Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 251 The Roar Of The Playground

Chapter 252

After Yang Chunxiu sent Xiao Yang away, she fell into deep thought again, her big beautiful eyes blinked and no one knew what she was thinking.

Since Yang Chunxiu left her office, Chen Yuhua has taken a serious look at the work report she sent, and once again returned to the cold goddess state of Haicheng.

Looking back on Tang Feng, he went back to school directly after leaving the seafood hotel. At this time, the students just went to class, he had to go back to the dormitory, and then sent a message to Chen Yuyao.

Since the National Day, Tang Feng has rarely contacted Chen Yuyao, and indeed missed a bit. Even the messages he sent have a lot of affection, "Yuyao, are you in class? I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much. ."

At this time, Chen Yuyao felt the vibration of her mobile phone and frowned, but she still looked at it shortly after starting class, because very few people contacted her. When she saw the information, her face became a little red and she looked at it secretly. I looked at the teacher in front, and then quickly edited a sentence, "I miss you too." Then I continued to listen to the class casually.

After Tang Feng received the text message, he laughed, and quickly edited another sentence, "Yuyao, after class, I brought you seafood for a while outside the teaching building."

Tang Feng waited for a long time after the message was sent and did not get a reply. It seems that she is on it. Although she is a little disappointed, there is no way. Who can let herself have a girlfriend like this.

When he was idle, he simply opened the notebook he kept in school. When he saw the icons on the desktop, he couldn't laugh or cry. Except that the game was the player, the heart said, "It's nice to be young." I forgot that I only have it now. 19 years old.

Tang Feng hasn't logged into 2345 website navigation and for a long time, and has always been handed over to Xu Yan to take care of it. Today, I just had this opportunity to take a look.

The 2345 website navigation is all normal. Driven by those two small games, it has already gained a certain scale. Now it is almost impossible to suppress Hao123, especially under the strong traffic of YY. Tang Feng was a little disappointed. It remained the same, with almost no progress. Tang Feng sighed, "It seems that it is time to promote" Thinking of this, he immediately sent a message to Dewey, "Weizi , You have time to take a look at, I want to do some offline activities."

Dewey has been paying attention to his mobile phone since he helped Tang Feng set up the navy team. He just received Tang Feng's message and quickly returned, "Okay, I don't know what offline activities you want to do?"

"I want to set up a student aid foundation. Funds for the foundation will come from the education platform of Now it is hard to find good teachers. Parents of students don't hesitate to pay a lot of money to let their children enter a good school. We can take advantage of this. There are a lot of top candidates in the college entrance examination from our school. They all have their own unique learning methods, and the subjects are balanced, which can be better than one person instead of multiple teachers..." Tang Feng edited this information for a long time, until he could not type. until.(Read more @

Dewey understood this message from Tang Feng instantly, and his eyes lit up, but he was still a little worried, "Can this work? Will those parents buy it?"

"Whether it works, it depends on the publicity. Looking back, you can find a pen to write an advertisement hard, and contact some people to prepare to post the advertisement."

"Okay, but the lunatic really has you."

Tang Feng had to smile bitterly after reading Dewey’s information, and he had no choice. Since he has gone to school, he has to graduate. He has forgotten all those knowledge a long time ago. Except for English, I am afraid that he will not be able to pass any one. Whatever to graduate, not to mention that my own absenteeism has caused dissatisfaction in the school, so I should make some contributions, otherwise I really won't be able to graduate.

The two chatted a few more words, and the get out of class was over soon, and then stopped sending the information. Tang Feng carried a pocket of seafood and walked downstairs to the dormitory, and picked up the phone as he walked.

"Hey! Tang Feng, where are you?" Before Tang Feng could speak, Chen Yuyao was more anxious than him.

"I'm outside the teaching building, come down!" Tang Feng stood in the middle of the playground and looked at the door of the teaching building. After a while, he saw a blue figure running out of the teaching building.

Tang Feng kept waving his hand, indicating that he was too conspicuous on the playground. Chen Yuyao saw him from the beginning of the school building, feeling a little excited, and jogging all the way, Tang Feng directly stretched out his arms and hugged her. In his arms, "Yuyao, I miss you so much."

"me too."

Tang Feng originally wanted to hold more meetings, but Chen Yuyao pushed her away. Maybe she was afraid of being seen by others. Tang Feng then handed the bag to her. The seafood in this bag weighed several kilograms. At first glance, it was for several people. It seemed that Tang Feng was really thoughtful.

Chen Yuyao, who took the seafood, looked at the full bag and was very touched, "It didn't cost less, right?"

"Your husband, I just don't lack money." Tang Feng said coquettishly.

"Who said it's your wife, they haven't married you yet?" Chen Yuyao was a little shy when she heard Tang Feng say her husband, but she was very sweet in her heart.

"Isn't it? Then I'm going to find someone else."

"Do you dare." Chen Yuyao said as she wanted to fight.

"Then listen to your screaming husband." Tang Feng laughed and looked at Chen Yuyao.

"I don't." Chen Yuyao was shy and didn't dare to look at Tang Feng. Tang Feng saw Chen Yuyao's shy appearance and wanted to kiss him. At this moment, a white figure walked over here, and Tang Feng's face changed at that time. Chen Yuyao seems to have also noticed Tang Feng's abnormality and wants to look at it later, and her face is not very good when she sees the person.

Ye Tianxue knows about Tang Feng's relationship with Chen Yuyao and pays attention to her every day. Just after class, she inadvertently walked to the door of their class, but she found that Chen Yuyao was not in the classroom and thought she was in the bathroom, so she waited for a while. Before I came back, I asked a classmate of their class, only to know that she hurried out after class.

After Ye Tianxue heard what the classmate said, he felt that something had happened. He also hurriedly walked out of the teaching building. As soon as he left the teaching building, he saw two figures, especially the red figure. Is Chen Yuyao wearing today's clothes? Looking at the man again, her face was a bit ugly, and then she walked towards Tang Feng and Chen Yuyao.

"Didn't you say you can't come to school?" Ye Tianxue's tone was very unkind, and she directly questioned Tang Feng.

Hearing Ye Tianxue’s questioning, it was not Tang Feng but Chen Yuyao who had changed his face. It was obvious that she told her that the two of them were connected, and they were a little disappointed, "Tang Feng, I will go first, and class will be in a while."

"Yuyao, I will look for you after the next class." Tang Feng knew Chen Yuyao's expression was wrong. He wanted to stay, but he looked at Ye Tianxue. He really didn't dare. He was really afraid that she would say something. The things that should be said will be even more inexplicable when the time comes, and I can only watch her go sadly.

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