Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 242 Lu Meets A Little Girl

Chapter 243

After returning to the room, Tang Feng was a little absent-minded. He was still unlucky for what happened just now. He wanted to call Leng Yuhan to ask.

"Tang Feng, what's the matter?" Chen Yuhua noticed that Tang Feng's expression was a little bad once he went out, so he asked with concern.

"Nothing, it may be some cold outside." The weather today is not very good, it has been cloudy, and the October sky began to become a little cooler in the capital.

"Tang Feng, do you have something on your mind?" Tang Feng's expression was written on her face, but she still couldn't lie to Chen Yuhua, she asked again.

"No, it's just a little bit homesick. I haven't seen my parents for a long time. I don't know how they are now?" Tang Feng's sentence is true. He still misses his parents from his previous life. In his previous life, he owed his parents. Too much.

"Then go back and take a look when you have time!" Chen Yuhua didn't understand Tang Feng's feelings at all, she just said casually.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's talk about the entertainment company! I plan to move Ye Tianxue into the company, what do you think?" Tang Feng directly changed the subject and mentioned Ye Tianxue.

Regarding Tang Feng's desire to sign with Ye Tianxue, Chen Yuhua was a little surprised, or he asked in an official manner, "Have you talked with her?"

"No." Tang Feng shook his head, and then said: "Her voice is good. If it is professionally packaged, and her image is definitely red."

"The company is yours, you are the boss, of course you have the final say." Chen Yuhua said absently. In any case, she doesn't like the contact between Tang Feng and Ye Tianxue.

"It's fine if you don't object, you know that I still have to go to school. There are so many things during this period of time, and it has been so long. In the future, you will have to worry about the entertainment company's affairs." Knowing Ye Tianxue's temper and Chen Yuhua's temper, it wouldn't be good if the two of them had any conflicts.(Read more @

"President Bai is simply overwhelmed by it. I think I will go back and help her after a while." Chen Yuhua really wants to go back. She doesn't want to see Mr. Tang Feng being with other women in an unclear way. , After going back, it will be out of sight.

"You can rest assured over there. YY must be on the right track. I am asking Sister Yaqing to hire a professional manager. Then she will be relieved." Tang Feng was afraid that Chen Yuhua would regret it and directly sealed her all. The escape route.

"Tang Feng, you can hire a professional manager here, why do you want me to stay?" Chen Yuhua asked angrily.

"Because I only trust you." Tang Feng's answer was short and straightforward.

Chen Yuhua was really touched after hearing it. It was not easy to get someone's trust. He originally wanted to say something, but finally closed his mouth.

The two waited left and right, the tea was changed again and again, and finally came to Lao Tan two hours later. At this time it was 1:30 noon, and Chen Yuhua was so hungry that she was groaning and screaming. She didn’t. Thinking of waiting such a long time, I understood why Tang Feng asked her to rest.

Lao Tan’s secret old hen is really amazing. People like Chen Yuhua who have run restaurants are full of praise. Tang Feng doesn’t have any image. He has been fainted from hunger for less than half an hour. Two people wiped out the old hen in this small porcelain basin.

"Little handsome guy, we met again." Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua walked outside after eating and drinking. They did not expect to meet another girl who looked like Leng Yuhan at the door. There were three other girls about the same age standing beside her. Beautiful girl, all gorgeous.

Tang Feng faced Leng Yuqing somewhat unnaturally, gave Chen Yuhua a secret look, and then said: "This lady, we don't seem to know each other." Tang Feng immediately expressed his attitude.

"Little handsome guy, this is the second time we have met. Do you think we are fate? Should we get to know each other."

"Yes, little handsome guy, we all want to know you." The other three women next to each other said almost in unison. Tang Feng had a big head at the time. One woman was dying, and three more came, and these women were a little bit charming, especially the woman who stood in front of her, who was not inferior to Chen Yuhua in terms of her face, but she didn’t. She has such a temperament.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to know you, and we have no fate." Tang Feng refused, hoping that these women would stop pestering him.

"Yeah! I have a personality, but I like it, you don't want to fight with me. I'm going to decide on this man." One of the taller girls took a step forward, almost sticking to Tang Feng's body. Frightened him straight back.

"Jiaojiao, such a personality boy, you can't eat alone, my sister wants to compete with you." Another medium-sized girl stepped forward and almost stuck it on Tang Feng's body again, Tang Feng was so frightened that he retired and retired, and he had already retired to the middle of the yard.

"Lili, Jiaojiao, you two can get it, you dare to snatch the man that Sister Qing likes." Another of the three women seemed to be unable to see it, and said with a curled lips.

"Xu Ru, we know that you don't like men, but don't delay our liking for men. Look at this little handsome guy, this body, this body, if you sleep with him once, you can guarantee that you will like men next time." The two women ignored Xu Ru's accusation at all, and continued to approach Tang Feng, just like hungry tigers...

Tang Feng was stunned as soon as he heard it. Who are these three people, two young ladies, and one Lala, as for the one who looked like cold and cold, it seemed normal.

"Sisters, you see that I am not handsome, and I am still so dark, so please let me go!" Tang Feng saw that he couldn't escape, so he showed a smile, just like an ancient eunuch took pictures of his mother. Flattery.

"Okay, you two will scare him away if this goes on." The girl who looked like Leng Yuhan said, the two women went straight back and blocked the door again.

"Little handsome guy, can you tell me my name now?" Leng Yuqing looked at Tang Feng with a smile, and Tang Feng was puzzled. She wanted to know her name in such a big battle. You said it earlier, said it earlier. Maybe I will give it to you.

"This elder sister, you see that we don’t know each other. We may never see each other again. What do you want my name to do?" Chen Yuhua stood on the side like a spectator without speaking. Tang Feng's performance is simply staring.

Tang Feng also had no way to be hard. These are just a few women, still at the level of female hooligans. The one who suffers in the end is still himself, so he has to come soft and hope to be able to pass.

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