Chapter 271

Bai Yaqing has left, and has been away for three days so far, only one person is left by Tang Feng's side. Chen Yuhua sat by the bed, holding Tang Feng's arm with one hand, and stroking his hair with the other. After more than a month of sleep, his hair grew a lot.

"Tang Feng, can you hear it? I know you can't hear it, but I still want to tell you, I don't know when I started to like you slowly, maybe it's your domineering, your ability to conquer But is it possible for us? You have so many women, and I am so much older than you, not to mention that you don’t like me at all. Sometimes facing Mr. Bai, she really has a lot of pressure. Excellent..."

It's been more than a month. This is the first time Chen Yuhua has confided in her heart. She can only talk about it when no one is there. If Tang Feng wakes up, she will definitely hide this matter for a lifetime. But she didn't even know that Tang Feng could hear it.

"Tang Feng, I don't know what your relationship is with Yuyao. Since she can see you, she knows that the relationship between the two of you is unusual. She is a good boy. I hope you can stay away from her and don't harm her. "Chen Yuhua felt heartache when she thought of Tang Feng's intricate relationship.

Maybe it was too much, maybe she was really tired these days, and actually fell asleep on Tang Feng's bed, her face almost stuck to Tang Feng's face...

At 12 o'clock in the morning, a bright moonlight shined directly on Tang Feng's face through the window. If Chen Yuhua was awake, she would find that his face had changed.

Tang Feng tries to control his body in the dead of night. He tried to control his body as usual today. Suddenly he found that his body was numb, which was completely different from the previous feeling. He felt that he had a certain sense. , I felt happy.

In order to be verified, he worked even harder. His fingers were able to move, and he almost exclaimed, but he moved his mouth without making a sound. As time goes by, he can move more and more parts, from head to toe. Finally, after more than an hour of hard work, he sat up and stroked Chen Yuhua's cheek with shaking hands.

"Ah!!!" Chen Yuhua didn't sleep very deeply. When she opened her eyes, she found a figure sitting in front of her, screaming unconsciously.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yuhua's voice quickly attracted the young nurse on duty, who was stunned as soon as he opened the door.

"Tang, Tang, Tang Feng, is that you?" After screaming, Chen Yuhua could see the figure in front of him clearly, and he couldn't believe his eyes, and couldn't even speak clearly.(Read more @

"Yu...Hua...Sister..." Tang Feng called out Chen Yuhua's name very hard.

"Doctor, the patient in Ward No. 528 is awake..." In addition to Chen Yuhua, the young nurse on duty was excited. They all forgot that they were young nurses. You can't shout loudly in the hospital, not to mention it's midnight. of.

Chen Yuhua's scream awakened most of the people. Now, coupled with the yelling of the little nurse, the patients and family members on the entire floor were awake, and the doctor on duty rushed over here quickly.

"Ren Suhong, what are you calling? Don't you know that this is a hospital?" The doctor on duty is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He just finished treating an emergency patient and wanted to take a break. The dream has not even started. The voice woke up.

Ren Suhong was a bit wronged and embarrassed, "I'm sorry, Doctor He, I will pay attention next time, but patient No. 528 is awake."

"What? You said that patient No. 528 woke up?" Doctor He also exclaimed. Fortunately, he knew to be careful and didn't yell out loudly. He just fell asleep and only heard the yelling, but did not pay attention to the yelling. What is it.

Ren Suhong nodded, and the two of them walked to Tang Feng's ward together.

During this time, Tang Feng has more control over his body, and now he can speak normally, "Sister Yuhua, how long have I slept?"

"One, one month..." Until now, Chen Yuhua's mood has not calmed down, and her words are still a little hesitant. His eyes have been fixed on Tang Feng's body, and he even pinched his thigh with his hand to see if he was dreaming. .

"Oh!" Although Tang Feng was awake a long time ago, he didn't know black and white. He only knew that after a long time, he didn't expect that this sleep would last for more than a month.

Although Dr. He was a bit shocked by Tang Feng's waking up, he was the fastest to react and checked Tang Feng's body in the fastest time. After all the inspection items were completed, it was already more than an hour. Later.

"Doctor, how is my body?" After sleeping for so long, Tang Feng also wanted to know what happened to him and whether there were any sequelae.

"It's really strange..." Doctor He frowned and looked puzzled.

"What's the matter with the doctor?" Tang Feng was also a little panicked when he saw the appearance of Doctor He. There would be no sequelae, right?

"Your body is very good from the current point of view, so good that it has reached the level of a national first-class athlete. This is what makes me strange." Dr. He said seriously.

Tang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Dr. He said, "That means there is nothing wrong with me?" Tang Feng asked happily.

"There should be nothing more, but you'd better observe here for a few more days." Doctor He raised his head and looked up and down Tang Feng again.

After the examination, it was more than 2 o’clock in the middle of the night when Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua returned to the ward. Tang Feng slept for more than a month and was not sleepy at all. Chen Yuhua also squinted for a while. Words come.

"Sister Yuhua, why are you looking at me here? It must be very hard, right?" Tang Feng sat on the bed and motioned for Chen Yuhua to sit up too. If Tang Feng is unconscious, Chen Yuhua will sit on it without hesitation. Now Tang Feng is awake, but she hesitates.

"Sister Yuhua, come up, it's cold below, there are two of us here, and no one else." Tang Feng gently patted the bed and motioned Chen Yuhua to sit opposite him.

Chen Yuhua hesitated for a while and did it, then Tang Feng pulled the quilt over and put it on the feet of the two people, so that both of them were not cold anymore. When the quilt was covered, Tang Feng stretched his feet over, Chen Yuhua's face turned red, but there was no sound, just as nothing happened.

Tang Feng did this because Chen Yuhua expressed his feelings to him in the final stage of his deep sleep. He can be said to have escaped from the dead. Counting the last time, he was a person who died twice. He also figured it out. , Said he was bothersome or shameless, how could he bear the heart to let others have such a good woman?

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