Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 239 Develop Games

Chapter 240

After coming out of Qian Yiyi's private club, Tang Feng separated from Ye Tianfeng, refused his delivery, and took a taxi with Chen Yuhua and went directly to the Beijing branch.

When Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua came to the Beijing branch, Kang Lifeng was coming down from upstairs. After seeing Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua, his face was a little bad, "Director Tang, Director Chen."

"Yeah! Isn't this our Kangda manager? Where are you going?" Tang Feng raised his voice, lest the people around him could not hear it.

Yesterday Tang Feng received news from Bai Yaqing, saying that the authorization letter had arrived. When Kang Lifeng received the power of attorney, he was full of confidence and the whole person was full of fighting spirit. When he saw the content of the power of attorney, he was dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? How is it possible..." Kang Lifeng slumped on his office chair with a look of disbelief.

The power of attorney is Tang Feng’s idea for Bai Yaqing. The front is normal, and Kang Lifeng is very happy after reading it. Only the additional conditions at the back are almost killing him. He is required to take Sequoia Capital within 5 days. There is plenty of time to download, but the latter is different. The price is 500 million US dollars and only 5% of the financing is received. After the financing, Sequoia Capital shall not interfere with the normal operation of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd.

This is completely a random quotation. How could Sequoia Capital agree to it? In order to prevent accidents, it also added an additional at the end, "Once the agreement is reached, the funds must be in place immediately, otherwise the contract is invalid." Just go through the procedures for a few days , Such a short time is simply impossible.

Kang Lifeng said that if he failed, he would take the initiative to resign. After reading this authorization letter, he had the urge to leave, but he was a little unwilling.

"Director Tang, this is not the authorization letter, I am going to run outside." Kang Lifeng counted silently in his heart as much as possible, "Low-key, low-key, low-key..." Try to suppress the anger in his heart as much as possible.

"Congratulations to Manager Kang, don't forget me if you get promoted and get rich in the future." Tang Feng deliberately raised the profile, Kang Lifeng wanted to find a seam to get in. Whoever met it was not good, but met this living master. Now if Kang Lifeng chooses to face Tang Feng or Chen Yuhua, he will choose Chen Yuhua without hesitation.

"Director Tang, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first." After Kang Lifeng finished speaking, he continued to walk outside.(Read more @

Looking at Kang Lifeng's disappearing back, Tang Feng started to laugh, "It deserves it, a good manager wants to oppose me improperly."

"Is it funny? Is it honorable for you to do this?" While Tang Feng was laughing, Chen Yuhua's voice was poured directly on his head like a basin of cold water.

"Sister Yuhua, you don't need to talk about morality when dealing with this kind of person. I really have to wait until he makes a mistake. It will be too late. This kind of person will strangle him in the cradle." Tang Feng simply ignored Chen Yuhua's coldness. 'S face, walking upstairs while talking.

"Tang Feng, I know you don't like him, but you can't use this method." Chen Yuhua is Chen Yuhua. She also has her own bottom line in some things. She hates Tang Feng's approach. This is simply crossing the river to tear down the bridge. If you want him to go, don't be so despicable at all. Not only did you ate others, but also stabbed them in the back. These things were unacceptable to Chen Yuhua.

Tang Feng didn't explain either. The personalities of the two people were originally different. Even if the explanation was useless, it would be better not to explain.

Recently, YY hasn't had any major events, and it seems relatively low-key. Most of the people in the Beijing branch are relatively leisurely. When Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua walked upstairs, they were chatting, and they shut their mouths when they saw the two people who arrived.

"You talk about you, don't worry about us." Tang Feng said with a smile. Despite this, everyone returned to their seats, and no one was talking, especially seeing Chen Yuhua's cold face, they didn't know what to do.

"Why aren't everyone talking anymore? Since they are all talking, then I will find something to do for everyone." Tang Feng still smiles, the more he is like this, the more scared everyone is, and at the same time, they all know about Kang Lifeng's Things, I don't know if the next unlucky person is myself.

"Everyone is so nervous to do nothing, but our Beijing branch is ready to expand. You will immediately take action for me, either through friends or the Internet... Anyway, recruit one for me within a week. The development team comes."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, everyone in the entire office area exploded, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and this time he started talking in a low voice.

This is a signal, a signal that Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. wants to develop a game. This was originally a company secret, but some time ago there was not enough funds to recruit a new development team, and this matter was delayed. Now that the bridge loan is coming down soon, it is time to start this project.

"Why don't you have confidence?" Tang Feng asked loudly.

"Yes." The crowd was also very powerful, and it rang almost all over the floor.

It may be that the voice was too loud. Yang Chunxiu, who was staying in her office, also walked out. Seeing Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua standing in the work area, their faces were not pretty, "Director Chen, Director Tang."

"Manager Yang, I think the people here are too idle, I found something for them, don't you blame me too much?" Tang Feng still smiled.

"No, no, the leader inspected, how can I blame it." Yang Chunxiu only heard the shouts, and didn't know what was happening. He was still a little confused and looked at one of his usual confidants.

"Manager Yang, don't guess, as long as you do your own job well, you don't need to take care of the others." How can Tang Feng not see Yang Chunxiu's careful thinking, but there is no point.

"What Director Tang taught was that I was dereliction of duty. You can rest assured that something like this won't happen next time." Yang Chunxiu may only be a deputy. The staff here are divided into three groups, one is the pro-Kang faction and the other is the pro-Yang faction. Another faction is the neutral faction. She doesn't want to offend people more, so she usually takes less care of it.

"Go ahead! Let's go if there is nothing to do." Tang Feng came here just to take a casual look. As for recruiting the development team, it was only his temporary idea. After Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua disappeared at the entrance of the corridor, Yang Chunxiu asked in a low voice, "What the hell is going on?"

"Manager Yang, don't you know?" Xiao Liang looked at Yang Chunxiu in surprise. This Xiaoliang is the confidant that Yang Chunxiu just saw.

"What the hell is Xiaoliang?" Yang Chunxiu said with a cold face. It turns out that everyone knows that she is alone in the dark, it is strange that she can be happy!

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