Chapter 257

"Boy, do you remember me? Master has been waiting for you for a long time." Tang Feng pulled Ye Tianxue and was about to quit the Internet cafe, but he didn't expect to be seen by the gangster.

Tang Feng continued to retreat back as if he hadn't heard it, but there was Ye Tianxue beside him, maybe the speed was a little slower, and the gangster accelerated directly in front of the two people.

"Get out of the way." Tang Feng said with a cold face. He is not afraid of this little bastard, he doesn't want to cause trouble, mainly because Chen Yuhua is out at night, he is really worried, especially when there are a few bastards in such Internet cafes, once they get entangled, it will be difficult to get out. .

"Why, the kid is still getting angry, but it doesn't matter, I will get you back 10 times when I kick my kick that day." The little bunny picked up the phone in his hand and wanted to call someone.

Tang Feng felt a little anxious when he saw that he was about to call. If you only have oneself, you can escape, but now there is still Ye Tianxue, I am afraid it will be difficult. Thinking of this, you have to reach out to grab the phone in the hands of the bastard.

The gangster seemed to see Tang Feng’s intentions, and he took two steps back and looked at Tang Feng with a smile, "Boy, I still want to attack, this time I made it difficult for you to fly, but the women around you are more beautiful than the other. If you are willing to let your father sleep for one night, you can consider letting you go."

"Rogue!" Ye Tianxue cursed directly.

The bastard just took a look at Ye Tianxue and then took two steps back again, because the call was already connected.

"Tianxue, I will block him for a while, you run, and then call your brother and ask your brother to pick you up." Tang Feng knows that it is not the time to be joking. If you wait for the bastard to call someone, they will be both of them. Can't go.

"Tang Feng, I'm scared!" Ye Tianxue looked at the invisible night, and whispered.

At this time, Tang Feng was really speechless about Ye Tianxue, and could only whisper again: "If you don't leave, both of us will have to play eggs. Do you want to give this kind of bastard the first time?"

Tang Feng's words really worked. Ye Tianxue gritted her teeth, trembling a little, but she couldn't sell her steps without knowing how.

Tang Feng's gaze was fixed on the bastard, and he was about to hang up the phone, but Ye Tianxue had not left yet, sweat was leaking from his forehead, and he roared loudly: "You must give it to you for the first time. I."(Read more @

Ye Tianxue was stunned, forgot to be afraid, and forgot the location, and seemed to have plucked up the courage, "I'll wait for you." Then he ran away.

How could the bastard who just hung up the phone easily let her leave? He drew his leg and chased Ye Tianxue. Tang Feng was optimistic about the timing and kicked the bastard's ass with an acceleration. The bastard was like eyes growing in his butt, and he dodged sideways, and then continued to chase forward.

Tang Feng was taken aback first, and he was actually kicked. How did he know that the gangster was kicked by Tang Feng last time and knew his strength, he was prepared for a long time, and he was always paying attention to his movements.

Ye Tianxue ran in front, the bullies chased after him, and Tang Feng made cold moves from time to time, but they were all avoided by the bullies.

After about 5 minutes, Ye Tianxue couldn't run. This was the result of her usual non-exercise. If Tang Feng weren't obstructed by it, she would be caught up in a few seconds.

"Tang Feng, I can't run anymore." Ye Tianxue finally stopped, squatting on the ground and panting heavily.

"You run, run!" The bully stood a few meters away from Ye Tianxue without going forward, always guarding against Tang Feng's sneak attack.

"The hooligan is not terrible, just because the hooligan is educated." Tang Feng was really speechless about the IQ of this gangster. He knew that he couldn't beat himself, but he looked at Ye Tianxue to death.

"Tianxue, are you okay?" Tang Feng stepped forward and helped Ye Tianxue up. He didn't dare to do it if he didn't do it, he was afraid that he would be anxious to act on Ye Tianxue, then he was really a sinner.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the gangster's phone rang. Tang Feng knew that this time was over and the other party's team had arrived, but he was a bit unwilling. He glanced at Ye Tianxue, she was so innocent, and not only harmed herself. Sister Yuhua, now he is hurting her again. His heart hurts when he thinks of this. He decides to take a gamble, "Tianxue, I will block him for a while, and you will run away." In front of me, flying is just a kick...

This kick Tang Feng used the power of taboo. Although the bully had been prepared for a long time, he couldn't avoid it. He flew out in an instant, and the voice of "Hey! Hey!" came from the phone that was just connected. I flew to the side of the road a long time ago, and it seems that the quality of this phone is really good.

"Tianxue, run quickly." Tang Feng accelerated, with brute force, and almost emptied all the strength of his body, his body trembled, exhausted his last strength, and shouted at the dazed Ye Tianxue loudly.

Ye Tianxue finally reacted, turned around and fell back, and soon disappeared into the vast night. Seeing Ye Tianxue's disappearing back, Tang Feng finally couldn't hold it, and fell directly to the ground.

Tang Feng's strength is too great, almost comparable to kicking Xu Zhiqiang's kick. How could a weak bastard withstand such a kick, if he hadn't taken a small step back for a long time, maybe his life would be dead now. No more. Even so, falling on the ground hurts and rolls left and right.

"Hey! Hey! Where are you..." The phone kept ringing on the side of the road.

Tang Feng kept his eyes on the bully, hoping that he would not recover, so that he would give himself some time to recover.

"Hey! Hey! Where are you..." 5 minutes passed, and the phone was still thinking, Tang Feng has recovered a bit, and can only barely stand up. It takes at least a quarter of an hour to walk.

These five minutes are like a century for Yuan San. The clothes on his body have been soaked with sweat, and the pain caused by his belly has finally eased. He gritted his teeth and yelled to the phone, "I Nearby." It may be that the shouting caused the pain, and he rolled on the ground again.

Tang Feng heard Yuan San’s yelling, his pale face was now paler now, he knew he was going to finish, if he fell into the hands of this group of gangsters, he would be stripped of his skin if he didn’t die, he just hoped now. Click to recover, and escape from here before this group of gangsters find it.

"Tang Feng, Tang Feng..." After a few more minutes, a woman shouted from a distance. Tang Feng heard Chen Yuhua's voice. He just left one and now he sends another one. But he didn't dare to shout, he was afraid of attracting gangsters nearby.

The voice was getting closer, and the figure could be vaguely seen. Tang Feng finally saw hope, and whispered back, "Sister Yuhua, I am here."

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