Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 255 Internet Cafe Tracing

Chapter 256

This incident just passed, and Chen Yuhua also came back about 6 o'clock, and the sky was already getting dark at this time.

When Chen Yuhua saw Tang Feng playing on the computer on the sofa, she put her small satchel on the table, and then said, "Are you at home for a long time today?"

Tang Feng was a little surprised at Chen Yuhua's tone, but he answered honestly: "I went to school for a class and came back when I felt it was not interesting."

"Tang Feng, if you go to class, I won't talk about you. Look at you now. You don't have a learning style and a working attitude. How can you be a boss in the future?" Chen Yuhua saw Tang Feng really at this time. Some hate iron but not steel.

Tang Feng was stunned by Chen Yuhua’s criticism and education. Since his rebirth, no one has ever educate him. He is acting arbitrarily. At this time, I feel a little uncomfortable. I was so angry today that I finally got angry. Going out, I was excited again, and I was about to reach the edge of the outbreak. I took a deep breath and suffocated my anger back. "Sister Yuhua, I know." After that, I closed my notebook and stopped accepting it.

When Chen Yuhua saw Tang Feng who was not talking, he ignored him and went to the kitchen altogether. Ye Tianxue, who was staying in the house, might have heard the outside sound, opened the door quietly, revealing a head, and ran to the kitchen when he didn't notice.

"Sister Yuhua, did you mean Tang Feng? His face is so bad?" Ye Tianxue who came to the kitchen saw Chen Yuhua washing his hands and asked in a low voice.

Chen Yuhua nodded, "He is the boss of a big company, how can he be so lazy every day, how will he manage the company in the future."

"Sister Yuhua, he was beaten in school today, maybe he is in a bad mood, so don't talk about him." The little witch from the past didn't know what was wrong, and she told Tang Feng a good thing today.

"What was beaten by someone?" Chen Yuhua was too shocked. He didn't pay attention to controlling his voice, and Tang Feng heard it all outside.

"Ye Tianxue, you don't need to care about my affairs." Tang Feng heard that Ye Tianxue was hitting his own short report, and it was on fire at the time, so he left a word and walked outside.

"Tang Feng, Tang Feng..." Chen Yuhua chased him out when he heard the sound of closing the door, but it was still a step too late, where was Tang Feng's figure, and then he went back to the house and picked up the small satchel on the table and quickly chased after him. Go out, "Tang Feng, Tang Feng..." shouting while chasing.

After Ye Tianxue went home, she put on her clothes. When she saw Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua who went out one after another, it was not chasing after him. It was not chasing after him. She quickly went back to the house and changed her clothes. When she went out, even Chen Yuhua's shadow disappeared. .

"Tang Feng, Sister Yuhua..." Ye Tianxue shouted a few words in a row and no one responded, feeling very helpless. It was already dark at this time, and she didn't know what to do.

Tang Feng just came out when his head was hot at the time. Chen Yuhua shouted from behind that he heard it, but he was dazzled by anger at the time and did not respond. Now he is walking on the school playground, and the breeze gently blows across his face. I also became sober, and now I think of it a bit regretful.(Read more @

When Tang Feng came to the downstairs of the rental house, Ye Tianxue was crouching on the ground, and saw Tang Feng coming over crying directly into his arms, "Tang Feng, I afraid……"

"Okay, okay, don't cry, why didn't you go upstairs?" Tang Feng patted her on the back and said.

"I, I forgot to bring the key." Ye Tianxue still refused to leave and lay on Tang Feng's shoulder and started crying. Tang Feng didn't expect her to have such a weak side. What he didn't know was that Ye Tianxue was very afraid of the dark, which might have something to do with his childhood experience.

Ye Tianxue is just the adopted daughter of the Ye family. She was abducted and sold by traffickers when she was a child. Before being adopted by the Ye family, she was kept in a dark cellar by traffickers all day long. Maybe it was from that time that a conditioned reflex occurred in her heart. Once a person is in the dark, he will be afraid.

"Where's Sister Yuhua?" What Tang Feng was worried about still happened. Since Chen Yuhua was not in the house, he must have gone out. They blamed themselves and ran out without problems. It's all right now. Sister Yuhua wants to find herself. Traced.

Ye Tianxue started crying again, "I don't know."

"Tianxue, go upstairs by yourself! I'll go find it nearby." At this time, Tang Feng was very concerned about Chen Yuhua and already ignored Ye Tianxue.

"I don't, I want to go with you, I'm afraid." Ye Tianxue pulled Tang Feng's clothes corner but refused to let go. Tang Feng had no choice but to take her.

"Sister Yuhua, Sister Yuhua..."

"Sister Yuhua, Sister Yuhua..."


The two people kept shouting, attracting countless people's attention.

"Where will Sister Yuhua go?" Tang Feng said to himself.

"You said she would go to the Internet cafe to find you?" Ye Tianxue said quietly.

"Internet cafe?" Ye Tianxue's words seemed to remind Tang Feng, pulling her to the nearby Internet cafe. I searched for three in a row, but there was no one. This was already the fourth one, and he was a little disappointed.

"The eldest sister, have you seen a tall woman wearing a white sweater and blue pants, she looks very beautiful, she seems to be looking for someone." If you are looking for someone, you have to ask more, and so does Tang Feng I asked the cashier in the Internet cafe with the heart to give it a try.

"What you said seems to have some impression on me, but she has been walking for a while, but I don't know if it is the person you are looking for." The cashier of the Internet cafe thought for a while and then said.

Tang Feng immediately became happy when she heard her answer. She looked for herself in various Internet cafes, said, "Thank you" and left in a hurry.

I have looked for these nearby Internet cafes, and it seems that I can only look for it a little farther away. Libra Internet Cafes, Dajing Internet Cafes, and Lianzhong Internet Cafes. I found three more, but Chen Yuhua still didn't show up, and there was one Internet cafe she had been to.

"Tang Feng, what shall we do?" Ye Tianxue asked undecided after leaving the door of Lianzhong Internet Cafe.

"Next, once she finds here, she will know that we are looking for her." Tang Feng took the lead and walked forward after speaking.

"Tang Feng, wait for me." Ye Tianxue trot a few steps to catch up.

Unconsciously, the two came to the Internet cafe where Tang Feng fought last time and hesitated looking at the name Tang Feng at the door.

"Tang Feng, what's the matter with you?" Ye Tianxue saw that Tang Feng's face was not very good, and thought he was tired.

"Nothing, go, let's go in." Tang Feng took the lead and walked inside after speaking. Still that place, still that computer, still that gangster...

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