be partners in the future, please take care of me."

Smith agreed not to intervene in the affairs of China Entertainment, but he also set up a supervision team. The leader is Liang Shaoqiu. The role of this supervision team is to prevent the fraud of property. It is mainly for the economic aspect. There is no real power, only the right to monitor. , There is no management right.

"Mr Tang is joking, and I will ask you for your care in the future." Now Tang Feng's identity has changed, and Liang Shaoqiu's name to Tang Feng has also changed.

"Mutual related photos, mutual related photos." After the two said they would smile.(Read more @

Originally, Liang Shaoqiu wanted to invite Tang Feng to eat at noon, but he refused, saying that there would be opportunities in the future, so the two separated at the airport, leaving only Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua.

"Sister Yuhua, let's go to the Furniture City!" Tang Feng turned around and said to Chen Yuhua.

"Tang Feng, let's forget it! I won't stay for a few days, so I just find a hotel nearby." Chen Yuhua didn't plan to go back to Tang Feng's place after much deliberation. There is Ye Tianxue there, and the two are not familiar at first. , The meeting was somewhat embarrassing.

"What's the matter? If you leave, I will be annoyed by that girl." If Chen Yuhua is the only one, Tang Feng really doesn't want her to live with her. There must be a difference between men and women. Now that there is one, it is too. Not afraid of her one more.

The two argued over and over again. In the end, Chen Yuhua couldn't talk about Tang Feng. The two got into a taxi and headed to the Furniture City.

"Sister Yuhua, you are the first to sleep on this bed. You are the master. You can buy which one you choose." The two said as soon as they walked into the furniture city Tang Feng.

"It's better for you to choose, I must stay for a few days, and it will be your room in the future." Now Ye Tianxue has occupied Tang Feng's previous room, so after he left, this room must be Tang Feng's.

Chen Yuhua said so, but his eyes still looked everywhere, and Tang Feng didn't point to it. Every time he walked to a style, he would ask Chen Yuhua.

"Sir, do you want to buy furniture?" The sales lady walked over seeing Chen Yuhua and Tang Feng looking around.

"Yes, we want to buy a bed." Tang Feng didn't think there was any problem with his words, but it was different in the ears of the sales lady, and he began to look at the two people carefully, "Student With Sister Yu?" She blasted the pot in her heart.

Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua are indeed not good for standing together. Tang Feng is a complete hairy boy, and Chen Yuhua, regardless of looks and clothes, you can see that his status is not low, plus that unique. Temperament is not something that ordinary people can live in. What rhythm is the two people buying a bed together.

"Miss, miss, do you sell the beds here?" Tang Feng unexpectedly found that the waitress on the opposite side was stunned when she saw him. Could it be that the guy is too handsome and fascinated her? Then he hurriedly shouted, how did he know the trivial thoughts of the opposite woman, if he knew it, he really didn't know how to explain it.

"Sell and sell, sir, what kind of bed do you want to buy? The quality of our bed is absolutely superior to ensure that it is comfortable and safe to fall asleep at night." Tang Feng asked the sales lady again before responding, and at the same time Chen Yuhua glanced at it.

At this time, Chen Yuhua also seemed to have discovered the problem with Tang Feng's words, and was a little uncomfortable, "Tang Feng, should we go over there and take a look?"

Tang Feng didn't understand what was going on, so Chen Yuhua grabbed his arm. Tang Feng was still a little at a loss, "Why don't you like it? If we don't like it, we will change the house?"

If Chen Yuhua didn’t pull Tang Feng’s arm, it would be better. This pull would make it even more problematic for the two of them. The sales lady hurriedly said: "They are all young people, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Don’t worry, our bed here is nearby. The best, to ensure safety."

Tang Feng looked at the service lady with green eyes, and seemed to understand, and smiled, "We are colleagues. I just rented a house and want to fill a bed."

The sales lady was a little embarrassed after listening to Tang Feng's explanation, and showed a knowing smile, "It turned out to be like this. I thought you were a couple, but it's nothing, not now, maybe it will be in the future." A sales lady is a young woman in her 30s. She really dares to say anything. It's no wonder she will come to do sales.

"Eldest sister, you can really talk. It would be great if I had such a beautiful girlfriend. Look at my soil." Tang Feng also likes the sales lady's character and dare to anything. Said that the most satisfying thing for him is that he did not look down on him.

"Young man, I am a person here. I am not now. It does not mean that I will not be in the future. Come on, I am optimistic about you." This sales eldest sister is really amazing, so Tang Feng doesn't know how to pick it up. Not yet. Chen Yuhua regretted buying a bed with Tang Feng. 20110

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