Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 227 Death Vibe

Chapter 227

Buying a bed was just a small episode. The last two people bought a large double bed under the guidance of the sales elder sister. Of course, the price was not cheap.

The bed was bought, Tang Feng only asked for it quickly, and the sales elder sister also promised him to deliver it to him no more than tonight, and the two of them left.

When the two people walked out of the furniture city, it was already over 10 o’clock, and it was almost noon. They were considering whether to return to the company. At this moment, Tang Feng’s phone rang, and he looked at it with weird eyes. He glanced at Chen Yuhua, then picked it up, "Hey! Sister Yu Han, why do you miss me?"

Leng Yuhan was speechless for Tang Feng's greetings, but soon calmed down, "Tang Feng, do you have time? If you have time, come to me."

"Okay, no problem, but I want you to treat me at noon today." Tang Feng said half-jokingly. He knew Leng Yuhan's purpose for looking for him, and at the same time he was delighted. It seemed that the issue of bond issuance was serious.

"Tang Feng, don't you always do this?" Leng Yuhan is very uncomfortable with Tang Feng's behavior. Tang Feng was just about to say yes, but found that the phone was hung up, so he turned his head and looked at Chen Yuhua, "Go, there is someone inviting you today."

"Tang Feng, I think you are unfair to her like this." Chen Yuhua did not answer Tang Feng's words, but said seriously.

"Sister Yuhua, I understand that things have already happened. If I don't take the initiative, then the two of us really don't have a chance. The relationship is not a day or two, but we can only cultivate it slowly."

The problem with women is Tang Feng's biggest headache. In the past, he only had Chen Yuyao in his heart. It was not until later that he was reborn that he realized that the most important woman in his life was Bai Yaqing. Now he has an unclear relationship with Leng Yuhan, which makes him unable to let go of that woman.

"Have you ever thought about President Bai? Where did you put her?"

"Sister Yuhua, I understand what you mean. This is my own business, and I will solve it myself. I hope I won’t talk about it in the future. Let’s go and go to the bank. Maybe the company’s funding problem will be soon It can be solved."(Read more @

When Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua arrived at the bank, Leng Yuhan was standing at the door of the bank. There was a young man standing beside her. Seeing that he was about the same age as Leng Yuhan, he was a Versace with his unique temperament. Which family's son brother.

When Tang Feng was looking at the man, he was also looking at him, but he only glanced at him and placed it on Chen Yuhua's body. Seeing Chen Yuhua's beautiful face and cold temperament instantly made him look at him. bright.

"Tang Feng, let me introduce to you, this is Ye Tianfeng." Leng Yuhan pointed to the man next to him.

Ye Tianfeng was a little surprised. He knew who Leng Yuhan was best. She didn't say the woman next to her, but the humble man. It seemed that this man was not simple, and once again focused her attention on Tang Feng.

Tang Feng didn't catch a cold for Ye Tianfeng. He didn't like this kind of arrogant family son, but he didn't neglect it. It was because of his name that he nodded suggestively.

"Ye Tianfeng, this is Tang Feng, the director of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., next to him is another director Chen Yuhua." After Leng Yuhan introduced Ye Tianfeng, he began to introduce Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua.

"Director Tang is happy to meet, I heard Leng Yuhan say that you are going to issue bonds in their bank?" Ye Tianfeng said straightforwardly.

Tang Feng didn't answer his question. First, he looked at Leng Yuhan. Leng Yuhan's face was a bit unsightly. Then he turned his attention to Ye Tianfeng, "I wonder if you know Ye Tianxue?"

This time it was Ye Tianfeng's turn to be a little surprised. He first looked at Leng Yuhan, and then shook his head. Then he looked at Tang Feng, "She is my sister."

Ye Tianfeng did know Leng Yuhan. They used to belong to the same school, but they didn’t have much overlap. Although Leng Yuhan is very beautiful, he is not the dish of his kind of brother, because they are all at the same level. Really come up with something, it is not easy to explain, it may affect the whole family, he will not do such a stupid thing, not to mention that his brother has never lacked women.

Few people know that Ye Tianfeng has a younger sister, not to mention the unfamiliar Leng Yuhan, he just shook his head, he came this time not because of Leng Yuhan, but Leng Yuhan’s boss gave him I just met Leng Yuhan when I made the call.

Tang Feng didn’t guess Ye Tianxue’s guess, and showed a bitter smile. Others don’t need to give face to others, Ye Tianxue’s face can’t be denied, not to mention his brother standing opposite, and then he said: "I know what you mean. At the same time, you should also be thankful that it is Ye Tianxue's brother, otherwise I won't negotiate terms with you."

This kind of elder brother may be a superior master in the eyes of others, but in Tang Feng's eyes, he is nothing, and he doesn't give any face at all.

Ye Tianfeng was a little surprised at Tang Feng's strength. He is not a rookie, "Do you believe it or not I can make it difficult for you to move in the capital."

"Really? That's not you, at most it is the forces behind you. Similarly, the forces behind you are not necessarily willing to provoke a strong enemy. Maybe I am not strong enough now, but as long as you give me 10 years, I can Trample you under your feet."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, a daunting aura appeared on his body. Ye Tianfeng and Leng Yuhan, who stood opposite him, took a step back one after another. After Ye Tianfeng reacted, his face was a little ugly. This was not his consciousness at all, but the body involuntarily backed away.

The previous Tang Feng was relatively low-key. Since the reincarnation plate was attached to his chest, his whole personality has changed slightly and he has become more confident.

Chen Yuhua, who was standing next to Tang Feng, was the most shocked. Now there is no blood on his face. The impact of the scene just now on the three people is too great. Until now Leng Yuhan still looks at Tang Feng in horror. Looking at this man who had had a relationship with him, what kind of person he was, and why did he have fear.

In fact, Tang Feng himself didn't know what had just happened. It was his subconscious that activated the reincarnation disc in his chest, causing it to emit a small amount of energy, which caused the effect just now.

"Sister Yu Han, what's wrong with you?" Tang Feng saw Leng Yuhan who was about to fall, and quickly stepped forward to help her.

"I'm fine." Leng Yuhan calmed his mind and threw Tang Feng's hand away.

Now only Ye Tianfeng is the most embarrassed and does not want to say anything, but the rush just now is too terrible, a feeling of death, the big brother like him often knows more than ordinary people, and swallows the words that come to his mouth. After I went back, I also made up my mind that I must not be an enemy of Tang Feng. 21010

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