In this way, Tang Feng stayed in the hospital for another week. Most of this week was spent by himself. Only a few women would come to see him at night.

In this week, apart from Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuhua who came every day, Chen Yuyao only came here once, which may have something to do with Chen Yuhua. At the same time, Tang Feng knew that the two were sisters when he was sleeping, but there was nothing to break. Leng Yuhan only came here once, and Tang Feng was helpless for her.

Seeing that the end of November is about to come, the weather in the north is already very cold. Today is the day Tang Feng was discharged from the hospital. He did not notify anyone, only him and Chen Yuhua, and there was not much to do. Almost empty-handed, he hit. A car returned to the rental house.

Walking into the rental house, I really felt like a long time away. Tang Feng shouted directly, "I'm back again."

"Don't shout, be careful to find it downstairs." Chen Yuhua glanced at Tang Feng with excitement.

"Am I not happy?" Tang Feng felt very innocent, but he closed his mouth obediently.

"Are you happy, what about others? You will be unhappy when others find it." Chen Yuhua put the things in his hand on the side and sat beside Tang Feng.

"Sister Yuhua, I'm going to go back and have a look tomorrow, and I will leave it to you here." Tang Feng said seriously.

"Okay, but you'd better come back as soon as possible. There are still many things waiting for you at the company." Although Chen Yuhua wanted Tang Feng to stay, she knew it was impossible.

"I see, you have worked so hard these days, and you will be relieved when I come back." Tang Feng said with a smile, becoming out of order again.

"Come on, when I can relax, I am afraid that I will be more tired when you come back." Tang Feng has been in a coma for a month and a half now, and the batch of development teams recruited by the Beijing branch has already been recruited. It is in place. Since there is no goal now, it is basically equivalent to being idle. It is simply coming to the company to stay, and then there is a salary.

After a long time of getting along, the two people became more and more harmonious. Chen Yuhua was no longer cold, and often smiled on his face. Sometimes he could even make a joke with Tang Feng.

Ye Tianxue came back at noon. She wanted to pick up Tang Feng from the hospital, but Tang Feng refused, so she had to go to class obediently.

"Tang Feng..." After Ye Tianxue came back, he saw Tang Feng sitting on the sofa and leaning directly on him.(Read more @

"How old are you, like a kangaroo?" Tang Feng pushed Ye Tianxue away, who was leaning on him, and glanced at Chen Yuhua.

"I'm willing, I just want to stick to you, and stick to you every day from now on." Ye Tianxue said, leaning on Tang Feng's body, Tang Feng waved his hand helplessly, Chen Yuhua turned his head to the side as if he hadn't seen it.

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's go out to eat, you are not hungry, I am still hungry." Tang Feng said once again pushed Ye Tianxue leaning on him away, and stood up.

"Sniff, would you push away if Chen Yuyao leaned on you? It's obviously eccentric." After Ye Tianxue finished speaking, she turned her head aside. Chen Yuhua, who had turned his head to the side, also turned around suddenly, with murderous in his eyes.

Tang Feng saw Chen Yuhua’s eyes instantly widened. If he had nothing to do with Chen Yuhua, and Chen Yuyao alone was a boy and girl friend, she couldn’t care about being a sister. He just kissed her that day and wanted to explain. The explanation is not clear.

"Tang Feng, I hope you can stay away from Yuyao." As an older sister, she has already swung in. She doesn't want her sister to come in to join in the fun, but she doesn't even know that Chen Yuyao and Tang Feng are more emotional than her. And Tang Feng's is even deeper.

"Sister Yuhua, I..." Tang Feng wanted to explain, but in the end he didn't say anything, and gave Ye Tianxue a fierce look.

"What are you staring at me for? I didn't say nonsense. You and her are boy and girl friends, but you said it yourself." Ye Tianxue said angrily.

After listening to Ye Tianxue's words, Chen Yuhua, who was originally murderous, suddenly became gloomy and cold, "Tang Feng, what is the relationship between you and Yu Yao?"

Tang Feng really wants to say that Chen Yuyao is his girlfriend, but he knows that Chen Yuhua is definitely unacceptable, so he can only pretend to say: "Sister Yuhua, don’t listen to Tianxue’s nonsense. Yuyao and I were classmates from high school. Since we two were in the same school after university, it is okay to take care of each other."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he glared at Ye Tianxue again, "Ye Tianxue, if you are talking nonsense, believe it or not I let you move out from here?"

Seeing Tang Feng’s sharp eyes, Ye Tianxue was really angry. She was also a little guilty. She originally wanted to say something, but in the end she closed her mouth, but she was still a little unconvinced. Yes, this lady is hungry, and I want to eat poor you today."

The unhappiness ended in this way. The three people walked outside one after another without speaking, especially Tang Feng. He felt a little guilty when he saw Chen Yuhua's cold eyes.

In order to avoid Chen Yuhua's misunderstanding, Tang Feng didn't go to school to find Chen Yuyao in the afternoon, but stayed at home and planned to return to Haicheng tomorrow. After two o'clock, he simply walked outside. He was going to buy some gifts for his parents and relatives to take home.

One day passed. Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue both returned to the rental house when Tang Feng came back with large and small bags.

After eating at noon, the three people separated. Ye Tianxue returned to the school to continue the class, and Chen Yuhua returned to the Beijing branch to preside over the work.

Regarding Tang Feng's return to Haicheng this time, Ye Tianxue wanted to go back with him very much, but it was a holiday and he could only give up. Even after returning, he was always depressed.

Since it is now the end of November, it’s getting dark earlier and it’s cold outside, so I didn’t plan to eat outside at night. Chen Yuhua bought some simple dishes nearby. Now I’m busy in the kitchen and heard the sound of opening the door. Just glanced out, and then went on busy.

Tang Feng saw that Ye Tianxue was watching TV sullenly, and ignored her, so he simply walked to the kitchen. At this time, Chen Yuhua was turning over the dishes in the wok, and he didn't even notice Tang Feng coming in.

"Let go..." Tang Feng saw Chen Yuhua's serious look and was attracted by her at the time, and unknowingly hugged her from behind, she was taken aback at the time.

Tang Feng was also afraid of Chen Yuhua's excessive behavior, so he let go, "It's really fragrant." I don't know if he is talking about food or people, maybe he is talking about people. Chen Yuhua didn't dare to say anything, but he looked back and was relieved to see that no one noticed it.

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