Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 260 Vegetative

Chapter 261

"Hey! Is Tang Feng awake?" This is the fifth time Bai Yaqing has called.

Chen Yuhua dragged his exhausted body, his eyes still fixed on the door of the operating room, but Ye Tianxue might not be able to hold on anymore, sitting on the bench in the corridor nodded, only to hear Chen Yuhua talking on the phone, he became a little more sober. His eyes immediately looked at the door of the operating room. The door of the operating room was still tightly closed. This was the fifth hour Tang Feng entered, and it was about to dawn soon.

"Still in the operating room." Chen Yuhua's voice was a bit hoarse, no longer the high cold of the past, and now it is like an injured little girl, looking so haggard.

Bai Yaqing on the other end of the phone heard Chen Yuhua's answer, and she shed tears without knowing it. She didn't know when the phone was hung up.

The sky began to light up, and the door to the operating room finally opened. Chen Yuhua ran over and said, "Doctor, how is he." The doctor shook his head. At this time, Chen Yuhua was desperate to the extreme and couldn't control it anymore. Live, collapse directly to the ground. The two soldiers sent by Ye Tianfeng saw that Chen Yuhua had fallen, and quickly came to help her up.

The words of several people also awakened the half-sleepy Ye Tianxue, and ran over quickly, "Doctor, what is going on with him?"

When the doctor saw Chen Yuhua who fell, he dared not make a blow, and said, "We have rescued people." Then he sighed, "We have done our best."

Ye Tianxue became happy when he heard that Tang Feng had been rescued. Even Chen Yuhua, who had just collapsed, showed joy.

"Doctor, can we go in and see him?" Chen Yuhua stabilized his emotions and stood firm. Ye Tianxue also looked at the doctor with expectant eyes, lest he refuse.

At this moment, Tang Feng was pushed out of the operating room by a young nurse. Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue quickly surrounded him, "Tang Feng, Tang Feng..."

"Don't shout, it's useless." The little nurse glared at the two people and said coldly, lest they both quarreled the patient.(Read more @

"Miss Nurse, how is he doing?" Chen Yuhua couldn't wait to ask again.

"I'm vegetative. Get out of the way quickly. I want to send the patient to the intensive care unit." The little nurse said coldly. It may be that she is accustomed to the warmth and coldness of the world, and her attitude has not been very good.

After Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue heard the news, they were like five thunderstorms, and they were stunned for an instant. Only then did they understand why the doctor shook his head and said that they had done their best.

"Don't worry too much. The patient's current condition is very stable. As long as the treatment is done properly, there may be hope of waking up." The doctor kindly reminded the two poor women.

"Yes, yes, yes, he will wake up, he hasn't quarreled with me yet." Ye Tianxue reacted first and muttered while looking at Tang Feng who was going away.

"Dingling bell, Jingling bell..." Chen Yuhua's cell phone rang again. This is the sixth time that Bai Yaqing has called. He has to call almost every hour. He has not slept for almost all night, and is red and swollen. Eyes waiting for the other party to answer.

"President Bai, Tang Feng..."

"What's wrong with him?" Bai Yaqing interrupted Chen Yuhua directly and couldn't wait to ask.

"He has been out of the operating room, and now there is not much danger." Chen Yuhua thought for a while, and still did not tell Bai Yaqing about Tang Feng Chen's sleeplessness. She knew that she hadn't rested all night, and she didn't want to let it. She was disappointed.

"Well! Then I'll trouble you, take good care of him." Bai Yaqing heard Chen Yuhua's answer and finally heaved a sigh of relief. Only now did she feel so tired. She fell asleep shortly after she hung up the phone. The only time she woke up was late on this day and slept in bed. People in the company were still wondering why Mr. Bai, who was always on time and on time, didn't come today.

After Tang Feng was sent to the intensive care unit, there was a special nurse in it. There was no such thing as Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue. The two of them could go back to rest. They had to stay to take care of him. In the end, the doctor suggested that one person should be kept, and then the guard would be changed. .

Ye Tianxue fell asleep for a while while guarding the operating room, and was in a better state than Chen Yuhua. Finally, she stayed at her strong request. However, Chen Yuhua returned to the rental house with exhaustion and waited for her to change after she was well rested. .

That day Ye Tianxue skipped class for the first time, and was called directly by the teacher to Ye Tianfeng's place. He knew that she was in the hospital and said some words of gratitude. Then he hung up the phone.

"Tianxue, you are staying with Tang Feng for one day today, and you must go back to school tomorrow. The school has already called me today. You don't want the school to call your father, do you?" Ye Tianfeng hung up the phone. Called Ye Tianxue again.

Ye Tianxue's face turned pale when she heard the news, "Yeah! I know, thank you brother." Ye Tianxue wanted to stay, but she knew she couldn't. Now the eldest brother knew that she was living with Tang Feng and didn't stop it. But it doesn't mean that people at home will not stop it. She cherishes this hard-won happiness very much. Yes, she is happy with Tang Feng, even if she quarrels with him.

As the eldest lady of the Ye family, Ye Tianxue has rarely been happy. She has almost no friends. Every friend who approaches her has a certain purpose. Later, she didn’t make friends at all until she met Tang Feng. He was like that. Out of the ordinary, she discovered that she slowly fell in love with this big boy. Although she did not admit it, she knew that she could not sell her heart, especially last night, if it were not for Tang Feng to escape, it was him. Desperately let yourself escape...

After Ye Tianxue escaped, she quickly got into a store, then borrowed the phone, and called Ye Tianfeng first. As the eldest young master of the Ye family, Ye Tianfeng has certain strength. In order to protect his safety and solve some problems, the Ye family gave him some rights. Those soldiers from last night were his personal power, and he could control them freely in the Ye Family.

There must be restrictions on things like Dabing, and he only has the ability of one platoon, and even the Ye Family can't mobilize them no matter how much. These soldiers are all attached to his grandfather's guards, and they wouldn't be dispatched at all without special circumstances.

After weighing three, he brought two classes of personnel to rescue Tang Feng, which shows the weight of Tang Feng in his mind. Because of this, the incident of last night happened.

Of course, the Ye Family knew that Ye Tianfeng just randomly compiled a reason and passed by, and the people of the Ye Family didn't care. It must be his right, and the storm ended in this way.

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