Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 234 Furniture City Delivery

Chapter 235

"No, where are you now?" Ye Tianxue was very overbearing. She had long thought that Tang Feng would refuse, and she also figured out a countermeasure.

"Ah! Uh, uh, if there is nothing wrong, I will hang up." Tang Feng started to interrupt, and hung up the phone as soon as he had a chance.

"Tang Feng, do you want me to find you now?" Ye Tianxue is also very smart. Hearing Tang Feng's answer, he knew that he would rent out the house.

"No, no, no, you should go to class! Wait until you come back." Tang Feng hung up the phone after speaking, not giving Ye Tianxue any chance to refute.

"Why did Ye Tianxue call you?" Chen Yuhua heard Tang Feng's voice in the water room, and stepped out of it to ask.

"Sister Yuhua, don't laugh at me. It's a misfortune for Sansheng to meet that female devil." Tang Feng sighed as he spoke, and got up from the sofa. After a short rest, he finally regained his vitality, and his body should be rusty when he was lying there.

"You are the devil." Chen Yuhua snorted coldly, and then disappeared at the door of the water house. Tang Feng came to an abrupt end, and then I remembered that Chen Yuhua also had the title of a devil in the company, but she seems to have changed recently, and Tang Feng can feel it.

Tang Feng originally wanted to explain, but he didn't expect the phone to ring again. Picking up the phone, it was an unfamiliar number, "I am, yes yes yes, come here! There is someone in the family who is calling when he gets downstairs Me.” The bed ordered by Tang Feng has arrived, and it seems that the speed is fairly fast.

As for the room, Chen Yuhua had already cleaned it up when Tang Feng was resting, and he was completely ready to move in. In addition to the bed, Tang Feng also bought two wardrobes to avoid running out of space for clothes.

After Tang Feng hung up the phone, he walked to the water house. Chen Yuhua was drying his clothes with his back facing him. Tang Feng looked at Chen Yuhua's back so familiar, and recalled the things in his previous life. This is how Bai Yaqing was in the previous life. Taking care of yourself, there is really a feeling of going up and hugging her from behind, it's just that the person is not right.

"Tang Feng, what's the matter with you?" Chen Yuhua, who had hung up his clothes, turned around and found that Tang Feng was looking at him foolishly, his heart beating, and he asked carefully.(Read more @

"No, nothing, just now the furniture store called, saying that our custom-made furniture has arrived and will be delivered in a while." Tang Feng suddenly recovered, and at the same time retracted his gaze.

"Oh! I have cleaned up the room." Chen Yuhua lowered his head and started drying clothes.

As for cleaning up the room, Tang Feng had seen it a long time ago. Had it not been for his weakness, he would have stepped forward to help. Seeing that Chen Yuhua stopped talking, he also retreated from the water room and went to the second room to see if there was anything big to move.

The furniture city is fast. About 20 minutes later, Tang Feng's phone rang again. He answered the phone and walked downstairs.

"Master is here." Tang Feng just walked to the entrance of the corridor and saw the small truck pulling furniture in front of the building and waved to them.

The service of the Furniture City is very thoughtful. Tang Feng doesn't need to do it at all. He brings his own porter. Tang Feng just leads the way and is responsible for the role of supervisor.

"Sister Yuhua, go outside to buy cigarettes and some water." Tang Feng watched these sweaty workers and masters loudly said to Chen Yuhua, and threw her 100 yuan.

These worker masters understood what Tang Feng said, and they were full of enthusiasm. An older brother who took the lead said: "Young man, that's your sister, it's so beautiful, she's a movie star."

"Isn't it pretty? Tell you a secret, that's not my sister, that's my'fuck' sister." Tang Feng said with a smirk looking at Chen Yuhua's disappearing back.

"Young man, I have seen it a long time ago. People are so white and you are so dark. You must not be your sister. You don't want rabbits to eat grass on the edge of the nest, do you?" Dare to say.

"Be quiet, it would be miserable if she heard me. You didn't see her cold look, it would be fierce." Tang Feng didn't explain at all, even if the explanation was not clear, he simply acquiesced.

Tang Feng has never thought about Chen Yuhua in that respect. He only thinks that this woman is very stubborn, very cold, and not easy to approach. In fact, we have known each other for so long. Tang Feng feels that it is okay. It's so cold as imagined, and it's quite pitiful.

These worker masters looked back downstairs and saw that Chen Yuhua had disappeared a long time ago. Then they laughed loudly, "Young man, he is very beautiful, but it's too cold. You don't feel less angry at ordinary times." Hearing what the big brother said, it’s useless to look at people just beautiful. A man has to be hard-hearted. Once you lose your hard-heartedness, your life will be over." The big brother sighed after he finished speaking. The story of the person.

After these workers put the bed in place, Chen Yuhua also walked up from below and handed the cigarette and drink to Tang Feng's hand.

"Come and come, brothers have worked hard, drink some water. And take this cigarette, and smoke it when you go home. My sister doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, so please bear with it." Tang Feng said as he put the water I sent it down to everyone, and then handed the cigarettes to the leading master, "When you are done, you will share it with everyone."

The workers are very happy to see such generous guest hosts. They didn't care about the problem of not letting smoking mentioned by Tang Feng. Some of them were addicted to cigarettes, and they also dispelled the idea of ​​smoking. Chen Yuhua was the most satisfied. She had no objection to buying water. She was indeed a little unhappy about buying cigarettes, but she didn't show it. Now Tang Feng has settled it very warmly. It seems that this kid is really considerate.

Seeing Chen Yuhua's scattered clouds, these workers secretly gave Tang Feng a thumbs up. Chen Yuhua also saw that he just didn't understand what it meant, so he didn't ask much, and began to spread the sheets on the bed. The sheets and quilts were all newly bought and were delivered with these furniture.

After Ye Tianxue finished the last class, he hurriedly walked from school to the rental house. When he saw the small truck parked below, he took a second look. Whose family got married and bought so many furniture.

"Tang Feng, is this?" Walking upstairs, Ye Tianxue finally understood that this was bought by Tang Feng.

"You occupy my room, can't you always let me sleep on the sofa?" As long as you face Ye Tianxue and Tang Feng, you don't have a good face, and face Chen Yuhua is completely two faces.

"When you buy a bed, you buy a bed, and what else do you buy those cabinets for?" Ye Tianxue also said angrily. Because of Tang Feng's attitude, the originally good mood disappeared in an instant.

"I'm willing, you can't control it. I can spend whatever I want to spend if I have money." Tang Feng didn't care about Ye Tianxue after he finished speaking, but went to help these workers.

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