Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 241 Wrong Person

Chapter 242

Tang Feng couldn’t refuse Ye Tianxue’s kindness, and also changed his tone, “Thank you, I’m a bit busy lately, and I will definitely go back to school in a few days.” Tang Feng intends to formally establish the entertainment company and return to school. As for The management can be handed over to Chen Yuhua first, or a professional manager can be recruited.

Ye Tianxue pouted after hearing Tang Feng's words, but it was a pity that Tang Feng couldn't see it. Another thing is that she has learned the song that Tang Feng handed over to her, and wants to tell him so that he and herself Sharing happiness together, thinking that Chen Yuhua must still be standing next to him, I dismissed this idea, and said a few words casually, and then hung up the phone somewhat reluctantly.

"Ye Tianxue called?" After Tang Feng hung up the phone, he saw Chen Yuhua looking at him with a strange look.

"Yes, tell me that the school teacher called again." Tang Feng said honestly.

"Oh!" Chen Yuhua just stopped talking with a ‘oh’, and the whole room was instantly cold.

"Sister Yuhua, you won't blame me for leaving you here?" Tang Feng asked Chen Yuhua with some tea from his cup.

"I'm just a part-time worker, and Mr. Bai didn't let me go back. Of course I can't go back." Chen Yuhua would definitely want to go back out of business. She stayed a little selfishly. As for how she thought, only she knew.

"Sister Yuhua, you also know that the company has just started, and there is really no one available. I don't worry about replacing it with other people, especially Kang Lifeng. Do I dare to give him this kind of thing?" Tang Feng was a little helpless He sighed, just like a sad middle-aged old man.

"Tang Feng, in fact, Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. is already pretty good. It will take a few years to become one of the top companies in China. You should develop him well, not like it is now." Chen Yuhua looked at Tang Feng's eyes Speaking very seriously.

"Sister Yuhua, I understand what you mean. Maybe a few months ago I would have thoughts like this, but not now. I have to be strong. Only in this way can I protect the people around me, just like the previous time. Xu Zhiqiang, he is just a little brother, but he still forces me to give in. If I am strong enough, there will be no worries in this regard."

Tang Feng is the most attractive at this time. His eyes are very determined. Chen Yuhua sees hope in his eyes, and his heart "pounds" wildly. "What's wrong with me." Chen Yuhua withdrew. His eyes didn't dare to look at Tang Feng.(Read more @

"Mr. Bai is really happy." After a few minutes, Chen Yuhua seemed to have plucked up his courage and raised his head to look at Tang Feng.

"Sister Yuhua, you don't understand, because I owe her, the cause and effect planted in the previous life will be repaid by me in this life. In this life, I have no regrets or regrets." Tang Feng once again fell into memory and recalled that the two people were there When we were together, it was so harmonious, so...

Chen Yuhua really didn't understand Tang Feng's words. He just looked at this dazed man dumbly, what kind of secret he had, and could make such a look. She saw sincerity in his eyes. It's a pity that this man is too bothered.

"Tang Feng, can't you choose between Leng Yuhan and President Bai?"

Tang Feng was silent facing Chen Yuhua’s question. After a while, he said, “There is no choice in love. Two people love each other. This is enough. If they choose to leave, I will follow their opinions. I will pursue it with my utmost sincerity, and I also have the ability to have both of them at the same time, so let the men who do not have women be jealous!" Tang Feng's voice is loud, but the soundproofing effect of the private room is very good. , I can’t hear it outside.

"Tang Feng, do you know that Bai always feels sad like this?" Chen Yuhua asked unwillingly.

"I know, but what can I do? Just leave Leng Yuhan, I can't do it, really can't do it, even if it is done, my love will no longer be complete, do you want me to be a beginning People who end up in chaos?” Tang Feng was a little excited when he said Leng Yuhan. The two people have not been in contact for more than a day, and the message he sent to her was like a stone sinking.

"But, but Leng already has a boyfriend, and the two of them love each other very much. You obviously want to separate people."

"Yes, I just want to dismantle them. Look at Zheng Zihe. It looks very sunny on the surface, but I don't know how dark behind it. Don't you see that he and Alice are inextricably linked?"

"You mean the two of them?" Chen Yuhua looked surprised.

"Don't you see that the look in Alice's eyes is different from the look in others?" Chen Yuhua has never paid attention to Tang Feng's statement, or said with a disbelief: "Tang Feng, you just have no evidence. Don’t talk nonsense, it won’t be good if it reaches other people’s ears."

"Sister Yuhua, you don't believe me when I say it, one day you will know if what I said is right." After Tang Feng finished speaking, he stood up and walked outside the door. He didn't want to fight with Chen Yuhua, it didn't make any sense, so he might as well go out for a while.

"Sister Yu Han?" Tang Feng was walking in the yard and suddenly found a familiar figure, and hurried to chase after him.

"Who are you looking for?" Leng Yuqing turned around and found a strange man greeted herself.

"Sorry, I confessed to the wrong person just now." When the woman turned around, Tang Feng realized that he had confessed to the wrong person. The two people are just a little similar and have the same clothes.

Tang Feng was about to leave, but found that the woman stopped him, "What's your name?"

"Miss, I really didn't strike up a conversation, I really confessed to the wrong person." Tang Feng thought that the other party thought he was striking up a conversation. If he went back, he would be questioned by Sister Yuhua, so he explained.

"I know, but now I want to strike up a conversation with you." The woman said in a non-surprising voice.

"Sorry miss, I already have a girlfriend." Tang Feng refused directly. Turn around and leave.

"Good personality, but I like it. Do you say that your girlfriend is what you call "Sister Yu Han"?" Tang Feng, who was about to leave, was blocked in front by a woman and had to stop.

"This is my personal matter, and it has nothing to do with you. If you are doing what you just did, I will apologize to you again." Tang Feng said, he bowed the woman and walked around the woman, thinking again go away.

"If you don't tell me the name, I will find out, and we will meet again." This time the woman did not catch up, and said loudly to Tang Feng who was about to disappear. Tang Feng continued to walk forward as if he had not heard it, and soon disappeared in front of the woman's eyes.

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