Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 263 Keep Sleeping

Chapter 264

In a blink of an eye, it was November. Tang Feng was still lying on the hospital bed without any signs of waking up. The only change was that the stains on his body were reduced, from wiping once every one to two hours to once every half day.

A lot of things have happened in the past half month. Bai Yaqing stayed in the capital. Today, YY has become unmanaged, and her performance has almost reached the bottom.

Ye Tianxue and Leng Yuhan also knew about the existence of this superwoman, and both of them felt pressure in front of her. Especially Ye Tianxue, she originally thought that Chen Yuyao was her biggest competitor. When she saw Bai Yaqing, she realized that she was wrong. There is such a perfect woman in the world, looks, career, considerate...

Since Bai Yaqing came, Chen Yuhua no longer dared to be so casual. Even if she wiped her body, she was always Bai Yaqing or special guards. She also returned to the branch office in Beijing. Only when she was off work could she come to see.

It was the first time Leng Yuhan and Bai Yaqing met. It was one night, and she had nothing to do after get off work, so she planned to visit Tang Feng. For this reason, she also specially dressed up, when she walked in. I was stunned, thinking that I had walked the wrong door, but returned. After reading the house number, I realized that I hadn't made a mistake.

"Are you Tang Feng's friend?" Bai Yaqing asked Leng Yuhan who had just walked in the door generously.

"It's a acquaintance, he saved me once." Leng Yuhan said unnaturally.

"Oh! What a coincidence, he also saved me once." Since Leng Yuhan entered the door, Bai Yaqing's eyes have never left her.

"How is he now?" Leng Yuhan felt a little embarrassed, so he had to change the subject and pointed to Tang Feng who was lying on the bed.

Speaking of Tang Feng's original strong Bai Yaqing, she instantly became weak, "He is now excreting more and more stolen goods every day, and the doctor does not know why this is."

It was just three days after Leng Yuhan came to see Tang Feng. At that time, Tang Feng’s excrement opportunities had reached the peak, and his skin was always exuding an unpleasant stench. In order to prevent the odor from spreading to the corridor, the door of the room was always Closed tightly, the doctors and nurses came in with masks.

"Maybe this is a good thing, maybe he will wake up soon." Leng Yuhan reminded intentionally.

"I hope!" Bai Yaqing sighed. The doctor will check Tang Feng regularly every day. The results of the check are surprising, that is, his health is getting better and better, and his health is even more than 90%. People, this change is still increasing.(Read more @

Those doctors can clearly remember that when Tang Feng was admitted to the hospital, his body was half cold, and he had no hope of saving life. If it weren’t for the dean’s death order, the patient must be preserved anyway. Security, they all have the idea of ​​giving up.

Now Tang Feng’s condition is beyond the scope of medicine. No abnormality has been found in multiple examinations, and no cause of excretion has been found. The only thing they remember is that there is a strange pattern on the patient’s chest that looks like painted on it. Yes, but it can't be erased. If it is tattooed, then the level is too high, it is almost the same as the real one.

"Yu Han, why are you here?" Chen Yuhua came back late today. She has too many things now, not only to maintain the operation of YY, but also to form an entertainment company.

"If there is nothing to do today, just come and see him. If there is nothing to do, I will leave first." Seeing that Chen Yuhua had returned, Leng Yuhan didn't need to stay any longer.

Facing Bai Yaqing, Chen Yuhua couldn't say anything, and could only nod his head, "I will give it to you."

Leng Yuhan did not refuse, because until now she did not know who the woman in the house was. Not far from the door, she looked at Chen Yuhua, "Is that Tang Feng's relative?"

"No, she is our company's President Bai." Chen Yuhua said casually.

"Oh!" Leng Yuhan realized at this time, it is no wonder that there will be such a big aura, but she is also very strange, why a president appears here, even if she is visiting a patient, she should not be alone. I'm sorry to ask more, but I can only bury this question in my heart.

"Our President Bai is very good." Chen Yuhua seemed to see Leng Yuhan’s doubts, and did not explain. One must be unclear with Tang Feng, and the other has had a skin relationship with him. She was in the middle of it. Uncomfortable.

"I can see, otherwise she wouldn't be here." To be honest, Leng Yuhan hadn't felt anything before. Since she saw Bai Yaqing, she felt a little sad, that man really has that Is it excellent? Let a president lay down his respect to serve him.

"Don't pay too much attention to it. When you are okay, come over and take a look. You must be the two of you..." Chen Yuhua couldn't talk about it anymore when she said here. In the end, she realized that she was the one with the most.

"Yuhua, I can see that you like Tang Feng, why not fight for it?" Leng Yuhan stopped at the door of the hospital and looked at Chen Yuhua.

Chen Yuhua suddenly didn't dare to look at her, and lowered her head shyly, perhaps because she was exposed to the secret hidden in her heart.

"Maybe, is it possible? I'm so much older than him, what about you?" Chen Yuhua raised his head and looked at Leng Yuhan again.

Leng Yuhan's eyes also started to avoid, "I have a boyfriend, and he loves me very much."

"You are talking about Zheng Zihe? I don't think you are appropriate. I always feel that person is weird. His scheming is very deep. I think you should pay more attention to it." Chen Yuhua thought of meeting Zheng Zihe several times, kindly Reminded.

"He is very good. We have known each other since college. If it weren't for my father's objection back then, maybe we are all married now."

"Then bless you, I hope he does what you said."

The two chatted for a few words, Leng Yuhan left, and Chen Yuhua returned to the hospital.

"She's gone?" After Chen Yuhua entered the door, Bai Yaqing was wiping Tang Feng's face with a wet towel.

"Mr. Bai, you have stayed here for a day, so go back to the rest!" Chen Yuhua felt sad when she saw Bai Yaqing's serious look.

"No, let's go back. That girl Tianxue doesn't like me very much." Since Bai Yaqing came, Ye Tianxue has rarely come to see Tang Feng, and only occasionally takes a look when she is away.

"She's just a child, so don't know what to do, so don't know what Bai Yaqing means." Chen Yuhua no longer understands what Bai Yaqing means. Ye Tianxue's love for Tang Feng is completely on her face. What about Bai Yaqing? Will not see it.

"Yes! Sometimes I really envy young people, young people are so good, young people can pursue what they like." Although Bai Yaqing did not say directly, she also expressed her meaning.

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