Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 259 Life Or Death Unknown

Chapter 260

"No!" Ye Tianfeng was almost mad by Ye Tianxue. How could she be so impulsive that she inadvertently ran to the opposite side. He didn't dare to leave her behind, in case there were two shortcomings, it was not something he could bear.

"In that case, I'm sorry, let's go." Zheng Sanpao also said coldly.

"Tianxue, come here!" Ye Tianfeng shouted anxiously.

"I don't, I want to be with Tang Feng." No matter what Ye Tianfeng said, Ye Tianxue refused to come over, so he stomped his feet in a hurry.

"Can I make a call?" Chen Yuhua turned his head and looked at Zheng Sanpao. Zheng Sanpao looked puzzled. Chen Yuhua continued, "Don't worry, I won't call the police. You just want money. Is it? I'll call you to find money."

Zheng Sanpao looked at Chen Yuhua with a serious look, and thought for a while and said, "Yes, but don't play tricks, otherwise you will know the consequences."

Chen Yuhua finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party allowed him to make a call. Ye Tianfeng and Ye Tianxue were a little curious about whom she wanted to call, and one phone call could cost 500,000. Ye Tianfeng doesn’t have to come to 500,000. 500,000 is not a small amount. It must be approved by the parents. Once he asks the parents for help, this matter will become a big deal. Also, he will have a big discount on the Ye’s score. Being detained by a standard of incompetence, he will not disturb the Ye family's relationship if he is not a last resort.

"Hey! President Bai? This is Chen Yuhua, Tang Feng has an accident, and the other party needs 500,000 before they are willing to let go." Chen Yuhua said directly after the call was connected.

At this time, Bai Yaqing had just finished eating, she was sitting on the sofa with her aunt and watching the phone. When she saw that it was Chen Yuhua's phone, she hurried to her room, and then she picked up. When she heard what she said, her face turned pale at the time, "I will call it as soon as the other party's account number."

Bai Yaqing didn't ask any reason at all, nor was she worried that this was a scam. What she worries most now is the safety of Tang Feng, as long as he is safe, she can say anything.

"What's the account number? Call me in a while." Chen Yuhua said directly to Zheng Sanpao on the phone.

She just wanted to give it a try. She didn't expect Bai Yaqing to be so happy, she felt a little happy, but also a little sad. If it was herself, would she be sad to be like Bai Yaqing? No, you must confirm first, and then confirm whether you will make money.

Zheng Sanpao felt a little happy when he heard that the other party was really willing to make money. He also took a look at Tang Feng and guessed who he was. The people from the Ye family came to rescue him personally. A woman, a phone call can cost 500,000, so he once again took a high look at Tang Feng.(Read more @

"625849..." Zheng Sanpao reported a series of numbers, and Chen Yuhua repeated the report to Bai Yaqing on the opposite side.

"You tell the other party not to hurt him, and the money will arrive immediately." After Bai Yaqing wrote down the bank account number, she did not forget to give instructions.

After she hung up the phone, she immediately called the Finance of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. and reported the account number to him. No matter what method she used, she transferred the 500,000 yuan as quickly as possible.

Recently, various members of YY have been launched, and there is still some liquidity on the account, but it is not much, only 600,000 to 700,000, which can only maintain normal operations. Once the money is used, I am afraid that I will not be able to persist for a week, but She can't think about that much anymore, it's important to save Tang Feng.

About a quarter of an hour later, Bai Yaqing called again, "The money is here, you ask the other party to let them go." Bai Yaqing's voice was a little weak, and she could hear her concern.

"Check it, the money has arrived, I hope you can keep your promise." Chen Yuhua said coldly while looking at Zheng Sanpao.

"Don't worry, although I, Zheng Sanpao, are a bastard, I still count on talking. As long as the money arrives, I will release them immediately."

"Didi di..." Just after Zheng Sanpao finished speaking, his cell phone message rang. He quickly opened it and looked at it, and his face showed joy in an instant, "You can let the people go, let your people retreat to the car first. "Zheng Sanpao can only take precautions in order to prevent a surprise attack after the release.

Ye Tianfeng was a little embarrassed after listening to Zheng Sanpao's words. He really wanted to wait for him to let him go, and then take these individuals down to relieve his hatred. He didn't expect that the other party was so vigilant, and he saw it through.

"You go back soon." Ye Tianxue was anxious when she saw her brother's hesitation. She found that Tang Feng's body was getting colder and colder. It was really dangerous if she didn't send it to the hospital.

"You two stay, and the rest will go back." Ye Tianfeng said with a cold face. Under his order, a dozen soldiers in green uniforms withdrew back in an orderly manner.

"I allow you to keep one person, and one must go back." Zheng Sanpao said, pointing to the last two soldiers.

Ye Tianfeng was simply mad, and the other party's vigilance was too high, there was no way, but he could only do it, "You go back, you stay."

After the other soldier's back disappeared, Zheng Sanpao looked around, and then said to Xiao Huangmao: "Go around and see if there is any ambush."

"Don't worry, Ye Tianfeng is not that kind of villain." Ye Tianfeng said with a cold face.

"There is no best, if there is one, don't blame me for turning my face and not acknowledging people." Zheng Sanpao also said coldly.

At this time, Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue were the most worried. They were really afraid that Ye Tianfeng's people would lie in wait. Not only would the 500,000 be lost, but the previous efforts were also in vain.

About 5 minutes later, Xiao Huangmao came back, "Big Brother, no suspicious people were found around."

"Release people." Zheng Sanpao shouted loudly after listening to Xiao Huangmao's words. Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue finally breathed a sigh of relief after listening.

"Let's go, I hope you don't catch up, otherwise don't blame me for the trouble with this kid in the future." Zheng Sanpao coldly dropped another sentence before leaving, and soon disappeared into the vast night.

"You, quickly send him to the hospital, and then order someone to chase me. I want this group of bastards to know the fate of offending our Ye family." The last soldier quickly picked up Tang Feng after hearing Ye Tianfeng's instructions. Run in the direction of the car.

A storm passed in this way. Ye Tianfeng led a group of people to find Zheng Sanpao in the middle of the night, but didn't find Zheng Sanpao, and finally returned with a tired body. Even the fainted Yuan San and the other gangster did not find them. The trace seems to be hiding.

Tang Feng was rushed to the hospital by an ambulance. When he arrived at the hospital, his body was cold. Now he is still being rescued. Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue are waiting at the door of the operating room with red and swollen eyes, always watching the door of the operating room.

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