Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 266 Go To The Hospital

Chapter 267

A major event that just started school on Monday made a sensation in the campus again, that is, Tang Feng became a vegetable, and soon passed into Chen Yuyao's ears. At that time, she was a little pale, and she was absent-minded even in class.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of the first get out of class, Chen Yuyao hurriedly went out and went directly to Tang Feng’s class, and walked to Ye Tianxue’s, "Can you come out for a while? I have something I want to talk to you. ."

"Sorry, I don't have time." Ye Tianxue has never caught Chen Yuyao, and just looked up at her.

"I mean to ask you a sentence, it won't take you a long time." Chen Yuyao did not leave, and said again.

"Is there something shameful that I can't say here? You just say it, don't want to say don't stop here, I look anxious." Ye Tianxue didn't even turn his head this time, and the pen in his hand went back and forth. Flipped.

"I want to ask you if Tang Feng's matter is true?" Chen Yuyao didn't want everyone to know her relationship with Tang Feng, but Ye Tianxue was too aggressive and had no choice, so she had to bite the bullet and ask.

"What Tang Feng, he's fine, don't worry, you should take care of yourself!" Now there is a Bai Yaqing who has already made Ye Tianxue feel the pressure, plus Chen Yuyao, her status is even more vague, she doesn't want to Let her know about Tang Feng's hospitalization, but she didn't know that this incident spread throughout the campus as early as yesterday. It was also because she had no friends and was kept in the dark.

"Can you tell me where he is?" Chen Yuyao knew she had lied because the pen in her hand suddenly stopped.

"Aren't you his girlfriend? You don't know, can I know? You ask me, who shall I ask? He is not me." Ye Tianxue was finally asked by Chen Yuyao, speaking loudly. Even the people in the corridor heard it.

"Look, everyone, the third and fourth beauties of our school are fighting." I don't know who yelled in the corridor, countless heads of people came out of their class, one after another to where Ye Tianxue was. The classes swarmed.

Both Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuyao heard this voice, especially Chen Yuyao. She didn't want to make matters worse, so she was going to leave, but the door was already full of gambling people and couldn't get out at all.

"What do you look at, I haven't seen beautiful women before, go back to your own class." Ye Tianxue was not going well these days. Seeing the crowd stuck in the class, it was on fire at that time, and the eldest lady's temper exploded directly.

Some courageous and those who don’t want to cause trouble just left, but there are always dissatisfaction, especially some girls who think they are very beautiful, have long been uncomfortable with her, why she took the fourth place in the school flower list Is it because of her brand name? Is it because the family has money? Maybe she sold these clothes from B!(Read more @

"Ye Tianxue, what are you dragging? Is the school opened by your home? I'm standing here to get in your way?" said a girl with eyebrows and winks very unconvinced.

"Yeah! What is hindering you when I stand here?" Another girl echoed.

One by one, more and more people began to accuse Ye Tianxue. Some people even said that she was awkward. They directly said that she was Tang Feng's junior. Now the main room came to the door, which was really shameless.

Facing countless people's accusations, Ye Tianxue was almost mad. She had only one mouth, and she must have spoken to so many people. Finally, she lay down on the table and started crying.

Chen Yuyao, who was standing on the side, wanted to persuade her, but the two must be opposites. She couldn't say anything. She wanted to know Tang Feng's situation, so she had no choice but to come out and help her, "Everyone is gone! They are all classmates, and there is nothing they can't get through. It's hard to say if the teacher comes after a while."

Although Chen Yuyao's prestige is greater than Ye Tianxue's, she also takes care of others. If she changes to a boy, she may give her some face, but these are all girls, but her last words still work, people leave one after another, only left More than a dozen people still blocked the door and refused to leave.

"Thank you, waiting for me downstairs after school at noon." Ye Tianxue did not expect Chen Yuyao to speak for her. She was still very grateful. She suddenly changed her mind. If she is definitely not able to compete with Bai Yaqing alone, then she will To bring in a companion, the best candidate is Chen Yuyao.

Chen Yuyao was taken aback for a moment, and instantly became happy. She knew that what she said just now had an effect, and now she found that Ye Tianxue was not that annoying.

"Dingling bell, Jingling bell..." Within a few minutes of class, the bell rang, the people finally dispersed, and Chen Yuyao returned to her classroom.

After the last quarter of the morning, the bell rang and Chen Yuyao walked outside before the teacher went out. At this time, her heart was very disturbed. She was afraid that Ye Tianxue would change her mind. At the same time, her heart was also a little uneasy, "He is really as rumored. Did you become a vegetative like that?" The more I thought about it, the more heartbreaking she became, and she became anxious, who had always been calm.

Not long after Chen Yuyao walked downstairs to the teaching building, Ye Tianxue hurried down and did not speak. She just glanced at Chen Yuyao and walked towards the gate. Chen Yuyao didn't dare to ask more. She knew Ye Tianxue had a weird temper, so hurry up. Follow behind.

"Master, the First People's Hospital." Ye Tianxue stopped a car casually, and then looked back at Chen Yuyao.

At this time, Chen Yuyao's mood is very complicated, her premonition is getting stronger and stronger, there is a feeling of heartache, and it always feels that something bad is happening.

"Is he okay?" Chen Yuyao finally couldn't help asking when sitting in the taxi.

"You'll know when you go, but you have to stand with me." Ye Tianxue stopped talking after finishing talking.

Chen Yuyao didn't care what Ye Tianxue was talking about at all. All her body and mind were pinned on Tang Feng. If she really did like what the school said, she still didn't know how to face it.

In about 10 minutes, the taxi stopped at the gate of the First People's Hospital of Beijing. Chen Yuyao's heart beat even harder. She didn't know how to get out of the car, only that she followed Ye Tianxue stupidly.

"Okay, here it is, let me make it first. After seeing him, pay attention to your emotions. Don't be too excited, let alone disturb him." Ye Tianxue took Chen Yuyao to the door of Tang Feng ward and stopped. After seeing Chen Yuyao point, he opened the door.

Bai Yaqing saw Ye Tianxue push the door and was about to talk, but found that there was another person behind. She was stunned at the time, but she quickly reacted, "Are you Chen Yuyao? We've seen each other again. We haven't seen each other for so long. , You become beautiful again."

Chen Yuyao was stunned when she saw Bai Yaqing, but she quickly reacted, "Sister Bai, how is he?" Chen Yuyao stood at the door and did not dare to enter. She was afraid that she would not be able to accept this fact.

Ye Tianxue didn't expect them to know each other, and was surprised. Thinking about it again, she and Tang Feng are both from Haicheng, so it's not surprising that they knew each other.

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