Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 250 Yang ChunxiuS Mind

Chapter 251 Yang Chunxiu's Thoughts

"Come on, where are you?" Dewey quickly changed his tone.

Tang Feng understands this too much, so he said no, there is really something to do, he will come immediately as soon as he calls, just take the money sent yesterday, and he sent it without even asking, what is friendship, this It's called friendship. You can make jokes anyway, but you can be very serious when you encounter things.

The company registration process is very complicated. If it were not for Ye Tianfeng's help, it would not have been possible to complete it without 10 days and a half months. Even so, it would take 3 days. Now the procedures of China Entertainment Entertainment Co., Ltd. have been completed, but the formal procedures have not yet been completed.

It is the same today. Tang Feng directly made an appointment with Dewey at the entrance of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Dewey was a little strange at the time, but he didn't ask much. He just came out of school and got a taxi. It may be that Tang Feng's journey is a little longer, and he actually arrived first by himself.

Dewey had waited for a while when Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua arrived. When Dewey saw Chen Yuhua, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Director Chen is here too!" While speaking, he looked at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng seemed to understand Dewey's meaning and then explained: "YY has established a new company in the capital. Sister Yuhua is here to handle some things."

He was a little surprised by Tang Feng's name for Chen Yuhua, Dewey. He knew that this woman was cold and hard. It seemed that the relationship between the two was not shallow, and he didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Tang Feng, "Crazy man, come here to do it." what?"

"Guess?" Tang Feng said mysteriously.

"If I could guess, I would ask you? You didn't come to make up for the meal yesterday, did you?" Dewey laughed after he finished speaking.

Hearing Dewey's words, Tang Feng was a little embarrassed, especially in the face of Chen Yuhua, not shitting away, and said seriously: "Weizi, I am going to set up a headhunting company and I am going to let you take care of it."

Dewey almost opened his mouth after listening, "Can I?"(Read more @

"Why not, I just want to do it. You only need to recruit a group of people who can speak well, or you can recruit in school. Then I will post some tasks. You just need to complete them according to the tasks."

It sounds simple, but the actual operation is very difficult. Dewey thought for a while, and finally ordered a bit. The three of them walked to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. When they came out, it was already noon, "Weizi, go, let's have a meal, and we will compensate for yesterday's."

Dewey was also not polite. He knew that Tang Feng was rich, so he said, "I want to eat seafood."

"No problem, I'll let you eat enough today." The three people went straight to the largest restaurant nearby, and ordered a whole table of seafood. They eat seafood, but if they don’t eat seafood, they can’t live with seafood today. Wait. When Tang Feng paid the bill, he felt a little painful. Several thousands of people just rushed out like this. When he left, Dewey even packed, saying that he brought it to his brother in the dormitory.

Speaking of the brothers in the dormitory, Tang Feng hadn't seen them for a long time, and ordered another package, and brought one for Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuyao.

There is nothing else in the afternoon. Just wait for the news. Tang Feng plans to let Chen Yuhua rest at home, go to school for a visit, and bring things to the brothers by the way. But Chen Yuhua was a person who could stay, and finally went to the branch office.

Today's branch has completely changed. Kang Lifeng knew that he couldn't stay any longer, and took the initiative to resign. At the same time, there was another employee who had been following him. Fortunately, there were not many things, and it was able to operate normally.

Some people have already been recruited for the tasks that Tang Feng explained. There is still a certain distance from forming a development team. These people are not too easy. They use computers to communicate with those candidates.

Chen Yuhua was quite satisfied with the work attitude of these employees, and returned to her temporary office without waiting. I heard a knock on the door not long after I walked in.

"Please come in." Yang Chunxiu came in, and this Chen Yuhua was not surprised.

"Please sit down." Chen Yuhua motioned to Yang Chunxiu to sit on the chair beside him, but Yang Chunxiu did not sit down and said directly, "Director Chen, this is the work situation during the recent period."

After Kang Lifeng left, it can be said that Yang Chunxiu has taken the power. It turns out that Kang Lifeng’s people have also been incorporated by her. It can be said that she is the biggest gainer. Today is also a show of heart. I hope to get the support of Chen Yuhua, so that she can sit in the capital. The first director of the branch.

Chen Yuhua took the file in Yang Chunxiu's hand, just took a few casual glances, and then looked at Yang Chunxiu, "Manager Yang, if you have anything to say?" Chen Yuhua saw that Yang Chunxiu didn't mean to leave, so he asked. .

"Director Chen, look at the branch office now that Kang Lifeng has also left, and now we have to recruit so many people, there is no unified control at all, do you think..."

"Manager Yang, I understand what you mean, but you have found the wrong person. I can tell you that I can't be a family at all. But I advise you not to think about crooked ways and do your job well. The ones that should come will come." Chen Yuhua interrupted Yang Chunxiu directly.

After Yang Chunxiu heard what Chen Yuhua said, a cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She knew Chen Yuhua was very strict, but she still wanted to take a gamble, but she lost the bet. She didn't expect her to make such a choice, so she nodded quickly, "Yes, yes.

Yang Chunxiu has left, but she has been pondering the meaning of Chen Yuhua’s words. After this period of observation and Chen Yuhua’s performance, she has come to an amazing conclusion that Tang Feng is the one who really speaks, although She didn't believe this fact, but she had to accept it. Thinking about it now, she regretted her arrogance towards Tang Feng.

The more Yang Chunxiu thought about it, the more afraid she became. She was soaked in her office chair and didn't notice it. Fortunately, Director Chen reminded me that she might be the next Kang Lifeng, and now she understands the terrible Tang Feng. The point, thinking about Kang Lifeng’s resignation, is clearly related to the headquarters, and Mr. Bai is directly referred to.

"What is the relationship between Tang Feng and Mr. Bai?" Yang Chunxiu has been thinking about this issue until the door of her office is knocked without noticing it...

The continuous knocking on the door finally interrupted Yang Chunxiu's thoughts. She quickly wiped the sweat from her forehead with a tissue, and added some powder to her face, before she said, "Please come in."

"Manager Yang, I just agreed with a technician. When can you arrange an interview?" It was Xiao Yang who came in. He was still wondering why he didn't respond after knocking for so long, and he was about to leave. Hear the echo.

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