Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 271 The Warmth After Waking Up

Chapter 272

The two talked for a long time, and they were talking about Tang Feng's coma during this period of time. Chen Yuhua recounted what happened during this period just like reporting work, that is, the company's affairs are clearly explained.

"Sister Yuhua, you have been working hard during this time." Tang Feng said that she was about to hug Chen Yuhua, but she avoided it.

"Tang Feng, it's okay for us not to be like this? I'm still your sister." Although Chen Yuhua's heart rests on Tang Feng, it doesn't mean that he will be frivolous.

Tang Feng was not surprised by Chen Yuhua’s reaction. He knew that he was anxious and smiled, “I see, my good sister, it’s always okay for my younger brother to hug my sister?” Tang Feng said that but his hands were not there. Reached over, just slammed Chen Yuhua's foot lightly with his foot.

"It's good to know that I am your sister, and also, I will not be allowed to do anything with me in the future, especially when there are outsiders." Chen Yuhua said with a blush.

"Okay, I know, it's not possible to pass through outsiders, that's it when there is no one?" Tang Feng smiled after he finished speaking.

"It's even worse when there is no one. If you are like that, I will ignore you. I will be Haicheng. You can take care of the work here." At this time, Chen Yuhua's tone was like a little woman. Cold appearance.

"Knowing my good sister, you can't go. If you go, and don't tire me to death, where will you find such a good brother?" Tang Feng said, rubbing his butt forward. , Chen Yuhua was so scared that she hurried back and almost retreated under the bed.

"Hahaha..." Tang Feng laughed when he looked at Chen Yuhua's shy look, "Sister Yuhua, I just have a long butt feeling uncomfortable after sitting for a long time. It scares you, I won't eat you again."

When Chen Yuhua saw Tang Feng laugh at herself, she was also a little angry. He didn't retreat but approached. The legs of the two people crossed directly together, and then they heard a scream of "Ah!"

"Sister Yuhua, you're too cruel, I'm your brother, how can your sister bully your brother like this?" Chen Yuhua reached into Tang Feng's side and put his hand directly into the quilt, facing Tang Feng's thigh So he pinched it, and Tang Feng yelled at that time.(Read more @

"Who told you to laugh at me? This is how you laugh at me." Chen Yuhua snorted after speaking.

"Why do you women like to pinch people?" Tang Feng said innocently.

Chen Yuhua understood what he meant instantly, feeling a little sad, and it seemed that he was still no match for Mr. Bai. Tang Feng seemed to see that Chen Yuhua was a little unhappy, and quickly added, "Sister Yuhua, I was wrong, and I won’t dare to do it again next time. If you are unhappy, you are pinching, when will you be relieved, and you are letting go. ." Tang Feng pointed to his waist.

Tang Feng originally wanted to make Chen Yuhua happy. He didn't expect that a sharp pain came from his waist just after speaking. The pain made him grin. He didn't expect Chen Yuhua's scared hand.

Because Chen Yuhua put his hands on Tang Feng's waist, the two were almost sticking together, and the faint scent instantly penetrated into Tang Feng's nostrils, and some uncontrollable kisses.

"Woo..." Chen Yuhua kept resisting. Where is Tang Feng's strength? He resisted a few times to no avail, and finally gave up altogether, even letting go of his hand on Tang Feng's waist. This kiss lasted more than ten minutes. If it hadn't been for Tang Feng's brain, it was molded into Chen Yuhua's clothes, and she was pushed away at last, and it might not have been separated.

This was Chen Yuhua's first kiss, and the kiss was very jerky. Where a veteran like Tang Feng has had relationships with several women in his previous life, although those are all about solving physical problems, they have actually happened.

"Tang Feng, let's not do this, okay?" Chen Yuhua's face didn't look pretty after the separation. Tang Feng also knew that he was going too far, so he quickly explained: "Sister Yuhua, I'm sorry, but you are so beautiful and attractive. I didn't control it for a while."

"You rest, I'm going back." Chen Yuhua didn't want to stay here anymore. She felt too dangerous. She was eaten by Tang Feng just barely controlling her, but fortunately she finally woke up.

"Sister Yuhua, I, I..." Tang Feng wanted to say something to keep, but then realized that there was nothing to say at all. He could only watch Chen Yuhua get out of bed and walk outside the door.

After Bai Yaqing left, the bed she rented became vacant. Chen Yuhua naturally moved in. If Tang Feng was unconscious, she would squat by Tang Feng’s bed for a while, and now she woke up. There is no need for this.

The whole night passed. Chen Yuhua told Bai Yaqing of Tang Feng's wake up just after dawn. After hearing this, Bai Yaqing planned to come to see Tang Feng, but Chen Yuhua refused. This was all Tang Feng ordered. He didn’t want to make a lot of trouble when he woke up. Besides, he was going back to Haicheng to take a look. He hadn’t seen his parents for more than two months. These days, Bai Yaqing used Tang Feng’s mobile phone. Occasionally, he sent a message to his parents, but he didn't cover his hospitalization.

Bai Yaqing knew that Tang Feng had woke up, and was extremely happy. After she hung up Chen Yuhua's phone, she called Tang Feng, "Little gangster, you are awake. You really don't know how worried I am about you?" Bai Yaqing left tears of excitement as she spoke.

"Sister Yaqing, isn't this good for me? You are waiting in Haicheng. When the observation period at the hospital is over, I will go back to see you." Tang Feng thanked him from the bottom of his heart. He didn't know what to say. He knows that these days, Bai Yaqing has been taking care of herself day and night. It has been two lives, past and present, with no regrets and no regrets. This is what he owes most.

"Then you can take care of it, and I will wait for you when that time comes." Bai Yaqing said softly.

The two people had a full chat, but in the end Bai Yaqing's phone was almost out of power and then she hung up reluctantly.

In fact, Chen Yuhua came to the door of Tang Feng's ward twice during this period, and heard that he was calling Bai Yaqing, and finally walked back.

After hanging up Bai Yaqing's phone, I wanted to call Chen Yuyao, but after checking the battery level of the phone, I could only shook his head helplessly, and finally found the charger and put it aside for charging.

"Are you hungry these days? The doctor said that you wouldn't let you eat too dry things, so I bought these." Chen Yuhua took advantage of the time Tang Feng called and went outside to buy them and come back early.

Tang Feng didn't even notice it. During the time he was sleeping, he didn't feel hungry at all. Now when he saw the steaming millet porridge, he felt a little bit hungry, but the feeling of hunger was not so strong.

"Thank you, Sister Yuhua, you can also sit down and eat together!" Tang Feng just glanced at Chen Yuhua, and the two of them were the same as usual. What happened last night seemed like it hadn't happened.

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