Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 245 Come To The Rescue

Chapter 246

Xu Zhiliang had already drunk a little wine, and came out from the bathroom too dizzy. Seeing Ye Tianxue as if he was shocked by the heavens, he directly approached him.

At that time, Ye Tianxue was not the current Ye Tianxue. Before Xu Zhiliang could react, he just stepped down, and then heard the screams of killing a pig.

Ye Tianxue saw Xu Zhiliang tumbling on the ground and was a little scared, so she left in a hurry. Originally, this incident had already passed, but she didn’t expect Yuanjia Road to be narrow. She met him in this small supermarket today, and she kept thinking about it. Do not recognize it, and want to pull Chen Yuhua away.

Xu Zhiliang just passed by here. He became addicted to cigarettes and found that there was no more cigarettes. He wanted to come in and buy a pack of cigarettes. He didn't expect to meet a woman who made him desperate, so he walked over.

Listening to Xu Zhiliang's abuse, Chen Yuhua looked at Ye Tianxue. Ye Tianxue's eyes were a little dodging. She immediately understood the general meaning. Ye Tianxue must have offended the man in front of her.

"Mr., if my sister offends you, I am here to apologize for her." Chen Yuhua hates the man in front of him very much, but because Ye Tianxue can only bear it, he hopes to leave here as soon as possible.

"If you say you apologize, then apologize. How to calculate the medical expenses and how to calculate the mental damage expenses?" Xu Zhiliang said with a curled mouth. Although the two women in front of him are very beautiful, there is already a shadow in his heart, especially Ye Tianxue, who doesn't treat her as a woman at all.

Chen Yuhua frowned when she heard Xu Zhiliang's questioning, "Sir, in that case, do you say the number?" Chen Yuhua thought that Ye Tianxue was not the one who lacked money, and would not care about it, so he became the master for her.

"It's still happy for this young lady. In that case, if you give 200,000 yuan, this matter will be over." Xu Zhiliang directly stretched out two fingers. Chen Yuhua thought it was 2,000 yuan, which was a sigh of relief, but listened. He took a sigh of relief at the back number, which is nothing short of extortion.

"Sir, are you a bit too much? If this is the case, we can only call the police and let the police solve it for us."

Xu Zhiliang heard that Chen Yuhua was about to call the police, and he was a little worried. It was not a big thing or a small one. It was true that he had lived in the hospital for more than half a month, but it only cost a few thousand yuan. Don’t say 20. Ten thousand, it’s not bad to get 20,000, but thinking of the sins that I had suffered and almost cut off children and grandchildren at that time, I confessed, "I’m not afraid of anyone coming, 200,000 and one penny won’t work, otherwise you don’t want it. Want to leave."

The quarrel between the three people has attracted the attention of people around, and many people are talking about it. Ye Tianxue's eyes turned when they saw these people, "I don't know you at all. You are the blackmail of Chi Guoguo, I want Sue you."

"Scum, robbed in the supermarket."(Read more @

"Looking at that person's eyebrows, he is not a good person at first glance. It must be because the two girls are beautiful and want to take advantage."

"The little girl should call the police!"

"What is bullying a woman?"


After a while, the people in the supermarket began to talk about it. It might be a deterrent to the man, but they said that they didn't dare to come forward and help.

Xu Zhiliang also became a little timid when he heard the discussion around him. This still couldn't stop his determination, "Shut up all to me, be careful that Laozi abolished you." Xu Zhiliang yelled to embolden himself.

"Let me, let me..." The quarrel of several people also attracted the attention of the security guard at the door, and they were now walking inside.

Xu Zhiliang saw the two security guards coming over, each with a big waist and round waist. His complexion instantly became difficult to look at, but his mouth was not softened, "200,000, as long as you recognize the money, this matter is fine."

"What's the matter? If you are making trouble, please go out." The security guard is also a human, and he doesn't dare to offend these rascals. Fortunately, there is only one person on the other side, so he bravely asked.

Xu Zhiliang watched the troubles get worse, and when the time came, it would not end well, so he gave Ye Tianxue a fierce look, "If you don't pay the money today, don't want to leave." After finishing talking, he walked to the door of the supermarket and waited for the door to be reached. Later, he turned around, "I have left your supermarket now, I can't control it now!"

Seeing that Xu Zhiliang still refused to leave, Ye Tianxue didn't know what to do, so she had to look at Chen Yuhua. Chen Yuhua is much calmer than Ye Tianxue. She knows that this is a supermarket, so that the safety of the two people can be better protected. She wanted a man to be there. At this time, she thought of Tang Feng and quickly picked up the phone. Called in the past.

At this time, Tang Feng was concentrating on the code, and he answered the call without even noticing who was calling, "Hey! Hello.".

"Tang Feng, we ran into some trouble at the nearby Changsheng Supermarket. Come over."

When Tang Feng heard that it was Chen Yuhua's voice, he jumped up from the sofa and ran outside without asking anything. "Sister Yuhua, wait a moment, I'll be there soon."

In about 5 minutes, Tang Feng ran from the rental house to the door of the Changsheng Supermarket, which seems to have something to do with his usual exercise. After entering the door, I saw Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue not far from the door. Seeing that the two were intact, I breathed a sigh of relief and asked a little breathlessly: "Sister Yuhua, what's the matter."

Chen Yuhua pointed to Xu Zhiliang at the door, "Tianxue seems to have offended him. He is now blocking the door and not letting us leave."

Tang Feng glared at her when he heard that Ye Tianxue was in trouble, but she didn't refute this time. Then Tang Feng looked at Xu Zhiliang not far away, and walked over to him, "My friend, do we have any misunderstandings?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding you MB." Xu Zhiliang saw that only a little boy came, and now his arrogance became even more arrogant, and he yelled directly.

Regarding Xu Zhiliang’s abuse, Tang Feng wanted to slap it over, but thought of Xu Zhiqiang’s problem last time and had no choice but to bear it. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said again: “Friends have to be forgiving and forgiving. If we can’t pass the hurdle, why don’t we just pick it up like this, maybe we will still be friends when we meet in the future.”

"My friend MB, I will put the words here today, no one without 200,000 don't have to leave here." Xu Zhiliang repeated it again.

Tang Feng just came here and didn't know what happened. Why did he come out with a 200,000 yuan? Then he looked at Ye Tianxue, "Did you borrow money from him?"

Ye Tianxue shook his head, "He is bloody, I don't even know him."

Tang Feng saw Ye Tianxue's eyes dodge a little when she was talking, he knew that she was lying and didn't reveal it. He turned his head and said to Xu Zhiliang: "Friend, my girlfriend doesn't know you at all. Did you admit the wrong person?"

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