Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 254 Three Way Out

Chapter 255

Tang Feng’s anger did not know how much damage it caused to Tencent at all. The roots are no less than the super Trojan horse virus last time. Last time Tencent’s people knew about resistance. Now the whole person’s heart is lost. Everyone They are all thinking about their own future outside.

The impact of this incident was very serious. A group of technicians were fired straight from the company. Even Director Chen, who had always been aloof, received serious warnings, and all salary bonuses for the month were deducted.

Chen Kang sat in his office and looked at the disciplinary notice on the desk. Only he knew what was going on, and the technicians who had been expelled were completely affected by him.

"Brother Liang, what shall we do?" A total of three technicians were expelled, namely Zhang Wanli from the data monitoring room, Liu Liang from the development team, and Yang Xinghua from the data maintenance team. The three of them felt hesitated the moment they walked out of the building.

"Yes, Liu Liang, what else can we do after Tencent? I'm still going to save a few months of money to get married. Now it seems to be a waste." Yang Xinghua looked at Liu Liang with great frustration. Liu Liang is the oldest of the three, and the best technique at the same time. Both of them hope he can come up with certain ideas.

"Zhang Wanli and Yang Xinghua, I heard my classmates say that the branch of YY Beijing is recruiting technicians. I wanted to try it. My classmates had asked me to come over. At that time, I was reluctant to part with the job, so I rejected it." Liu Liang looked at the two people separately and said.

"Brother Liang, is this true? If you go there, call me." Zhang Wanli said happily, instantly freed from the anger of being expelled.

"Brother Liang, you know my situation. My girlfriend is here. I can't leave." Yang Xinghua said frustratedly. He was very depressed, but now he sees that the other two people have a way out. More depressed.

"Yang Xinghua, you can discuss with your girlfriend and see if she is willing to go there, the development of the capital will definitely not be worse than this." Zhang Wanli saw the frustrated Yang Xinghua proposed. The relationship between the two people is usually very good, and he also hopes that Yang Xinghua can pass, and the two must be regarded as companions.

"Impossible. She is a career establishment. It is impossible to transfer to the capital unless she gives up her job..." Both people frowned when they heard this, and Yang Xinghua lowered their heads.

"There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Let's go for a drink. Yang Xinghua, I don't believe that I can't live without Tencent, so I'm going to see you off." Yang Xinghua suddenly raised his head and seemed to figure it out.

"Go and drink."

"Drink." Liu Liang and Zhang Wanli also agreed. These three people drove a car to the busiest downtown area in the city.(Read more @

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tianxue returned to the rental house. As soon as she opened the door, Tang Feng saw her walking in with a flushed face, "Tianxue, what's wrong with you? Did you have a fever?"

"No, no, no." Ye Tianxue quickly ran into her room after finishing her words.

Ye Tianxue’s cohabitation with others became popular at Renmin University, and it soon spread to her ears. Some of her admirers even came to ask her if she was true, but she didn’t answer. People even thought she had acquiesced. Some people It even broke that the man who lived with Ye Tianxue was named Tang Feng.

Tang Feng is on fire, yes, it has spread all over the campus in just a few hours, and has become the public enemy of countless men. Some boys let it go and let him go out sideways as long as Tang Feng dares to come to the school. These are things that Tang Feng didn't even know, and he looked at Ye Tianxue's door stupidly. Why did he think she was a little abnormal.

The phone rang when Tang Feng was in a daze. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Ye Tianfeng's. He picked it up without even thinking about it.

"Tang Feng, did you live with my sister?" Tang Feng just pressed to connect to Jian when he heard a loud roar on the phone.

Tang Feng was trapped at the time, what's the matter? Fortunately, I was not confused, and quickly explained: "No, no, absolutely nothing."

"No? Really not?" Hearing Tang Feng's denial, Ye Tianfeng's tone finally eased, but he still didn't believe it.

"No, absolutely not, can you still trust me, Tang Feng?" Tang Feng patted his chest and said to the phone. Then he added another sentence, "Brother Ye, who did you listen to?"

"You don't have to worry about who I heard. I only need an affirmative answer. Do you have any relationship with Tianxue..." Ye Tianfeng was also very strange today. He suddenly received an unfamiliar call. Who is it? This is a teacher he found in Renmin University by dragging his friends, just to take care of Ye Tianxue, but he didn't expect it to work today.

"No." Tang Feng said with certainty. Then he said: "Tianxue is indeed with me, but the two of us are in a joint tenancy relationship. You can rest assured that the two of us have decided that there is no relationship between men and women. Besides, I have a girlfriend."

Ye Tianfeng knew that Ye Tianxue had moved out, but he didn't expect to live with Tang Feng. He still believed in Tang Feng's personality. Even if the two of them had something, things had already happened, and he had nothing to do with his elder brother. Only when he heard that Tang Feng had a girlfriend, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't say anything.

The two people hung up after saying a few more words, mainly because Ye Tianfeng asked Tang Feng to take care of Ye Tianxue more. Tang Feng also promised it all, as long as he didn't hold Ye Tianxue living here.

Tang Feng just hung up the phone and Ye Tianxue's phone rang. At this time, her little face was still red, and she picked up the phone with a very small voice, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Tianxue, did you live with Tang Feng?" Ye Tianfeng asked straightforwardly.

Ye Tianxue’s little face turned even more red when her elder brother confronted Ye Tianxue. She didn’t say yes or no. Ye Tianfeng’s heart on the other end of the phone slammed, “Is Tang Feng lying to me?” Hurry up. He asked again, "Tianxue, is it true?"

"No, yes..." Ye Tianxue's voice was very small, lest Tang Feng outside would hear it.

Ye Tianfeng was even more confused when he heard Ye Tianxue's answer, "Tianxue, is it right?"

"No, I just live with him. Besides me, there is also Sister Yuhua." Ye Tianxue's voice was a bit normal this time. After listening to it, Ye Tianfeng was finally relieved, but he was also a little disappointed, especially when he heard it. Tang Feng is even more disappointed when he has a girlfriend.


"Brother, I beg you, don't tell the family about this, okay?" Ye Tianfeng was interrupted by Ye Tianxue before he waited to speak.

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