Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 233 Benefit Sharing

Chapter 233

Two hundred million is not a lot for the Leng family, but it is not a small sum for Leng Yiqi. He needs this money to prove his strength.

Three hundred million in bank loans for three years is less than 40 million. It is easy for oneself, and 160 million is profitable. If three people are divided, each person is 50 million, even in a large family like Leng’s. 50 million is also not a small income.

Leng Yiqi came to the hospital with a happy mood. On the way, he was thinking about how to divide the money. He wanted to give Ye Tianfeng less, but Tang Feng said not to treat him badly. Xu Zhiqiang must not be less, it must be for nothing. After a beating, he would definitely disagree without it.

By the time Leng Yiqi arrived at the hospital, Xu Zhiqiang had already completed various examinations, and was now lying in the high-level ward for IV drips.

When Leng Yiqi saw Xu Zhiqiang, he was taken aback, he just kicked him, why was he still bandaged? Half-jokingly said, "Xu Sanpang, you don't want to ruin my friend, do you?"

"You're so cold, old ZI almost lost half of his life, you're still laughing here, I can tell you, this thing is endless, I dare to kick me, I think he is tired of life, I'm not You can't get rid of him." After the doctor's rescue, Xu Zhiqiang finally eased a little.

Tang Feng’s foot is really heavy, and thanks to Xu Zhiqiang being a fat man, it will be life-threatening if he changes to a thinner one. When the doctor saw his injury, he inhaled a cold breath and left it on his round belly. There was a bloody footprint.

"Xu Sanpang, isn't it just being kicked? As for it? It's embarrassing to come to the hospital again." Leng Yiqi said directly sarcastically.

When Ye Tianfeng listened to Leng Yiqi’s words, he looked at him weirdly. Leng Yiqi didn’t understand what was going on. When he was about to ask why, he heard Xu Zhiqiang roar, "Leng Yiqi, I Don’t you know what kind of person Xu Zhiqiang is? Do I still use an errant? If you are not you, you will talk ridiculously. You can see that my half life is almost gone."

Xu Zhiqiang opened his shirt as he spoke, revealing his snow-white belly, and his already big belly is now even more red and swollen.

Leng Yiqi almost laughed when he saw Xu Zhiqiang’s stomach, and finally held back. He glanced at Ye Tianfeng who was snickering next to him, and then said, “Xu Zhiqiang, are you still alive? Also, don’t you just want to intervene? Is it a matter of bridge loans? If Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. is willing to make concessions, can you take this matter over."

Ye Tianfeng was laughing secretly, but after listening to Leng Yiqi's words, the smile on his face disappeared instantly. This bridge loan is obviously his own, but Xu Zhiqiang came here, and now something like this has happened again. What do I want to say, but what can I say?

After hearing this, Xu Zhiqiang was silent. After a while, he said, "Leng Yiqi, can you be the master?" Xu Zhiqiang didn't want to make the matter worse. He was indeed beaten. It's too shameful. If it spreads. , Can I still be able to raise my head in Xu's house or even in Beijing? In any case, he is also a man with a face and a face.

"50 million cross the bridge, and 60 million in three years." Leng Yiqi stretched out five fingers.

"Leng Yiqi, this is also called sincerity for you and him, do you want to send a beggar? I heard that Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. costs 300 million yuan, and the interest rate is much higher than this." Xu Zhiqiang lied on the bed and moved. No, if you can move, I can't wait to come down and have a cold spell.

Leng Yiqi was also a little embarrassed, but he adjusted quickly, and then said: "Xu Zhiqiang, you don't need to come forward with the loan. I will solve it. You only need to collect the money at that time, and you can exchange a few million for one foot. You are still worth it."

"Leng Yiqi, I only now know why your sister didn't notify you. You are really dark enough. Why don't you say 50 million to you and the remaining 250 million to me. You don't need to care about the loan. I will solve it. If so, I will agree to reconciliation." Xu Zhiqiang was satirized by Leng Yiqi for a long time, and finally found the opportunity and satirized back.

"Leng Yiqi, your sister informed you that I originally thought it was here to solve the problem. I didn't expect that you were here to do business. But the two of you knew that this business was mine, and that the two of you robbed me of my business. "Ye Tianfeng really can't stand it anymore, there is no place for him in this situation, and he satirized two people at the same time.

The most embarrassing thing now is Leng Yiqi. He really has no feelings for Tang Feng. The reason for agreeing to mediate is entirely because of Leng Yuhan's face. In addition, he found that he was profitable. Of course, he had to fight for it.

Tang Feng didn't know that the three people were arguing about the loan for crossing the bridge. Now he is eating with two big beauties in a small restaurant. He has eaten the portion for two people and is still eating.

"Ye Tianfeng, Xu Sanpang, there are only three of us now. Once this matter spreads, the big ghosts and the little ghosts will all want to get some points, do you think how to solve it?" Leng Yiqi was very right. It's not big, but it's not small. There are still three people. Everyone has a part, and it's also a lot of income. If there are too many people, it's hard to say.

Xu Zhiqiang and Ye Tianfeng were both silent after listening, and finally Xu Zhiqiang opened his mouth, "Leng Yiqi, since you are here to be the intermediary, let's talk about the other party's conditions!"

"300 million yuan in three years, even with interest of 500 million yuan." Leng Yiqi said solemnly. He just didn't want to say, or said less, it was impossible, this must not be a secret, when two people knew about it, he fell behind.(Read more @

"Leng Yiqi, are you sure it's 300 million yuan in three years, even with interest of 500 million yuan? If that's the case, I will take the majority, and you two will get the same score. My kick is not for nothing. If you have opinions , You can also let that kid kick you, and I will give him the big head."

Leng Yiqi originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Xu Zhiqiang’s stomach, he closed his mouth, not to mention Ye Tianfeng, even if he gave it to him, he didn’t dare to kick Tang Feng, it was really terrible. of.

"Xu Zhiqiang, if three hundred million go to the bank, the interest for three years is about 40 million, and the other party gives 200 million, which is 160 million in profit. I and Leng Yiqi each have 50 million, and you own 60 million, but the bank The loan is guaranteed by you, and the two of us just take the money."

Leng Yiqi didn't have much opinion on Ye Tianfeng's words. He must have picked up 50 million for nothing, which is not a small income.

Xu Zhiqiang thought for a while. The other party gave him 60 million. This kick is not for nothing, and there is no big opinion. As for Tang Feng's hatred, he must have remembered it. On the surface, he agreed to reconcile him, and he did not know him. I don't know it, who knows, even if I guess it is what I can do.

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

After some discussions among the three people, Leng Yiqi came forward, Xu Zhiqiang was in charge of the loan, and Ye Tianfeng was in charge of the check. In this way, the three people divided the work to prevent nights and dreams. Xu Zhiqiang will contact the bank now. Of course, he has his own contacts. It's still easy to borrow some money in the bank.

After Leng Yiqi came out of the hospital, he directly called Leng Yuhan, told Leng Yuhan that the matter was settled, and asked Tang Feng to prepare for the contract.

Leng Yuhan finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her elder brother’s reply. Although she is a Wufeng, she does not have any influence or political power. Instead, she chose the bank. For this kind of problem, she has no idea at all. Ability to solve.

After Ye Tianfeng came out of the hospital, he kept his eyes on Leng Yiqi's body. He didn't find a corner until his car left the hospital. Then he took out the phone. He wanted to call Tang Feng directly, but he thought there were two things. The individual was not so familiar yet, and finally he called Ye Tianxue.

"Hey! Tianxue, thank you for today's affairs. I don't know if you have time to ask Tang Feng out. I want to thank him in person." Ye Tianfeng has never spoken so softly. Today is really the sun coming out from the west. .

"I can't be sure about this. You don't know that Tang Feng has a tough temper, and I may not be able to please him." Ye Tianxue was telling the truth. Every time he asked Tang Feng to do something was a threat.

"Tianxue, you must do this for me, otherwise the car won't find me." Ye Tianfeng is different from Ye Tianxue. Ye Tianfeng works by himself, and of course he has money in his hands.

Ye Tianxue became anxious when he heard that his car was about to fall apart, "Brother, don't worry, I will bring you the man, and you just wait for my good news, then when will my car cash out?"

Ye Tianfeng wanted to see Tang Feng for a reason. He wanted to remind Tang Feng to be more careful recently. Xu Zhiqiang had agreed to a settlement on the surface. According to what Ye Tianfeng knew about him, he would never give up.

Now that he got Ye Tianxue's affirmation, Ye Tianfeng hung up the phone quickly, so angry that Ye Tianxue on the other end of the phone pouted, and finally stopped eating half of the meal, and left the cafeteria directly.

Tang Feng and Leng Yuhan returned with Chen Yuhua after eating, because he needed cultivation, and Leng Yuhan must have gone back to work.

Not long after Tang Feng returned to the rental house, the phone rang again. As soon as he saw the caller ID, he knew what was going on. "Hey! Sister Yaqing, did you miss me?" Tang Feng spoke very quietly. While speaking, he kept looking at the water room.

Chen Yuhua has been in the capital for a few days, and now he has accumulated a lot of clothes to change. Today, I just have the opportunity to clean it by the way. Tang Feng dares to talk to Bai Yaqing like this.

"Tang Feng, you are silly again, how is the matter resolved?" Bai Yaqing still asked seriously.

"It's all resolved, and the loan issue is also resolved. The other party promised a loan of 300 million yuan, and will repay the principal and interest of 500 million yuan after three years." Tang Feng said casually.

"Xiaofeng, why are there so many?" Bai Yaqing asked in surprise. Bai Yaqing is not very clear about the issue of bonds, let alone such high interest rates.

"Sister Yaqing, the interest seems to be very high, but it is more cost-effective than financing. Think about it, if we have these three hundred million, we won't have to worry about funding in the future. This is just one aspect. In addition, three Will the YY in the next year still be the current YY? We not only have to develop YY, but also make corresponding games. YY is fundamental, and it can bring us a lot of user traffic. With this foundation, we can develop ourselves Games, once YY runs the game, do you think the market value of our company will not increase? Then maybe it will be as high as you can't think of..."

Tang Feng was chatting with Bai Yaqing and relaxed his vigilance. He didn't know when Chen Yuhua came to his side. "Tang Feng, are you going to run the game in the company?" Chen Yuhua asked in surprise.

Tang Feng first glanced at her, and then said to the phone: "Sister Yaqing, don't worry, if there is nothing else, I will hang up first." Chen Yuhua is too close to Tang Feng, of course Bai Yaqing who is opposite her After hearing it, Bai Yaqing knew that Tang Feng was inconvenient to speak, so she hung up.

"Sister Yuhua, what do you think I do to keep YY accumulating popularity? Do you know the root of the Internet?" Tang Feng half-lied on the sofa and looked at Chen Yuhua. Chen Yuhua shook her head. She is just a professional manager, not a job. Where will the Internet know these.

Seeing Chen Yuhua, Tang Feng shook his head and said: "The Internet is fundamentally traffic. Only with strong traffic can you have a strong room for development. Similarly, if a TV station broadcasts an advertisement, only TV viewers can see it. If YY is allowed to come. Broadcasting, as long as a pop-up window, all YY users will know. Of course it is just talking about the future of the Internet, the future of the Internet is very broad, especially mobile phones. The mobile phones in the future are computers today, which are more convenient than computers and can be used anytime, anywhere. use……"

Tang Feng gave Chen Yuhua a general description of the future development direction of the Internet, and listened to Chen Yuhua stupidly, sometimes nodding his head, sometimes shaking his head.

"Tang Feng, can a mobile phone really be the same as a computer?" Chen Yuhua asked with some disbelief.

"Of course it is possible, and it is more convenient. Future calls can completely replace the current methods, such as YY. You can chat face-to-face through the YY function." Tang Feng recalled the era of smart phones in the past. The current mobile phone giant Nokia is about to be Eliminated, the afterlife is the era of fruit machines.

"Tang Feng, why do you know so much?" Chen Yuhua's sentence suddenly broke the peace of the room, and he really asked Tang Feng to ask him. He didn't know how to answer. Could it be that he told her that he was born again? ?

"Sister Yuhua, these are all my guesses." Tang Feng had no choice but to make up a reason. If he asked Chen Yuhua to ask again, he really didn't know what kind of questions would be asked.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Chen Yuhua went back to the water room and started to wash the clothes. Tang Feng felt bored and closed his eyes, not knowing when he fell asleep, and finally was awakened by the phone ringing.

"Tang Feng, my brother wants to treat you to a potluck tonight." Ye Tianxue called. She has finished two classes and can go back to the rental house after the last class. She wants to confirm Tang Feng doing what.

"Ye Tianxue, let's forget it!" After today's incident, Tang Feng does not intend to interact with these individuals. Before he grows up, he does not want to be exposed to the sun, just like today, maybe even. What will get in trouble.

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