Chapter 253

"Are you satisfied now?" Tang Feng shouted directly to Ye Tianxue after Chen Yuyao disappeared.

"Yes, I'm satisfied." Ye Tianxue cried and left after speaking. She is also a face person, she has been thinking about what is wrong with herself, why he always treats herself like that, she has always been in the right place, started to learn to cook for him, and for him... she has paid too much, But he never got his good face.

Tang Feng looked at Ye Tianxue's disappearing back and was demented. He also felt too much, and walked directly to the teaching building. When he walked into the classroom, his classmates stared wide-eyed. The truant king also came to class. Some people pinched their cheeks to see if they were dreaming or not.

Tang Feng walked into the classroom without looking at anyone, but kept staring at Ye Tianxue's position, she was lying on her desk. He walked over directly, then sat down, coughed softly, Ye Tianxue still did not respond.

The class bell soon rang, and the classroom instantly returned to calm. Tang Feng gently pulled Ye Tianxue's clothes corner with his hand, and then tucked a small note under her arm. Ye Tianxue felt Tang Feng's movements, and then raised her head with red eyes.

"Tianxue, I'm sorry just now, I was impulsive, I apologize to you, I bought you seafood, and I will wait for you to eat it at night." Ye Tianxue saw Tang Feng's apology note with a beautiful heart, but he turned his head and ruthlessly Tang Feng gave Tang Feng a fierce look.

Tang Feng looked at Ye Tianxue’s expression and laughed, knowing that she forgave herself, but soon she did something that he didn’t understand. Ye Tianxue neatly folded the small notes passed by Tang Feng. Then he put it away, and tore off another piece of paper from the notebook and began to write.

"I forgive you this time, but I have to be nice to me in the future. I have collected the evidence of your apology. Next time you are bullying me, I will show you this." Ye Tianxue gave it to Tang after he finished writing. Feng pushed over.

Tang Feng shook his head with a wry smile after seeing it, and then continued to write on it: "I see, my eldest lady. Yuyao is my girlfriend, I hope you will not target her everywhere in the future." Tang Feng thought of Chen Yuyao when she was leaving. The expression was a bit heartache, and then I added another sentence at the end.

Ye Tianxue's face changed when she saw Tang Feng's note, she tore the note to pieces, and then looked at the blackboard with a cold face.

The movements of the two people were small but they could not escape the eyes of the people behind. They had been staring at them with spiteful eyes until Ye Tianxue tore the paper to pieces before leaving them.

Tang Feng also didn't explain Ye Tianxue's behavior, anyway, two women would always hurt one. Chen Yuyao was her girlfriend, and she naturally stood by her side.

After half an hour passed, Tang Feng, who had nothing to do, simply lay on the table. Ye Tianxue gave him a secret glance and thought in his heart, "Why are you dead wood so good to her, even if it is good to me? Not at all."(Read more @

Tang Feng didn't know Ye Tianxue's thoughts at all. He just wanted to get off the get out of class soon, and then to see Chen Yuyao, he struggled forever, and finally got to the end of get out of class, he immediately walked out of the classroom.

Just after class, Chen Yuyao saw Tang Feng looking at her door, and she simply turned her head aside and stopped looking at him. Tang Feng was no longer polite and just walked in.

"Boy, what do you do? What are you doing in our class? Get out for me." Tang Feng just walked in and three tall boys blocked him.

"Several classmates misunderstood, I came to find my girlfriend." Tang Feng pointed to Chen Yuyao, who was cold-faced beside her.

It’s okay for Tang Feng not to point to Chen Yuyao. When he pointed to the three boys, he instantly became angry. He directly reached out and pushed his chest, "Deng Deng Deng" backed for several steps, and then several boys came to him. Surrounded.

Tang Feng first glanced at the boy who pushed him, then looked at Chen Yuyao. Chen Yuyao still did not see it. Tang Feng was a little angry at the time, "Yuyao, come out."

Chen Yuyao knew that he was angry when he heard Tang Feng's voice, and just about to stand up, he heard a "bang".

"M's, the wild boy you brought, Yuyao was also called by you, let me go, next time I come to our class to see you once and hit you once." When Tang Feng focused his attention on Chen Yuyao, he didn't expect that just now The person pushing him kicked his stomach. The other person's strength was great, and Tang Feng sat down on the ground.

Chen Yuyao paled instantly when she saw such a scene. Just as she was about to go up to help Tang Feng, there was someone who was faster than herself, "Xie Tiande, what are you doing? Why are you hitting him?"

After Tang Feng came out of her classroom, Ye Tianxue followed him, and saw that he wanted to walk to Chen Yuyao’s classroom. She wanted to leave, but she refused to admit defeat, so she forced her to come here. When Tang Feng was beaten, it was on fire.

"Ye Tianxue, there is nothing wrong with you here, please let me go." Chen Yuyao is the goddess of the first class, and Ye Tianxue is the goddess of the second class, and the two are divided.

Xie Tiande was one of Chen Yuyao's suitors. It was a fire when boys from other classes came to soak up his goddess, so he started to beat Tang Feng.

"Forget Xie Tiande!" Another tall boy pulled the corner of La Xie Tiande's clothes. He is also in the first class, but he prefers the type of Ye Tianxue. He pursued it many times, but still no results.

"Li Decai, I will give you a face this time, don't care about him, let me go, otherwise I will beat you once next time I see you." Xie Tiande stared angrily at Tang Feng, who was just supported by Ye Tianxue.

Tang Feng just glanced at Xie Tiande casually, and then looked at Chen Yuyao. At this time, Chen Yuyao faced Tang Feng with a guilty conscience and had to look in other directions. Tang Feng was very disappointed with Chen Yuyao's attitude, turned around and walked outside.

"Tang Feng, you wait for me." Ye Tianxue shouted loudly from behind, making the boys who pursued her fruitlessly lost their eyes.

Chen Yuyao wanted to catch up, but when she saw Ye Tianxue behind, a tear quietly flowed from the corner of her eyes.

"Yuyao, are you okay?" Her roommate Wu Yanan stepped up and asked caringly.

"It's okay." Chen Yuyao said haggardly.

"Why didn't you keep chasing just now? I can see that you like him." Wu Yanan saw Chen Yuyao and didn't say a word. He stared at the door and wanted to leave, but finally couldn't help but ask.

Chen Yuyao was asked by Wu Yanan's words, why didn't she go after it? Now that I think about it, I feel a little regretful. It's really sad to watch my boyfriend and other women leave.

The two people's voices were very small, but they attracted some people's attention, because since the boy came, the goddess in his class was a little abnormal, and some people had guessed something.

It is said that Chen Yuyao rejected all suitors because she already has a boyfriend, and this boyfriend belongs to this school. It's just that over time, no one has ever seen a boy close to her, and this has become a rumor. It seems that this rumor may be true today. Some female classmates even started to gossip. Those Chen Yuyao suitors can only watch from a distance and dare not move forward, because they have an agreement.

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