Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 238 Private Club

Chapter 239

Ye Tianfeng came very quickly. Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua didn't wait long, so he stopped at the door of the snack bar, "Tang Feng, you will really enjoy it." I don't know if his words are commendatory or derogatory.

Tang Feng smiled, "I'm used to it. I still prefer soy milk fritters for coffee milk sandwiches."

"Sometimes I am quite envious." Ye Tianfeng said and motioned Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua to get in the car.

"Brother Ye, where are you taking us?" Tang Feng asked curiously.

"You'll know when the meeting arrives." Ye Tianfeng said mysteriously.

After the National Day, the roads returned to normal. The black Mercedes drove all the way. In about 20 minutes, Ye Tianfeng parked his car in front of a hall. There were special security guards at the entrance of the hall. It was a private hall at first glance.

"Young Master Ye." The security guard at the door of Ye Tianfeng greeted him as soon as he got out of the car. He seemed to be a frequent visitor.

"These two are my friends." Ye Tianfeng pointed to Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua behind him, and the security nodded in motion.

"Young Master Ye, what wind brought you here today, you haven't been here for a long time." A few people just walked to the door when a dusty woman greeted us from inside.

The woman looks not too old, about thirty years old, a red cheongsam highlights the body vividly, slightly beautiful, but with heavy makeup on her face, she can't see the real face at all.

"Sister Qian, don't make fun of me. I will introduce a friend to you,'Tang Feng', he is what I call Mr. Tang." Ye Tianfeng introduced Tang Feng as the boss, and Qian Yiyi didn't dare to neglect. , Hurriedly smiled and stretched out his white tender little hand, "Mr. Qian, come here for the first time, and I will definitely come next time."

"Sister Qian is polite." Tang Feng also called out to sister Ye Tianfeng, indicating that his relationship with Ye Tianfeng is unusual. Qian Yiyi is not a simple person either, and the relationship between two people can be guessed from the words of two people. So I know how much effort I should exert.

"I heard Master Ye say that you want to acquire a headhunting company, I don't know what use you do?"(Read more @

"Sister Qian is really a happy person, don't you ask us to go up for a drink?" Tang Feng looked around, although no one passed by, he should be more careful, he must have just offended Xu Zhiqiang, who knows where this is It's not someone he knows, if it gets in his ears, it will inevitably be a little bit for himself.

"It should be, you see, I forgot the courtesy when I was anxious, Mr. Tang, please." Qian Yiyi said as he motioned Tang Feng to go upstairs.

From beginning to end, a person did not introduce Chen Yuhua, but Qian Yiyi looked at him twice, thinking about a woman who was also a sign in his heart.

"Sister Qian, I didn't tell you clearly on the phone. He wants to set up an entertainment company, but he doesn't have much experience in this area. This won't find you." Ye Tianfeng entered Qian Yiyi's room as if he had entered the house. , Sat directly on the sofa.

"Entertainment companies? This thing is not a mess. Take Mr. Ye, you know it is messy, and there are not many companies that can make money. Most of them are pimp businesses." Qian Yiyi said. Staring straight at Tang Feng, see what he thinks.

"Sister Qian, I just want to set up an entertainment company. I won't grab business with you, and we do different things. We are based on filming and TV series." Tang Feng understood this private club. Now, when I went upstairs, I saw several little stars. What does it explain? It means that this is a place for celebrities to communicate privately, and there are some underground... transactions, which are all the places where the boss of the son brother loves.

Qian Yiyi was also taken aback when he heard it. He couldn't help but look up and down Tang Feng, "I don't know how much Mr. Tang is going to invest?" Qian Yiyi looked at Tang Feng's shameless appearance, already admiring him, and wanted to set up a family for him. The pimp company is similar to himself, but it doesn't seem to be the same after listening to him, so he asked carefully.

Ye Tianfeng didn't know what scale Tang Feng achieved. He also wanted to know what kind of entertainment company Tang Feng wanted to set up. He also listened with his ears upright.

"50 million, by the way, it's US dollars." Tang Feng first made a five-character gesture, and then added that it was just pretending to be in his bones.

Qian Yiyi was not surprised at first when he heard Tang Feng talk about 50 million yuan. His own club was more than that amount. When he heard that it was US dollars, he was also shocked. It was more than four billion Chinese coins. It's expensive, but there is still a gap between 400 million yuan.

"Ms. Tang, it's really a big deal. If that's the case, it's easy to say." Qian Yiyi stood up and picked up the cup on the table to pour a cup of tea for everyone, then looked at Chen Yuhua, "Ms. Tang, I don't know this lady Yes?"

"Sister Qian, this is Chen Yuhua, the vice president of our future entertainment company." Tang Feng turned his gaze to Chen Yuhua, and he had an idea at the time. Chen Yuhua was still a little surprised at Tang Feng's introduction. He looked at Tang Feng not quite clearly. Tang Feng looked at the teacup on the table as if he hadn't seen it.

"Hello, Miss Chen, really young and promising. I was just a foreman when I was your age. It seems that people are still incomparable." Qian Yiyi sighed and looked at To Ye Tianfeng.

"It's not easy, it's definitely not easy..." Tang Feng can guess that the relationship between the two people is unusual by looking at the expressions of the two people.

Chen Yuhua did not answer the conversation. He never took his gaze back at Tang Feng, hoping that he could give an explanation.

"Sister Qian, I don't know if you have a way to buy a headhunting company?" Tang Feng coughed lightly as if responding to Chen Yuhua, and at the same time looked at Qian Yiyi.

"This is true, but before the acquisition, I would like to ask what kind of name you are acquiring under?" Qian Yiyi, a well-known "mother" in the circle, has a good understanding of the entertainment industry. Small shrimps.

"Brother Ye, I have to ask you for your help on this. I am going to register an entertainment company in Beijing and then acquire it in the name of the company." The establishment of an entertainment company is not a trivial matter. It must be supervised by DFJ in China. Check the group.

"This is no problem, just leave it to me." Ye Tianfeng picked up the phone and walked outside after speaking. After about 5 minutes, he came in with a smile, "Everything is done, you can just go with the formalities at that time, and I will send you the required formalities after a while."

"Mr Tang, in this case, I will contact you first, and when the company is officially established, I will take you to interview the boss there." Qian Yiyi said as he picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

The matter was finalized in this way. Qian Yiyi originally invited Tang Feng to play there, but he refused. Ye Tianfeng had the intention to stay. Seeing that Tang Feng was not interested, he had to leave.

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