Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 240 Secret Old Hen

Chapter 241 Secret Old Hen

"Manager Yang, Director Tang asked us to recruit the development team and prepare to develop the game." Xiao Liang's voice was very small, because he was also not sure, there must be no real paperwork, this matter depends on Yang Chunxiu.

After listening to Yang Chunxiu’s face, she looked pretty ugly. This didn’t put her as a manager in the eyes at all. According to the normal procedure, the upper management of the company would notify her, and then she would release the task. Now she has taken over her directly. She was the last to know.

"Go ahead, as Director Tang said." Yang Chunxiu took a long breath and finally said. She was really angry, but she had to swallow it. She thought of Kang Lifeng. She didn't want to go the old way of Kang Lifeng, she could only bear it.

These staff members were also relieved after listening to Yang Chunxiu's words. If she really objected, they really didn't know how to do it, they must be both leaders, and the one who offended them would have no good fruit. Everyone just left their seats and walked downstairs.

Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua left the branch very early, so they simply walked to the nearby Jingdong Mall.

"Tang Feng, am I going here?" Chen Yuhua knows that Tang Feng has a relationship with She doesn't know exactly what the relationship is, except that Tang Feng often uses the resources of the two companies mutually.

"Look at my old friend." Tang Feng said and pointed to the office building not far in front.

Chen Yuhua seemed to understand and didn't ask any more. He followed Tang Feng and arrived at the office area of ​​Jingdong Mall in about a few minutes.

"Director Tang."

"Director Tang."

The busy employees greeted Tang Feng one after another.

"Is your boss Liu here?" Tang Feng asked casually to the busy staff.

"Director Tang, Boss Liu came once in the morning and went out. If you want to find him, you might as well give him a call."(Read more @

"Are you busy! I just take a look, don't worry about me." Here is the headquarters of Jingdong Mall, which mostly processes online orders and then informs the rear for delivery. There are thousands of orders every day, which can be said to be very busy.

"Tang Feng, the atmosphere here is much better than that of our company." Chen Yuhua whispered.

Tang Feng smiled, "The main reason is that it is too busy here, not to mention that JD Mall is still in the development stage, and many places are not perfect. It is normal to be busy."

The two of them left after about a round, and it was noon at this time. Tang Feng looked at Chen Yuhua after he came out of the corridor, "Sister Yuhua, what do you want to eat at noon today? Don't be polite to me, I will treat you. Tang Feng said with a faint smile on his face.

Chen Yuhua didn't pay much attention to what he was eating, and shook his head, "Whatever."

Tang Feng also shook his head, "How can this work?" Tang Feng remembered that Chen Yuhua had a small restaurant, but he didn't know what was going on. He still remembered the meeting with Chen Yuhua that day, and it was funny thinking about it.

"Sister Yuhua, go, I'll take you to a good place." Since Chen Yuhua has a small restaurant, the taste should be very delicious, he plans to take her to eat Lao Tan's old hen, but it's a bit late at this time and need to wait a long time.

The last time I went to Lao Han’s place, I was still with Leng Yuhan. It was precisely because of this Chen Yuhua who waited for him outside the door for a few hours, and finally caused her to have a fever. I have not compensated her for so long, and this happened today. opportunity.

"Tang Feng, forget it, let's find a place to eat something!" Because there was still something in the afternoon, Ye Tianfeng had already sent a message to inform Tang Feng of the materials to be prepared. In this way, Chen Yuhua didn't want to waste too much time.

"People are iron rice or steel. You have been helping me for so long, and I have treated you a little bit. Wherever things go wrong, you will listen to me today." Tang Feng said and stopped. He took Chen Yuhua's arm and walked towards the taxi far away. Chen Yuhua wanted to get rid of it, but looking at Tang Feng's happy look, he finally let him hold it.

"Lao Tan, let's share the secret old hen." Tang Feng didn't arrive, so he began to shout out loud.

Chen Yuhua was a little puzzled when he watched Tang Feng bring herself into a farmyard, but also very strange. There are such places in this prosperous city. I really don't know how Tang Feng found it.

"The young man is you! No problem, there is a private room over there, let's go by yourself!" Lao Tan came out from the kitchen with a spoon, and when he saw that it was the young man last time, he said casually, and then again Back to the kitchen.

"Tang Feng, is he alone here?" Chen Yuhua walked into the private room and found that he hadn't seen a waiter from beginning to end, so he asked curiously.

"Yes, here is Lao Tan alone, Lao Tan just does it, and the rest must be done by himself, don't look at Lao Tan's five big and three thick, his craftsmanship is at the master level." Tang Feng said exaggeratedly.

Although Tang Feng's actions were a bit exaggerated, Chen Yuhua believed it. When she walked over, there were seven or eight private rooms. Only the door of this private room was open, and the rest of the private rooms were closed, indicating that there were people inside and from the private room. The decoration pattern is very exquisite, with the sound of drums, and it feels a bit back to the Tang Dynasty.

"Sister Yuhua, if you are tired, lie there for a break." Tang Feng pointed to a wooden bed beside him. It seems that Lao Tan is really thoughtful. He knows that cooking takes a long time and is afraid that guests will wait. Anxious, this prepared a place to rest.

"No, just sit here for a while." Chen Yuhua didn't know that he would have to wait at least two hours to eat this chicken.

"Sister Yuhua, you really don't go, if you don't, I can go." Tang Feng said half-jokingly.

"Go!" Chen Yuhua thought Tang Feng was tired and nodded.

It is not once Tang Feng found that talking to Chen Yuhua was boring, she was always so serious. As soon as I was about to speak on the phone, I remembered it. I picked it up and saw that it was Ye Tianxue. After looking at Chen Yuhua, I picked it up, "I said Miss Ye Da, what's your business?"

Ye Tianxue doesn’t know what’s wrong recently, she always looks absent-minded. Even in class, she often loses her mind. She often looks at the vacancies around her. After class, she didn’t leave the classroom and waited for everyone to leave. He picked up the phone and finally called Tang Feng.

"Can't I call you if there is nothing to do?" Ye Tianxue asked angrily.

"Yes, of course." Tang Feng was a little speechless, as to why this eldest lady had any reason to say.

"Tang Feng, when did you come to class, today the teacher called again." Ye Tianxue became a little gentle this time, Tang Feng was really uncomfortable, mainly because she had never spoken to Tang Feng like this.

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