Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 257 Another One

Chapter 258

"Tang Feng, what's wrong with you?" Chen Yuhua saw Tang Feng lying on the ground in a panic and ran over.

"Sister Yuhua, help me leave." Tang Feng didn't have time to explain at all, just want to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Ah!" Yuan San just rolled over to Chen Yuhua's feet at this time, and then she discovered that there was another person on the ground.

"Who?" It may be that Chen Yuhua's screams attracted passers-by, and Tang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, another shout came from a distance, "Yuan San, Yuan San..."

Listening to the shouts in the distance, Tang Feng's face changed again. He knew that he was really dead this time, but he could not hurt Chen Yuhua, and screamed: "Sister Yuhua, go quickly." With all his strength, Chen Yuhua Push away.

"Ah!!!" Yuan San was so painful that he couldn't speak at all, hoping to attract his companions with screams.

"Yuan San, Yuan San, what's the matter with you?" His companion heard it, his voice getting closer.

"Sister Yuhua, go quickly." Tang Feng almost roared out, he knew it would be too late if he didn't leave.

"Tang Feng, Tang Feng, get up quickly." Chen Yuhua is Chen Yuhua. How could she easily leave Tang Feng and leave, trying to pull him up and walk together, but Tang Feng is too heavy, and she didn't get up after two consecutive pulls. .

"Yuan San, what's the matter with you?" The visitor was a young man in his 20s with a green hair. He saw Yuan San tumbling on the ground and went straight to him.

"He..." Yuan Sanqiang endured the pain and pointed to Tang Feng who fell on the ground, and then fainted.

"M's, did you do it?" The green-haired youth left Yuan San who had fainted and rushed to Tang Feng with a fierce face.

"You'd better send your companion to the hospital first!" Chen Yuhua remembered the scene at the bank gate, knowing that Tang Feng must have done this. If someone really died, he would not be able to escape the responsibility. Just kindly reminded.

"You don't need to control whether you send it to the hospital or not. Say, did you do it?" The green-haired man pushed Chen Yuhua away, bent over and grabbed Tang Feng's neck, and then picked Tang Feng from the ground.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Yuhua was a little panicked seeing the picked Tang Feng.

"What are you doing, I'm going to fuck him M." The green-haired man said and slapped Tang Feng in the face.

"Tang Feng..." Chen Yuhua yelled, and rushed to the green-haired man hoping to push him away.(Read more @

"Get out of the way." The green-haired man was very powerful, and directly pushed Chen Yuhua to the ground.

"Sister Yuhua, leave soon." Tang Feng exhausted all his strength and barely said a word.

"If you want to go, there is no door. You two don't even want to leave today." The green-haired man threw Tang Feng out as he said, the pain made him almost fainted. Then he stretched out his hand and pulled Tang Feng over.

"You let me go, do you know this is illegal." Chen Yuhua shouted.

The green-haired man seemed to be a little jealous of Chen Yuhua's words, but that was also a momentary thing, and he glared at Chen Yuhua, "If you call again, believe it or not, I will kill him."

"No, don't..." Chen Yuhua paled with fright when he heard that the other party was about to kill Tang Feng.

The green-haired man saw that Chen Yuhua had settled down and picked up the phone, "Hey! Brother, I'm here at the Green Park, come here quickly, this bastard Yuan San was fucked by a hairy boy, I'm looking at them now It."

"Sister Yuhua, run quickly and leave me alone." What Tang Feng hopes most now is that Chen Yuhua can run out, yelling constantly.

"No, I won't leave you behind. Yes, I call the police." Chen Yuhua was really scared. He had never been so flustered. Then he remembered calling the police. He quickly opened his bag and prepared to take the phone. But at this time The green-haired man had finished the phone call, and when he saw that Chen Yuhua was about to call the police, he was on fire. He stretched out his hand and snatched the phone, and then kicked Tang Feng on the body.

"Ah!" Although the power of this foot is not as powerful as Tang Feng, it is also painful.

"Don't fight, don't fight..." Chen Yuhua saw that the green-haired man was going to beat Tang Feng and quickly blocked him, but he was still a step late and kicked Tang Feng again.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I beg you..." Chen Yuhua said, lying on Tang Feng's body and crying "Woo".

"Go away, do you believe it or not I will fight with you?" The green-haired man took Chen Yuhua's arm, without any pity, and threw her aside. He kicked Tang Feng several times in a row.

"I beg you, don't beat him, he will die after beating him." Chen Yuhua ignored the pain in his body and got up directly from the ground, hoping to stop the man from beating Tang Feng.

"Are you begging me? Okay, I'll give you a chance. If you follow me tonight, I will let him go." The green-haired man looked at Chen Yuhua lustfully.

At this time, Tang Feng had been beaten to give out more air than air in, and was extremely weak, "No, no, don't..."

Chen Yuhua shed a drop of sad tears when he saw the terrible Tang Feng, his face quickly became cold, "I promise you, but you must send him to the hospital now."

"Are you negotiating terms with me?" The green-haired man curled his lips and said disapprovingly.

"If you don't agree, I won't agree to you even if I die." Chen Yuhua's face was already extremely cold.

"No, no, don't..." Tang Feng's voice was crying. He knew that he had killed another woman. He originally thought that there would be no regrets in this life, but he didn't expect it to happen again.

"Little girl, I didn't expect you to be pretty. Come and kiss the uncle first." The green-haired man who was free then realized that Chen Yuhua was a big beauty.

"I need strength, strength..."

"Ah!!!" With a scream, Tang Feng actually stood up from the ground, "Go to hell!" With a loud roar accompanied by the sound of the wind, Tang Feng punched the green-haired man. The green-haired man didn't notice Tang Feng's ability to fight back at all, so he flew out and fainted.

"Tang Feng..." Tang Feng fell to the ground after finishing this punch, fainting like the green-haired man.

"Liu Qiang, Yuan San..." At this time, the elder brother Liu Qiang informed also rushed over, frowning when he saw the three people lying on the ground, "Who did this?"

"Wu Qifeng, you first send Liu Qiang and Yuan San to the hospital, and the rest of the people will take these two people back to me." Zheng Sanpao saw the two brothers lying on the ground. They were on fire at that time. Give him a face, but now there are people who dare to touch him.

"What are you going to do? Do you know that this is illegal." Chen Yuhua shook off the big bald man who was holding her arm.

"Yeah! This little girl is quite strong, but I like it too. I will let you taste the power of the master tonight, and the master wants you to kneel and sing to conquer..."

"Zhang Gaoliang, no ink stains, take it back and talk." Zheng Sanpao knew from a glance that Zhang Gaoliang was guilty of hue, and he quickly reminded him that he might be wrong.

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