Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 253 Mr MaS Anger

Chapter 254 President Ma's Wrath

"Tang Feng, wait for me." Tang Feng didn't go back to the classroom, but walked directly outside the teaching building. Ye Tianxue yelled behind him, not paying attention to the image of a lady.

"Tianxue, you go back, I have something to leave first, remember to go home early." Tang Feng said a little weak. His voice was not loud, but it spread all over the teaching building, and it exploded in an instant, "Our fourth school flower lives with someone."

Ye Tianxue has never lived in school and spends time alone every day, which reminds people even more. The entire Renmin University has simply turned the sky upside down.

Ye Tianxue's step-by-step walk proved the truthfulness of this rumor, especially today, he actually ran behind a man who was not lukewarm to her, but he still didn't give up. It's a pity that the class bell rang, which interrupted people's thoughts.

Tang Feng didn't know how much impact this sentence had on Ye Tianxue, and at this time, he walked to the rental house in a spirited manner.

Who can know about feelings? Tang Feng is injured. He needs to vent. He vented all his anger on the Internet. He took out the notebook and the previously compiled program and hung it directly in the form of a Trojan horse. On the client side of QQ game. This is the first time he has been so violent and high-profile, as if he has gone back a few years ago.

Tang Feng's Happy Beans is a great way to give Trojan horse programs. Because of his high profile, it was discovered when it was hung up. The Tencent Building was filled with tension in an instant.

"Mr. Ma, it's not good, our QQ game client was hung up..." Chen Kang ran in hastily without knocking at the door. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was dumbfounded, hurry up. Backed out, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I went to the wrong door."

The scene Chen Kang saw was even more exploding than hanging a Trojan horse on the QQ game terminal. Standing outside the door, he didn't know what to do. In about 5 minutes, he saw Mr. Ma’s secretary flushed from the face. Walked out inside, "Mr. Ma lets you in."

"Mr. Ma, I didn't see anything just now." Chen Kang quickly explained when he saw Mr. Ma with a cold face.

"What's the matter, why don't you knock on the door?" President Ma said with a cold face. Especially for the secret that the person said some time ago, he suspected that there was an insider in Tencent, and he was still a high-level man. He also suspected Chen Kang, but he later denied it. Today it happened to remind him of this. The matter had to make him doubt again.(Read more @

"Mr. Ma, the official website of our QQ game has been hung up with a Trojan horse, do you think?" Chen Kang said cautiously.

"The client was hung up with a Trojan horse. What did you do for food?" President Ma directly slapped the table on the table, and Chen Kang was trembling with fright.

"Mr. Ma, I'll go back and organize people to rescue." Chen Kang just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, which was too embarrassing.

"Hurry up, let me tell you, if you can't solve it, you will resign for me." President Ma shouted at Chen Kang who was about to leave.

At that time, Chen Kang didn't care either. He thought that President Ma was in anger, and after returning to the data monitoring room, he began to organize rescuers.

Tang Feng’s gift of Happy Beans was so powerful that the QQ game exploded in a short while. It was a boon for these game lovers, and it was a disaster for Tencent.

"Wow! I won 50,000 Happy Beans this time." A player who was playing Doudizhu widened his eyes.

"Hahaha...Today the sun came out from the west, and there were rewards for losing, 10,000 Happy Beans, thanks to Tencent, thanks to Mr. Ma..." Another boy laughed in the Internet cafe like crazy.

"Sister, you see that there seems to be a problem with Tencent's game today. Happy beans are given for both winning and losing, 10 times for losing, and 50 times for winning." An aunt in the Internet cafe pulled another girl's clothes and whispered.

"Where?" the little girl's sister asked in disbelief. As a result, her sister played again, and this time deliberately lost. When she saw the final result, her eyes widened, and she quickly boarded her account without Happy Beans to see if she could play. She was so happy that she almost jumped up and quickly joined the army of Happy Beans.

In less than half an hour, Chen Kang looked at the data on the screen and his face was a little ugly. He deliberately went to Mr. Ma to report, but thinking of what he had just seen, he could only shrink back, and finally gritted his teeth. , "Shut down the server for temporary maintenance."

The half-hour loss was too great, he had to make a temporary decision, hoping to reduce some losses, until Chen Kang recalled this incident later, he did not feel regret, because this decision was the beginning of his disaster. It was also a turning point in his life.

The shutdown of Tencent's server caused those people who were writing Happy Beans to be kicked off the line in an instant. Some people knew that they were content and were happy. Some people didn't know that they were content and started to swear in Internet cafes, and some people worried that the extra joy beans would be forcibly taken back.

Tang Feng, who was originally glum, saw the situation of the QQ game, and finally got a little better, and he got an idea as soon as his eyes turned.

President Ma has been in a terrible mood since Chen Kang left. Sitting in his office chair and smoking a cigarette, the computer monitor that had been flashing suddenly became dark, and a dialogue window soon appeared inside. "Mr. Ma, I just made a little joke with you, and you shut down the server. It won't be because your little secret has sucked up your body!"

"Bang!" Mr. Ma, who was anxious seeing the subtitles on the monitor, was almost mad at the time. He was simply adding fuel to the fire. He directly picked up the ashtray on the table and slammed it against the monitor. Just like that, a monitor was reimbursed. Up.

It may be that President Ma’s movement was too loud. The staff outside heard them, and thought something was wrong, so they rushed in, "What happened to President Ma?"

"You guys go out first! Nothing. I just accidentally touched the monitor." Mr. Ma was relieved when he saw the monitor that was smashed by him, and there was no display on it.

Seeing that Mr. Ma’s face was not so good, these staff members probably understood something, so they didn't dare to look for this bad luck. They hurried out, and closed the door tightly when they went out again.

"I'm scared to death. You didn't see the face of President Ma just now. It must be caused by today's affairs." A staff member who just came out of President Ma's office said with lingering fear.

"Yes, I am the same. I was blinded when I saw the scene when I entered the house. If you don't speak, I don't know what to say." Another staff member touched his chest and said.

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