Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 264 Eyelids Moved

Chapter 265

Facing Bai Yaqing, Chen Yuhua was helpless. He walked to the bed and looked at Tang Feng, "You are tired too, go to adjourn the meeting, I can go back later."

Bai Yaqing did not deny Chen Yuhua's request this time, and nodded, "Well, remember to call me if you have something."

In order to better take care of Tang Feng, Bai Yaqing rented another bed next to Tang Feng's bed, where she was usually resting.

"Tang Feng, can you hear it? I'm coming to see you again. You wake up! I can't support it anymore. My recent work has been messed up, and many things have not been resolved. I just wait for you to wake up." After Bai Yaqing went out, Chen Yuhua sat on the side of the bed, holding his arm with one hand, and placing the other on his head, just like her sister felt sorry for her brother.

"Tang Feng, can't you wake up earlier? Do you know how much Bai always worried about you? She has been waiting for you for almost half a month. If you don't have a day to rest, even if you don't feel sorry for yourself, you I have to feel sorry for her, her body will be worn down sooner or later if this continues. And Tianxue, you don’t know how worried she is about you. Now she is more sensible, and she secretly learns to cook with me. I just hope to get your approval. Now she can cook some simple meals by herself, but you can't eat it..."

Chen Yuhua said and didn't notice Tang Feng's eyelids moved. That was when she was talking about Bai Yaqing, but she looked out the window and didn't see it, otherwise she would definitely exclaim.

Bai Yaqing was so tired that she didn't have a good day to rest. When she woke up, she found that it was already very dark. When she looked at her phone, it was already more than 11 o'clock, and then she hurriedly got up from the bed. , Ran to Tang Feng's room without even finishing his clothes.

"Yuhua, thanks for your hard work, you should go back quickly. If it feels too late, just rest in my room." When Bai Yaqing ran into the room, she found that Chen Yuhua was sitting next to the bed with one hand Holding Tang Feng's hand, her eyes only flashed, and then she pretended not to see it.

"Mr. Bai, are you hungry? I asked the nurse outside to buy something to eat. You can eat it first. I will leave after eating." Chen Yuhua pointed to the food on the table.(Read more @

For Chen Yuhua and Bai Yaqing could not pick up any faults, she thanked her for her dedication to Tang Feng these days. The only thing she was worried about was the relationship between the two people. She found that the relationship between the two people has exceeded the normal friendship. I know what happened to the two of them during their stay in the capital.

"Thank you Yuhua, you have worked so hard these days." After Bai Yaqing finished speaking, she brought the food back to her house and returned in about 5 minutes. Bai Yaqing's whole body and mind are now concentrated on Tang Feng. There is no mood to eat. She just ate two bites and put down the dishes. These days, she has lost a lot of weight and her face looks a little haggard.

This time, Chen Yuhua didn't stay much and chose to leave. Fortunately, this is a hospital, in a troubled area. Although it is late, there are still vehicles coming and going, and there are vehicles waiting to solicit customers at the entrance of the hospital.

"" The taxi driver Chen Yuhua happened to know him, and he had been in his car several times, and he happened to be waiting here again tonight.

"Okay, come see the patient again today?" the taxi driver asked kindly. Chen Yuhua nodded and stopped talking. The taxi driver saw that she was not in a high mood, so he didn't ask too much. As soon as he refueled, the car flew out.

"Little hooligan, how many women did you provoke me during my absence? First of all, your female classmate Ye Tianxue, did she like you? Now they are hostile to me, and that Leng Yuhan, I don’t think the relationship between the two of you is shallow, right? I can see that she looks at you differently, with a little sadness. Even Yuhua seems to be moved by you. What did you do? There are some of your classmates, but she hasn't come to see you for so long. Have you had any conflicts?" After Chen Yuhua left, Bai Yaqing began to nag.

It is true that Chen Yuyao has never visited Tang Feng. Since the last time the two had a conflict, she has never contacted again. She has no idea about Tang Feng's hospitalization. Every day except for the classroom, the dormitory is the library, which has become her. The law of life.

The matter between Tang Feng and Ye Tianxue calmed down after some trouble in the school. The reason was that Tang Feng hadn't come to the school for more than half a month. It seemed that he had taken leave of absence. This is also an unprecedented thing. Ask for leave.

"Yuyao, are you asleep?" It was almost 12 o'clock, and Wu Yanan found out that Chen Yuyao was still looking at her mobile phone, so she asked.

Chen Yuyao didn't speak, but couldn't fool Wu Yanan. The brightness of the phone had already betrayed her, and then whispered: "Are you thinking about him again? Are you waiting for his text message?"

"No, I just can't sleep for a while." Chen Yuyao made up a lie.

"I know. It's Saturday tomorrow. Why didn't he call him and tell him? Even if it's a breakup, I have to figure it out." This is not the first time Wu Yanan saw Chen Yuyao peeking at her phone at night. .

"He may be very busy! Or something." Chen Yuyao explained, dare not face the facts at all.

"If you are busy, you will have time to send you a text message, let's make a call? I think he has gotten better with that Ye Tianxue, and he has forgotten you a long time ago." Wu Yanan said angrily.

"Tang Feng, he is not that kind of person." When Chen Yuyao said this, she felt guilty. The story between Ye Tianxue and Tang Feng was so raging, why she didn't know.

"It's not that kind of person, what kind of person they are, men are the same, they love the new and hate the old. Such a man is not worthy of your love at all. Ye Tianxue is so good that he does not study as well as you, and his temper is not as good as you, except A beautiful face, nothing, even if it’s more beautiful, it’s behind you, that Tang Feng is really blind, how could he leave you to like such a woman?" Wu Yanan became more and more angry as he spoke. It grew bigger and bigger, and finally woke up a few people in the dormitory.

"Yeah! Our dormitory goddess, class flower and school flower, are here thinking about spring again, right? People dumped you, no more, and still crying here..."

This is Zhao Xiaoqing, another roommate of Chen Yuyao. She looks a little bit beautiful, but standing with Chen Yuyao is like a heaven and a ground. It is precisely because of this that she is very jealous of Chen Yuyao and often sarcasms her, saying behind her. Her bad words slander her.

"Zhao Xiaoqing, what do you mean, don’t think I don’t know that you just got caught up with Liang Chun in Class 3, and then you were dumped, and now you still talk about others." Wu Yanan has always stood with Chen Yuyao, as long as Zhao As soon as Xiaoqing came out to bully Chen Yuyao, she would come out to help.

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