Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 244 Supermarket In Distress

Chapter 245

Tang Feng has never seen Ye Tianxue so unconfident, she smiled when she saw her bashful and shy, "Why not, I can do it, even if I'm a fool, I can make him a big star."

Ye Tianxue, who was still a little shy, suddenly changed her face, "You are a fool!" Then she gave a cold snort, continued reading, and ignored Tang Feng.

Tang Feng said a few words when she ignored her, so he was no longer boring. The "Happy Bean Big Bang" program that was not completed last time has just been half completed. He plans to use this time to complete the remaining half.

"Tang Feng, we don't want to go out to eat tonight. I will go out to buy some food later, and I will eat it at home." Chen Yuhua walked around in the kitchen to see that the pots and pans were all complete before suggesting.

At this time, Tang Feng was typing on the keyboard intently. He just nodded and stopped talking. Ye Tianxue, who was sitting next to him and reading a book, gave him a blank look, and then said to Chen Yuhua: "Sister Yuhua, I will go with you. ."

Chen Yuhua was a little surprised, but did not object, just nodded, and then ordered Ye Tianxue to change clothes, and he was ready to set off.

It’s very close to the school. There are shopping malls everywhere. There is everything in there, and it saves a lot of things. The vegetables in the supermarket are a little worse than those in the vegetable market in terms of quality. It’s already evening. It's just a moment.

"Sister Yuhua, why do you think Tang Feng is so annoying?" Ye Tianxue started complaining to Chen Yuhua on the way.

"Tianxue, I can see that you like Tang Feng, but you have also seen that the two of you are not in harmony at all. You are very beautiful. There must be a lot of boys who like you?"

After a few days of getting along, Chen Yuhua discovered that Ye Tianxue is not a bad girl, but a little willful. This may have something to do with her being spoiled and spoiled since childhood. This also allowed her to slowly accept this girl, but she also has selfishness. Tang Feng is very good, attracting some girls is normal, even if she is attracted to him unconsciously, she has been restraining in this regard.

Ye Tianxue heard Chen Yuhua say that she likes Tang Feng like a little secret in her heart. Her face turned red in an instant, and her heart was pounding, so that Chen Yuhua didn't hear anything afterwards.(Read more @

"Who would like that guy, bad temper, smelly and hard, never let a girl, I don't like him." Ye Tianxue thought of the sweet life with Tang Feng, his face was covered with With a smile, Chen Yuhua knew she had failed when she saw her expression, and shook her head helplessly.

"Yes, this man is not good at all, and he is particularly overbearing. It's the right thing to not like him." Chen Yuhua said with conscience.

Ye Tianxue was a little embarrassed and really didn't know how to pick up Chen Yuhua. Fortunately, the two of them had already reached the door of a nearby supermarket and then walked in.

Ye Tianxue is like a curious baby for all kinds of vegetables. Look at this, look at that, and only recognize a few simple ones. Looking at Chen Yuhua's light picking and picking, I feel a little envious. In my heart, I thought, "Does Tang Feng like this? of?"

Ye Tianxue feels that Tang Feng treats Chen Yuhua and treats herself as two different attitudes. This is why she and Chen Yuhua came out. Only then did she find that she had nothing but a face in front of her, but her face was not more beautiful than her. I wanted to come. If you want to go, a man must like her like that.

"Sister Yuhua, what kind of dish is this?" In order to change, I would ask every time I pass a dish I don't know.

Ye Tianxue is very smart. She has never worried about Chen Yuhua. Even if two people have something, it is nothing. The two of them are not the same age at all. In a few years, she will be old, and she is still young and staying in a big family. People are used to the warmth and coldness of the world. There are not many women in the elders and brothers in the family, but there is only one in charge.

As for the competitor, there is only one in her mind, and that is Chen Yuyao. She is beautiful and has a good personality. She is perfect among boys, but what about herself? There are indeed many people who chase themselves, but none of them are sincere. They either look at their beauty or their identity. Everyone who pursues himself has a purpose. Only Tang Feng is different.

When she first met Tang Feng, she also thought that he, like the other suitors, approached herself with impure goals. As the two people kept in touch, she found that she was wrong. Tang Feng not only didn’t mean to approach herself. , And some rejection.

This is how people are, and it is because of the difference in Tang Feng that attracts Ye Tianxue's attention, a little bit deeper and deeper, to the final liking stage.

"Sister Yuhua..." Chen Yuhua discovered that Ye Tianxue had suddenly been hiding behind her, and kept pulling the corners of her clothes.

"What's wrong with Tianxue?" Chen Yuhua looked at Ye Tianxue a little strangely, and found that she was looking into the distance, her face also a little nervous.

"Sister Yuhua, let's go!" Ye Tianxue was still staring in the original direction while speaking, and did not leave.

Chen Yuhua looked in the direction of Ye Tianxue and found a man in a floral shirt walking towards this side, frowning, "You know?"

"Sister Yuhua, go!" Ye Tianxue pulled Chen Yuhua and about to run out. He didn't expect the man in the flower shirt to be faster and directly blocked in front of the two of them.

"Little girl, we met again, do you think it's fate?" The man in the flower shirt looked at Ye Tianxue with a squint.

"Sorry, you confessed to the wrong person, I don't know you." Ye Tianxue quietly pulled Chen Yuhua's clothes corner while speaking.

"Really? You are not so forgetful, are you? Do you need me to remind you, for example, a certain KTV? A certain school?" The man still stood in front of Chen Yuhua with a sly look.

"You really admit the wrong person, I have never been to KTV!" Ye Tianxue's voice became smaller and smaller, and she was a little guilty. Only Chen Yuhua was confused. She didn't know what the two people were talking about, but she knew Ye Tianxue must have offended the man in front of him.

"This gentleman, I don't know where my sister has offended you?" Chen Yuhua has never looked good at this kind of person, and at the first glance he is a rogue.

"Where did you offend me? You're so embarrassed to ask, why don't you ask about the good things your sister has done?" Xu Zhiliang became very angry when he thought of it, and was almost scrapped by this woman last time. , I have been living in the hospital for half a month, and now I think about it, I have lingering fears.

This incident still happened two months ago, when I just graduated from high school, the classmates had to come to a break-up party and played from noon to night. During this time, Ye Tianxue went to the bathroom, but unexpectedly met Xu Zhiliang.

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