Chapter 232

Leng Yiqi came very fast. He arrived not long after the ambulance left. He first looked at Chen Yuhua up and down, and then looked at Tang Feng, "Yu Han, did he hit it?"

Leng Yuhan nodded, "Brother, let's go to my office and talk!"

Leng Yuhan walked in front, Leng Yiqi followed behind, and Tang Feng was supported by Chen Yuhua and walked at the end.

"Tang Feng, what's the matter with you?" Chen Yuhua finally had a chance and asked Tang Feng in a low voice.

"Sister Yuhua, I can't explain this matter clearly to you, but it's a little lost." Tang Feng tried his best to lean on Chen Yuhua's body so that he can relax.

"Yu Han, what's going on?" Leng Yiqi couldn't wait to ask as soon as he walked into Leng Yuhan's office.

"Big brother, his name is Tang Feng, and she is Chen Yuhua. Both of them are directors of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. This time they came to me because they wanted to find bonds in our bank..." Leng Yuhan gave an overview of what happened. Again.

Leng Yiqi frowned after listening to Leng Yuhan’s words, and at the same time he was happy that his sister is really, she wouldn’t tell me such a good thing. If it hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t know, for sure. Let Xu Zhiqiang and Ye Tianfeng pick up the bargain.

"Yu Han, it is easy to resolve this matter. Xu Zhiqiang must have come for this bridge payment. As long as Tang Feng apologizes and shows some sincerity by the way, we will make peace with this matter. It's over." Leng Yiqi said seriously.

"No, I won't give him the money for nothing." Before Leng Yuhan could speak, Tang Feng denied it.

Leng Yiqi originally came to be a peacemaker, but he didn't expect Tang Feng to be so disrespectful and a little unhappy. "If this is the case, then I have nothing to do." If it weren't for Leng Yuhan's face, he just waved his hand. walked away.(Read more @

"Big brother, he is still young and ignorant, so don't know him in the same way. I'll talk about him in a while." Leng Yuhan's words made Leng Yiqi's eyes a little strange. Who is his cousin, he The most clear, from the words, we can see that the relationship between the two people is unusual. The expression of Leng Yuhan has only appeared to one person, that is, Zheng Zihe, who has fallen on this big boy now. In the end, the two of them what relationship?

Leng Yiqi looked at Tang Feng again, and began to look carefully, "Yu Han, you also know that Xu Sanpang is a person. If we don't make concessions, it will be difficult to solve."

Just when Leng Yuhan wanted to say something, Tang Feng's phone rang suddenly. He gave Leng Yuhan a weird look, then looked at Chen Yuhua, and finally answered the phone, "Sister Yaqing, have you eaten?"

"Tang Feng, did you fight?" Bai Yaqing did not answer Tang Feng's question, but asked angrily.

Tang Feng glared at Chen Yuhua directly. He knew that she must have informed her, because he saw that Chen Yuhua had just fiddled with her mobile phone.

Chen Yuhua was also for Tang Feng’s sake. She also hoped that he had nothing to do. She definitely couldn’t convince him. Now only Bai Yaqing was left. When everyone didn’t care, she secretly sent a message to Bai Yaqing. Then I called the phone.

"No, who said that? I'm about to eat now. If there is nothing to do, I will hang up first." Tang Feng casually made up a lie. He didn't want Bai Yaqing to know about it. He was afraid she was worried. At the same time, she kept looking at Chen Yuhua while she was speaking, warning her not to talk too much.

"Tang Feng, please listen to me, and listen to Director Chen. If there is something, do you want me to go there in person?" Bai Yaqing was angry. She didn't expect Tang Feng to pay at this time. Lie to yourself.

"Yes, yes, I know, don't worry, I must listen and let Sister Yuhua supervise me." Tang Feng regretted it after saying it, and felt that he had said something wrong.

Bai Yaqing on the other end of the phone was also taken aback. Tang Feng had never called Sister Chen Yuhua before, both of whom were Director Chen. It seems that the relationship between the two people is very close these days, and it was only at this moment that they quickly adjusted. "Tang Feng, I can let you do the rest, but you must be obedient in this matter. As long as people have nothing to do, you can earn more if you don't have money."

Bai Yaqing’s words suddenly reminded herself that Tang Feng was like a thunderbolt, as if she had figured out something, why should she be so persistent, what money is, in her own eyes, money is only a number, and you can earn without it. After I figured it out, he said to the phone: "Sister Yaqing, I know, I will listen to you."

Chen Yuhua smiled. She was trying to give it a try. She didn't expect Tang Feng to really listen to her, and she was also a little disappointed in her heart. From this we can see how important Bai Yaqing is in Tang Feng's heart. It's just that simple. After two sentences, he gave in. When did he hear his own words, as if he hadn't heard them once.

In addition to Chen Yuhua, there is also Leng Yuhan who is curious about who he is talking on the phone and who is this sister Yaqing in his mouth? Is it the boss of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd.? She finally remembered that the president of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. seemed to be called Bai Yaqing.

After Tang Feng hung up Bai Yaqing's phone, he looked at Leng Yuhan, "Sorry Yu Han, I was too impulsive just now."

Leng Yuhan was a little surprised. Is this the Tang Feng he knew? Even if two people had that kind of relationship, he had never been so sincere.

"Tang Feng, forget it, my brother said just now, why don't you let him come forward! You don't have to worry about this matter." Just after Leng Yuhan finished speaking, Tang Feng just sat down on the chair. Because he really couldn't support it, the continuous consumption almost made him lose the ability to act.

"Tang Feng, are you okay!" Leng Yuhan was very worried when he saw Tang Feng suddenly collapsed on the chair.

"Sister Yu Han, I'm okay, maybe I'm hungry, I don't have enough energy, just eat if I'm full." Tang Feng is really hungry, and it's best to replenish it after the physical strength is exhausted.

"Yu Han, or you should go to eat first, I'll go to the hospital to see Xu Zhiqiang, and talk to him by the way." Leng Yiqi has achieved his goal, and there is no need to stay.

"Brother Leng, I'm going to ask you about this matter. I am going to borrow 300 million yuan. It will take about 3 years. After three years, I am willing to pay 500 million yuan. You can see the specific share! Ye Tianfeng will also help this time. I'm very busy, so try not to treat him badly."

Although Tang Feng is also a bit uncomfortable with Leng Yiqi, he must be Leng Yuhan's older brother, and his future eldest brother should be better off.

Leng Yiqi was shocked when he heard what Tang Feng said. This is a real two hundred million. As long as you move your mouth to tens of millions, you will get it. This is simply a waste of money. Only then did he understand why Xu Zhiqiang had to intervene. What he didn't expect was that Ye Tianfeng also intervened. .

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