Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 267 Accidentally Found

Chapter 268

Bai Yaqing was not surprised by Chen Yuyao's coming. What was surprised was that she and Ye Tianxue came together. She knew Ye Tianxue's personality, and she would never bring Chen Yuyao.

"Yuyao, come in! He just fell asleep, maybe he will wake up soon." When Bai Yaqing called Chen Yuyao's name, Tang Feng frowned suddenly, looking painful. Chen Yuyao kept staring at him, and was shocked at the time, "Tang Feng, what's the matter with you?" She ran directly to the bed.

Following Chen Yuyao’s gaze, Bai Yaqing also looked at Tang Feng, with joy on her face, because after more than half a month, he finally had a reaction, indicating that he has the hope of waking up. At the same time, she looked at Chen Yuyao, she I feel more and more that it is not easy between her and Tang Feng. So many of us have been here and he has not responded. But when she came, there was an expression on his face.

Seeing Chen Yuyao ran over, Ye Tianxue didn't understand what was going on, and followed him, but she didn't see anything, because Tang Feng's face returned to normal again.

"Tianxue, come out, I have something to tell you." Bai Yaqing suddenly looked at Ye Tianxue very seriously. Ye Tianxue was really scared of Bai Yaqing's gaze. The only thing she didn't object to was that she nodded.

Seeing Ye Tianxue's consent, Bai Yaqing looked at Chen Yuyao again, "Yuyao, you stay and talk to Tang Feng more. This will help his condition."

Chen Yuyao didn't understand what Bai Yaqing meant, let alone what she did with Ye Tianxue, but she nodded. Bai Yaqing saw Chen Yuyao nodding before walking outside.

"Tianxue, I know you are self-willed, but now is not the time to be self-willed. I hope you will bring Chen Yuyao over to see more often. This may be helpful to Tang Feng’s condition. You just saw it. He actually did. The expression shows that he can hear us..."

"What are you talking about? You said he just got an expression?" When Bai Yaqing said this, Ye Tianxue was shocked. What does this mean? It means that he has great hope of waking up. But soon it became a little sad, why is the person who can touch Tang Feng not her, but her. Speaking of which, she was really jealous. If Bai Yaqing hadn't reminded her, she would probably try to prevent Chen Yuyao from coming, or even not coming. Until now she understood that she couldn't compete with Chen Yuyao at all, even if he became a vegetable, she still lost.(Read more @

That’s right. Tang Feng did hear them. He woke up in the first week of hospitalization. He just couldn’t move. His whole body seemed to fall apart, and he was not under his control at all. It's impossible to do it with a blink of an eye.

What happened to him was because of Chen Yuyao. Everyone has visited him for so many days, but Chen Yuyao has not been here. He knows that she has not forgiven him, even if she has become like this. He refused to come and see himself. He didn’t know that his hospitalization was kept secret. Even if his parents hadn’t told him, Chen Yuyao wouldn’t know it. If it weren’t for that unscrupulous classmate, I’m afraid Chen Yuyao would never know. Knowing about Tang Feng's hospitalization, he should also be grateful for that big mouth.

Because of this, when he heard Chen Yuyao's name, he was touched and tried to control his body, but he still failed, and finally had to give up.

"Tang Feng, can you hear it? I know you can hear it, why don't you want to wake up? Do you know how much I miss you these days, I secretly look at my phone every night, waiting for your text messages, but I I have been disappointed again and again, sometimes I hate you, why don’t I hate you, why don’t you explain to me, why you hate you so passionate..." Chen Yuyao said while gently stroking his face, suddenly he found Tang Feng Eyelids moved, almost making her exclaim again.

"Tang Feng, can you really hear it?" Chen Yuyao just used the method of waking up the patient, and didn't care that he could hear it. Now it seems that he can hear it, thinking about what she said just now. The little face turned red.

"Yuyao, what's the matter?" Bai Yaqing and Ye Tianxue talked for a while and then came up, to find that Chen Yuyao's face was not pretty, and they thought something had happened to Tang Feng.

"Nothing, just his eyelids moved a bit." Chen Yuyao remembered Tang Feng's behavior just now, and told Bai Yaqing.

This time Bai Yaqing was not so excited, she just nodded, affirming her own thoughts even more, only Chen Yuyao can wake up Tang Feng. Although Ye Tianxue wanted not to admit this fact, she had no choice but to accept it.

Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuyao took them for more than an hour and went back. They must go to class, not to mention that they have not eaten until now.

"Tang Feng, can you hear it? If you can hear it, blink your eyes." After Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuyao left, Bai Yaqing sat by the bed and began to talk to Tang Feng.

"Why can't you blink your eyes? Is she the most important in your heart? Did you forget what you said to me?" Facing Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuyao, Bai Yaqing seemed calm, but she When facing Tang Feng alone, she was not so peaceful anymore, she was really jealous.

"Why? Why..." Bai Yaqing chatted with Tang Feng for more than an hour, but Tang Feng did not respond. She was really disappointed, and tears flowed down involuntarily. Just when the nurse came to change the liquid Pretending to turn his face away, he wiped away tears secretly.

"Don't be too sad, you see that the patient's health is getting better day by day, and sooner or later he will wake up." The little nurse had seen Bai Yaqing's behavior a long time ago, but she didn't break it and reminded her kindly.

"Thank you, I know he will wake up." When Bai Yaqing thought of Tang Feng's performance when facing Chen Yuyao today, she was even more convinced that she would wake up.

Tang Feng could hear what Bai Yaqing said. The reason why he didn’t respond was that he didn’t want them to know that he could hear them, so that they would never speak the truth in front of him. These days He can also feel everyone's feelings for him. It can be said that everyone’s little secret has been heard by him. If they knew it, it would be strange if they didn’t ask themselves to settle the accounts after they woke up. He didn’t respond. That’s why, even if Chen Yuyao came in the future, He also didn't make any response. If Bai Yaqing and Chen Yuyao hadn't seen it really, they would have thought it was an illusion.

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