Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 228 Liu Gongzi

Chapter 228

Tang Feng didn't know yet, it was because of his unintentional behavior that he conquered a young man. Similarly, both women have their own ideas. Chen Yuhua has been in contact with Tang Feng for the longest time, but the more she knows about him, the more she finds that she doesn't know him.

"Tang Feng, I am Ye Tianfeng, I would like to introduce myself again. The neglect just now is my fault." After Ye Tianfeng finished speaking, he actually bowed to Tang Feng. This is something that everyone did not expect. Leng Yuhan couldn't know who Ye Tianfeng was.

The place of Beijing is not big, but it is not small, but it is in charge of the destiny of the whole China. Ye Tianfeng has a name, that is, the sixth son of the capital. The sixth son does not mean that he is ranked sixth, but refers to the six people, respectively. Zhao Zhe, Song Changyin, Ye Tianfeng, Leng Yiqi, Li Yunlei, Ouyang Jie. In addition to these six sons, there are five phoenixes, namely Zhao Yifeng, Kong Fangqing, Leng Yuhan, Qian Xiaoya, and Wang Meizhi.

Ye Tianfeng can rank third among the Six Young Masters, which shows that his status is not low. However, this is just a ranking. On the surface, there is no way to compare who is strong and who is weak. It can only be based on the strength of the existing family and individual abilities, such as Leng Yiqi, to discuss the strength of the family. Comparable to Zhao Zhe, better than the Song family and Ye family respectively, this guy is an out-and-out romantic seed, regardless of the consequences.

In these families, apart from normal communication, except for your love and my wishes, generally would not go to the ideas of these young ladies. This Leng Yiqi is an exception. From Zhao Yifeng to Wang Meizhi, no one did not pursue it. Passed, and used everything, it's just that these eldest ladies were so easy to start, and finally they were united by the other five sons to clean up.

Zhao Yifeng is Zhao Zhe’s younger sister. As the head of the Six Young Masters, how could Zhao Zhe let this kind of person get involved with his sister easily? In the end, the Leng family’s parents came forward to solve this problem. Back then, this matter was a big mess in the capital. Nowadays, people often mention it, and it has become the laughing stock of others. Sometimes Leng Yiqi is reluctant to be with the other five sons, and it is also the worst relationship among several people.

Don’t look at the other five sons who seem to be very harmonious on the surface. In fact, they are all competing relationships, especially between families. Their personal abilities represent the future of the family, because they are all family members. The first successor.

"Hello, I am Tang Feng, and Ye Tianxue and I are classmates." Tang Feng's self-introduction also told Ye Tianfeng's doubts.

"Now that we all know each other, let's go up and talk!" Leng Yuhan finally eased up a bit and took the lead to walk inside.

"Sister Yuhua, what's wrong with you?" Tang Feng only noticed Chen Yuhua's changes at this time and asked very concerned.

"It's okay, let's go up!" Chen Yuhua followed Leng Yuhan after speaking. Tang Feng walked inside, but Ye Tianfeng followed the last of the three.(Read more @

Leng Yuhan walked ahead and walked directly into an office. From a distance, Tang Feng saw the sign saying the president's office.

Leng Yuhan knocked on the door first, and a middle-aged man's voice came from inside, "Please come in."

"President Chen, I have brought people from Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd." Leng Yuhan opened the door and walked in directly, pointing to Chen Yuhua and Tang Feng who were following behind.

"Xiao Leng, I have communicated with the above about the matter you mentioned. As long as it does not violate the principle, it is still possible. Specifically, you come up with a plan and I will submit it to the above for approval." President Chen just glanced at Tang Feng And Chen Yuhua, then lowered their heads to write and draw on the paper.

Tang Feng can tell from the president’s attitude that he doesn’t care about this matter at all, but Tang Feng noticed one behavior, that is, the president Chen secretly glanced at the last Ye Tianfeng at the moment he lowered his head. .

"Okay, President Chen." After Leng Yuhan finished speaking, he signaled Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua to go with her.

Leng Yuhan did not know his own office, but brought Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua to the meeting room, and finally Ye Tianfeng followed in.

"Tang Feng, I'll just tell you, no matter how good the conditions are, the above won't be approved. You should understand the reason." Ye Tianfeng did not sit down, but leaned against the table. .

"I know, this is why you came today. Since I saw you, I have not reported any hope. The reason why I have not left now is because you are Ye Tianxue’s brother. If I didn’t guess wrong, This President Chen told you to come, right?"

"Then I really want to thank the girl Tianxue, I believe you very much, and I also showed my greatest sincerity. I really hope that the money will be paid by me. If you nod your head, it will be credited tomorrow. "Ye Tianfeng directly stated his purpose. He found that Tang Feng looked rustic, but his head was too clever, and he couldn't look at himself. It was too appropriate to use Tang Feng's body.

Tang Feng ignored Ye Tianfeng’s words, and directly took out the phone and dialed Ye Tianxue. He was hung up as soon as he tried to make a second call, but after a while, he sent a message, “What’s the matter, I’m in class. What?"

Tang Feng just remembered that it was time for class, and edited a message to go back, "Do you know Ye Tianfeng?"

This time Tang Feng waited for a long time and did not receive Ye Tianxue's message. When he was disappointed, the phone rang, "Tang Feng, did you offend my brother?" Ye Tianxue seemed anxious.

"Ye Tianxue, is he your brother?" Tang Feng also glanced at Ye Tianfeng when he was speaking. This is Chi Guoguo's face slap. If he was replaced by someone else, he would have died for a long time, but Ye Tianfeng really didn't dare. What about Tang Feng, not to mention that he is now his own God of Wealth, who can only smile wryly.

"Nonsense, isn't it my brother or your brother? You give him the call and I will tell him." Ye Tianxue gave Ye Tianfeng a look in a direct command tone, but gave him the call, "Ye Tianxue asked you to answer the phone. ."

"Tianxue is me." Ye Tianfeng said to the phone after answering the phone.

"Brother, did Tang Feng offend you? I can tell you, you can't embarrass him, or I'll be with you when I go back." Before Ye Tianfeng could say anything, Ye Tianxue bombarded the whole office. Everyone can hear clearly, because Tang Feng turned on the hands-free when he handed over the phone to Ye Tianfeng.

"Tianxue, how dare I bully him? He is now my god of wealth. You have to help your brother and me this time. You must let Tang Feng give me this matter." Ye Tianfeng was a little embarrassed, his sister was too violent. At home, he didn't take his sister the most, and the whole family loved her no matter what. 2

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