Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 262 Call The Patient

Chapter 263

Leng Yuhan waited for Chen Yuhua to go out before turning his attention to Tang Feng. At this time, she was in a very complicated mood. She didn't know where to start, let alone how to face this big boy who used to have a skin close to her. . The whole room was quiet.

"Tang Feng, can you hear it? Blink if you can." Leng Yuhan said softly. About a minute later, Tang Feng did not respond. She continued: "Remember the first time we two met? You saved me that day. When I opened my eyes in the morning, I found that I was lying in a stranger. In the arms of every man, you don’t know my mood at the time. Seriously, I hated you so much at the time and wished to kill you, but I held it back. Then I didn’t hate you anymore, I knew if that night If you don’t save me, I will probably be ruined by countless people. I’m afraid I won’t have the courage to live by then. Things originally thought it would pass. I want to forget you slowly, but God and me I made a joke and let me meet you again. What's more sad is that I was taken over by you again..." Leng Yuhan showed a bitter smile helplessly when he said this.

"Tang Feng, you wake up soon. If you wake up now, I will give you a fair chance to pursue me." After Leng Yuhan finished speaking, his face blushed, and he secretly glanced outside the door to see if People only breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tang Feng, have you heard?"

"Tang Feng, are you listening?"


Leng Yuhan talked with Tang Feng for about an hour, and he did not have any response. At this time Chen Yuhua also came back. He looked at Leng Yuhan and shook his head again, and sighed, "Come slowly!"

"Yuhua, Tang Feng, take care of you. I'll go back first." Seeing that it is about noon, she still has a lot of work to deal with, which has been delayed for a long time.

"Come and see him more when he is okay. I think if he can hear him, he must really want to see you." Chen Yuhua said again when Leng Yuhan was leaving the house. Leng Yuhan nodded, then looked back at Tang Feng who was lying on the hospital bed, and then left.

Ye Tianxue came when she was about 11 species. Although she could not stay with Tang Feng for a long time, she would come as long as she had time. Only at this time could Chen Yuhua take a break.

"Sister Yuhua, how is he?" Ye Tianxue pointed to Tang Feng who was lying on the hospital bed as soon as he entered the door.

"It's still the same. Leng Yuhan just came to see him, and left after talking to him." Chen Yuhua poured another pot of fresh water and prepared to wipe Tang Feng's body.

"Sister Yuhua, let me come!" Ye Tianxue saw Chen Yuhua preparing to wipe Tang Feng's body, and she wanted to help too.(Read more @

"Let me come!" For Ye Tianxue, she was indeed a little uneasy. In addition, it was not very convenient. She didn't want Tang Feng's body to be seen by others.

Ye Tianxue was a little embarrassed. She wanted to help. She really didn't know how to do it. She always opened her mouth when she opened her hands. She did this kind of rough work.

Chen Yuhua looked at Ye Tianxue while rubbing and washing the towel, but Ye Tianxue seemed to have not noticed it, her eyes kept on Tang Feng's body. Chen Yuhua wanted her to go out, at least to avoid it, but she didn't notice it.

"Tianxue, do you have nothing to do?" Chen Yuhua really had no choice but to kindly remind him.

"Ah! No, what's wrong with Sister Yuhua." Ye Tianxue was actually in a daze.

"Tianxue, I want to wipe Tang Feng, you should avoid it!" Chen Yuhua saw that Ye Tianxue didn't understand her meaning at all, so she had to say it straight.

"Evasion? Why do you want to evade?" Ye Tianxue looked at Chen Yuhua in confusion.

Chen Yuhua was about to be defeated by her, and she stabilized her emotions, "There is a difference between men and women, you should avoid it."

This time Ye Tianxue finally understood what Chen Yuhua meant, and looked at her aggrievedly, "Sister Yuhua, I also want to help, so let me see how you do it. If you are not here in the future, I can also help. Busy."

Chen Yuhua also knew the temper of this eldest lady, and she was helpless, shook her head, and then slowly opened the quilt. Ye Tianxue was blushed by the scene in an instant, and wanted to run out, but she saw that Chen Yuhua was serious. Looks like she can see, why can't I see?

The original task that could be completed in 10 minutes, but this time it took half an hour. The reason was that Ye Tianxue also wanted to help, but the result became more and more messy. Either the towel was not wrung out, or the towel was dirty and I didn’t know how to change it. The place turned out to be dirty again.

"Sister Yuhua, you go to dinner, I'll see him." After half an hour of busy work was finally over, Ye Tianxue gently covered Tang Feng with a quilt, and then turned to look at Chen Yuhua.

Chen Yuhua didn't say much, and left in a hurry. Before leaving, he kept asking Ye Tianxue to take good care of him.

"Tang Feng, you rascal bastard, quickly wake up to me and let this lady look at your body." After Chen Yuhua left, Ye Tianxue returned to her nature.

"Tang Feng, you bastard, you bully me, even when you are sick, you bully me. I will definitely return when you get better. You will wake me up soon."

"Tang Feng, you big villain, wake up soon."


Ye Tianxue scolded Tang Feng for more than ten minutes, and he was still motionless. Suddenly, Ye Tianxue cried "Wow", "Tang Feng, you wake up soon, OK? Don't scare me, OK? I'm here too. I'm not quarreling with you anymore, as long as you are willing to wake up, I will listen to you everything."

"Tang Feng, Tang Feng..."

Ye Tianxue sat in front of Tang Feng's bed and cried for a long time. It was not until Chen Yuhua came in from outside that she touched her tears, "Sister Yuhua, I'm leaving." After that, she ran out.

Chen Yuhua looked at the disappearing back and shook her head helplessly. She knew that she had just cried. Why didn’t she do that? She cried secretly when she was alone in the middle of the night. Who can know her injuries? pain.

"President Bai!" Just when Chen Yuhua was about to wipe Tang Feng's body again, a figure appeared in front of the ward, and she exclaimed at that time.

Bai Yaqing just nodded lightly, and then walked to the ward, "Why, why are you so impulsive, do you know how worried I am about you..." Chen Yuhua looked at Bai Yaqing, who was showing emotion, and put him down. The towel quietly went out and closed the door.

After two days of suffering, Bai Yaqing was really worried about Tang Feng’s safety, put down all his work, and flew directly from Haicheng. After getting off the plane, she didn’t even eat lunch, so she went directly to the hospital. According to Chen Yuhua’s leave Her address came directly to the room.

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