Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 265 Spread All Over The Campus

Chapter 266

"What do I mean, what do you mean by me? If you two don’t sleep in the middle of the night, don’t you know that you are quarreling others? Also, let me declare that it’s not Liang Chun who dumped me at all, but I don’t want him. What if you are dumped by someone else, there are many men in the world, and they are better than you, a tomboy who no one wants." When Zhao Xiaoqing heard Wu Yanan mention Liang Chun, she sat up from the bed.

"What are you talking about, you have the ability to say it again." Wu Yanan's original name is a bit masculine, and coupled with her own looks, many people think she is a man. She hates other people calling her a tomboy, and it became popular at the time.

"Don't say the good things again." Wu Yanan is a bearded, Zhao Xiaoqing is really afraid of her, if they fight, neither of them will be her opponents.

"Asian man, go to sleep!" The matter was originally caused by herself and lived in the same dormitory. Chen Yuyao didn't want any conflict between the two.

After Wu Yanan heard Chen Yuyao's words, he stopped talking, gave Zhao Xiaoqing a fierce look, and then put the quilt on his head. Chen Yuyao glanced at Wu Yanan's bed and sighed helplessly. She knew she must be crying secretly.

One night passed. Today is Saturday, there are no classes at all, and Chen Yuyao has nothing to do, so he just went to the library.

Ye Tianxue hasn't seen Tang Feng for two days. Although she didn't want to see Bai Yaqing, she really wanted to see Tang Feng, so she still went. When she walked into the ward, the nurse was giving him a bottle, Bai Yaqing stood by and watched.

"Tianxue, you are here." Although Ye Tianxue didn't treat Bai Yaqing much, she was very kind to her.

"Yeah, it's not like you, a big president, who stands high and is so leisurely every day." Ye Tianxue didn't have Bai Yaqing's affection, but directly satirized him back.

Bai Yaqing didn't know her in general, so she didn't talk at all to avoid embarrassment. Ye Tianxue was even more blunt, and sat down directly by the bed, "Tang Feng, can you hear me? I came to see you again. No one quarreled with me these days. I was really lonely."

Ye Tianxue's words made the busy young nurses feel very ashamed, they almost got the wrong blood vessel, but fortunately the technique was solid, and after adjustments, they didn't get any deviation.

"Tianxue, stay with him here, I'll take a rest." Since Ye Tianxue didn't wait to see herself, Bai Yaqing had to avoid it. She is also a kind of tolerance for Ye Tianxue. If she hadn't found his brother in time, I'm afraid Tang Feng would not lie here now, he would have been in peace a long time ago. Because of this, she is still a little grateful to her.

"You should have left long ago." Ye Tianxue didn't have a good word, and went straight. In this way, she stayed till noon and still had no intention of leaving. Bai Yaqing bit her scalp and walked in, "Tianxue, go eat, I will see him."

It's been a long time, Tang Feng should wipe his body, otherwise Bai Yaqing would never come in. Only then found a reason to send her away.

"Do you want to wipe his body? It's an old woman, shameless. I can do without you." Ye Tianxue got up from the bed, ready to fetch water.(Read more @

"Tianxue, I don't want to argue with you, but you must respect me at least, you like Tang Feng, I have no opinion, that is your right, but don't insult others in the name of love, even if Tang Feng wakes up, I wouldn't like such a girl either." Ye Tianxue's words are really too much, Bai Yaqing has a good temper, but she is also angry.

"I don't need you to take care of my affairs, you can take care of yourself..." Ye Tianxue originally wanted to say that the old cow eats tender grass, but when she thought of Bai Yaqing's words just now, she held back. She was willing to admit defeat, but she listened in her heart. She also knew that Tang Feng didn't like her, but sometimes she just couldn't change it.

It didn't take long for Ye Tianxue to come back with a pot of water from the water room, and then poured it into the basin, soaking the towel, regardless of whether Bai Yaqing was or not, he lifted Tang Feng's quilt directly.

Since Tang Feng's body had excrement all the time, and she didn't wear any clothes at all, Ye Tianxue's face turned red at the time. This was the second time she had seen Tang Feng's body. The last time was when Chen Yuhua was there.

Bai Yaqing was a little funny to see her clumsy, but she still held back, "Tianxue, let me do it, you can't wipe it clean like that."

"Not ashamed." Ye Tianxue murmured, but still passed the towel to Bai Yaqing's hand.

Bai Yaqing took the towel and put it in the basin, and then picked up a small white bottle on the side cabinet, which was filled with white liquid, opened the bottle, and poured the liquid into the basin according to a certain proportion. in.

The series of behaviors finally made Ye Tianxue understand that the reason why she couldn't wipe it clean was because she didn't put in the corresponding potion. These stains are all oily, stick to the skin, and it is difficult to be cleaned off, which must be combined with appropriate liquid medicine.

"Tianxue, are you here too?" Just when Bai Yaqing wiped Tang Feng halfway, Chen Yuhua walked in from outside. Today she could not have to go to work, but there have been too many recent things, and she was a little worried, and worked overtime by herself.

"Sister Yuhua, you are here." Ye Tianxue's attitude towards Chen Yuhua and Bai Yaqing are totally two attitudes.

Regarding Chen Yuhua's arrival, Bai Yaqing just looked back and then continued to wipe Tang Feng's body. If Chen Yuhua usually avoids such things, now Ye Tianxue is also standing here, she doesn't know what to do, and stands silly at the door. I forgot to close the door. At this moment, a young man in his 20s passed by the door and looked inside. She then reacted and quickly closed the door.

"Do you know who I saw yesterday?"


"Tang Feng and Ye Tianxue."

"What's the matter? Didn't the two of them live together a long time ago? It's really a flower stuck in the cow dung, and the good cabbage is let the pigs." An angry teenager said very unconvinced.

"I think you are jealous and hateful, but that Tang Feng is also really capable. I heard that he still has a leg with Chen Yuyao, who is ranked third. I don't know if it is true or not."

"It doesn't matter if it's true or false now. Do you know where I saw the two of them?" the young man who spoke first said mysteriously.

"Where?" a curious teenager asked.


"No? Is it that Ye Tianxue is pregnant? Two people go to have a baby?" The other boy opened his mouth wide.

"Now that I can't get pregnant anymore, I was a little strange at the time, so I asked the little nurse. Guess what she said?"

"How to say?"

"Zhang Wufa, are you annoying? Don't want to say that you are down, don't get old people's appetite." A quick-tempered teenager said cursingly.

Originally, Zhang Wufa wanted to say that you know why Tang Feng asked for leave? Seeing that the other party was getting anxious, he quickly said: "The little nurse said that Tang Feng has become a vegetable. How do you say he was still born?"

"Zhang Wufa, don't talk nonsense, this is legal responsibility."

"Who is talking nonsense, it is true. I saw it with my own eyes. Tang Feng was lying on the hospital bed. There was a woman inside to wipe his body. Ye Tianxue was standing on the side and watching. There was a woman standing at the door. When I looked inside, I closed the door." Zhang Wufa recalled the scene at that time.

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