Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 258 Reinforcement

Chapter 259

Just when a few people were about to leave with Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua, a strong light shone from far and near. The dazzling light forced these people to not open their eyes at all. Then they all heard, "Suddenly... "The sound of the truck.

"Tang Feng..." Before the car arrived, a female speaker went all over the alley, and then several soldiers in green uniforms jumped off the back of the truck.

"Big brother, it's not good, it seems to be here to save this kid." A yellow-haired gangster said nervously as he looked at the soldiers who were surrounding him.

"Damn, really bad luck, what the hell is this kid, why are so many soldiers here? Call the other party's head over." Zheng Sanpao roared cursingly.

"The people on the other side should stop advancing while listening, otherwise, don't blame us for being polite. Our boss said and called your leader to come over and speak." After hearing Zheng Sanpao's words, the yellow-haired gangster confronted the group of soldiers. Shouted.

"Stop advancing." Upon hearing the order, the group of soldiers stepped aside, Ye Tianfeng and Ye Tianxue walked side by side.

"I don't know which friends are on the road. I hope to let my friends go. Even if this matter is over today, otherwise I will let you all go out sideways." Ye Tianfeng looked at Tang Feng who was fainted on the ground and wrinkled tightly. brow.

"Fuck you a shit, you just let it go, you think you are a middle... leader, what's so great about bringing a few soldiers, our eldest brother is still..."

"Shut up! Huang Mao, if you talk more, be careful that I tear your mouth." Zheng Sanpao's roar directly interrupted Xiao Huang Mao's curse.

"Friends on the opposite side, it’s not that we don’t want to let it go, you have seen it, my two brothers are lying here, this thing can't be over like this, right?" Zheng Sanpao stared straight at Ye Tianfeng, and at the same time backed up. One step close to Tang Feng's side, once the other party has any behavior, he is ready to use him.

Ye Tianfeng frowned. It seemed that the bald man on the opposite side was not easy. If the average punk would have been scared off seeing so many soldiers, he would not have any fear at all, and he would be able to talk to himself.

"Big brother, hurry up and find a way to save Tang Feng, he is going to die soon." Ye Tianxue said anxiously when she saw the opposite party and refused to let go.

Ye Tianfeng thought for a while, and knew that the time was urgent. The longer the time was, the worse it would be for Tang Feng. He gritted his teeth and said, "How do you say that you can let people go?" Today it fell into the hands of this little gangster.(Read more @

"It's very simple. Both of my brothers were seriously injured by this friend of yours. Why do you have to pay for medical expenses?" Zheng Sanpao pointed at the two Yuan San who had died on the ground.

"No problem, you can tell me the number!" Ye Tianfeng could only agree first, and he said after he sent Tang Feng to the hospital.

"One person is 250,000 yuan, two people is 500,000 yuan, one hand pays the money, the other hand delivers." Zheng Sanpao said earnestly.

"Friend, you may not speak too loudly, right?" Ye Tianfeng said coldly.

500,000 is not a small amount at all. Even Ye Tianfeng, the eldest master, can't come up with so many, how could he agree.

"You can not give it. We can only bring people back. You can let your soldiers attack and try. Believe it or not, I will break his neck now?" Zheng Sanpao said and made a twist. posture.

"My friend, 500,000 is not a small amount at all. We can't afford that much. It's better to pay 100,000 first, and the remaining 400,000 will be given to you tomorrow." Ye Tianfeng hesitated and said.

"No, don't play tricks with me. I have remembered your friend's name now. If you don't want him to be madly retaliated, I will happily send the money over." Zheng Sanpao seemed to see through Ye Tianfeng's tricks. . Ye Tianfeng really thought so. First save Tang Feng and talk about it. As for the rest of the matter, it is slowly being resolved.

Ye Tianfeng didn't look pretty after hearing Zheng Sanpao's words, "My friend, don't go too far. I, Ye Tianfeng, will count the words. If I give you 500,000, I will give you 500,000, but it is really difficult for you to pay a sum today. "

In order to save Tang Feng, Ye Tianfeng was forced to do nothing. He reported his family, hoping that the other party could show some face.

"Are you from the Ye family?" Zheng Sanpao asked coldly, seeming to know the identity of Ye Tianfeng.

"Yes, since you know that I am a member of the Ye family, you should know the rules of the Ye family." Ye Tianfeng was afraid that the other party would not know him. Since the other party was afraid, it would be easy to do things.

"Hahaha..." Zheng Sanpao laughed loudly after listening to Ye Tianfeng's words, "It's a Ye family, but I, Zheng Sanpao, also put the words here, and the money will be taken away, otherwise there will be no way."

Ye Tianfeng and Ye Tianxue’s faces were both pale. They didn’t expect that the other party would not only not buy Ye’s account, but also worsened, especially Ye Tianfeng. This was the biggest shame in his life. As a young man in the capital, he succumbed to a gangster, and the other party He didn't buy it at all, and was a little angry, and was ready to let these soldiers attack. He didn't believe that the other party would dare to hurt Tang Feng.

"Do it." Ye Tianfeng still gave the order.



Two female voices came one after another. These soldiers hesitated when they heard it. Looking at Ye Tianfeng, Ye Tianfeng was also a little embarrassed. At this moment, Chen Yuhua, who just shouted, said, "You let him go first, I'm willing to stay. Come down as a hostage, and when he wakes up, he will definitely give him 500,000."

"I am willing to stay, too." Ye Tianxue didn't have any fear, and walked towards Chen Yuhua as he spoke.

Ye Tianfeng sighed helplessly when he saw that at this time, "Give me back. No private action is allowed without my order, otherwise military law will deal with it." These soldiers quickly stepped back after hearing Ye Tianfeng's order. Then he stopped, and stared at Zheng Sanpao.

"Tianxue, you go back soon." Chen Yuhua didn't expect Ye Tianxue to come to make trouble too. In case something happened to her, how would she explain to Tang Feng, this was anxiously urged.

How could Ye Tianxue be so obedient, as if he hadn't heard it, walked to Tang Feng's side, squatted down, and gently stroked his face, "Tang Feng, you have to hold on, I will be able to save you soon Up."

Chen Yuhua shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene, turned his head to the side, and didn't want to take another look.

"It's a good concubine. Today, I, Zheng Sanpao, will send a benevolence and be a good person. As long as the two of them stay, you will take him away. Tomorrow will bring 500,000 to redeem someone, but I will only give Don’t try to play tricks during your day. After a day, I can’t guarantee the safety of these two women."

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