Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 273 ParentS Career

Chapter 274

After embarking on the long-awaited train, Tang Feng went back again. I don’t know if he likes to take the train or the feeling of taking the train. He still took the train this time when he went back, but there was no deception happened last time. Safe and sound.

Tang Feng's parents were also very busy during this period, and they didn't take Tang Feng into consideration, even if he didn't even notice that he was hospitalized.

The location of the Internet cafe has long been determined. After more than a month of renovation and complicated procedures, it finally officially opened a month ago. On the day of the opening, many relatives and friends were invited, and the Tang family was considered a good one. The attitude of Qian Shufang's relatives toward Tang Aiguo has also changed a little.

"Mom, where are you?" Tang Feng didn't tell his parents when he came back today, even Bai Yaqing didn't tell him, he took a taxi directly after getting off the train. He didn't go home, probably his parents were not at home, so he stopped at the door of the Internet cafe and picked up the phone.

"Where am I in the Internet cafe? Son, do you have anything to do? If there is nothing to do, I will hang up first. There are too many people here. I will call you at night." In order to save money, Qian Shufang didn't ask for it. Whoever, she manages the cash register herself, Tang Aiguo is both the boss and the network manager, so she can ask some friends to help if she is too busy.

Since Tang Feng’s younger aunt doesn’t have a job and has a lot of free time, she often comes to help. Of course, it’s not for nothing. The relatives belong to relatives, and the account is still to be calculated. The monthly salary of 1,000 yuan is only now. After the Internet cafe is running normally, she is going to increase her salary.

"Mom, I'm back." Tang Feng simply said.

"What? Son, are you back? Where are you? I asked your dad to pick you up." Qian Shufang, who was collecting money, was a little excited when he heard it.

"Mom, you'll know when you come out." After Tang Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Qian Shufang didn't react for a while. It took 5 seconds for Qian Shufang to react. He shouted, "Old Tang, Xiao Feng is back." Then he forgot to find money and ran out.

When Qian Shufang ran out, Tang Feng carrying a big bag and a small bag looked at her grinningly, "Mom!"

Qian Shufang, who was initially a little excited, was stunned when he saw the boy in front of him, "Little, little, Xiaofeng." Qian Shufang found that his son had changed, a lot, he became more handsome, and his skin turned pale. Many, if the former Tang Feng looked ordinary, now he looks a bit handsome, tall, fair skin, where is the former country boy? It's clear which young master it is.(Read more @

It was because Tang Feng had changed so much that Qian Shufang didn't dare to recognize it for a while. The reason why Tang Feng has changed so much is because he expelled a large amount of impurities from his body when he was unconscious. This led to the current result. When he first saw this face, he was also Shocked.

"Mom, why don't you know each other? Didn't it just become white?" Tang Feng hurriedly walked over and gave Qian Shufang a big hug.

"Xiao Feng, have you changed so much? Why have you become so white? It's whiter than your mother now, and how do you take care of your skin?" Qian Shufang touched Tang Feng's face, it was as smooth as jade.

"You don't believe me what I said. I once went to play in a cave and found a small gourd. There was a pill of elixir in the small gourd. After I ate it, it became like this." Tang Feng laughed after he finished speaking. , Qian Shufang looked at Tang Feng's weird smile and knew that he was lying.

"Xiao Feng..." Qian Shufang was just about to say a few words about Tang Feng, and Tang Aiguo also walked out of the Internet cafe.

"Dad!" Tang Feng yelled and walked over, giving his father a big hug.

Tang Aiguo was only surprised about Tang Feng's changes, and then returned to normal, "Don't stay here anymore, it's cold outside, it's fine since you're back."

"Tang Feng, you wait here for the meeting first, I will call your little aunt over and let her watch the meeting here." Tang Feng's little aunt usually comes here at night, and at that time the house is idle, there is not much at all. thing.

After Tang Feng walked into the Internet cafe, he nodded with satisfaction looking at the decoration and layout inside. Although it is not a holiday, there are more than two-thirds of the Internet users, which can be said to be good. If it is a holiday, it will be full every time. , There are no seats at all, and some even wait for two or three in front of a computer.

The reason for this is because the computers are all new, and the configuration is quite high, which is much better than other Internet cafes, especially some people who play games, since they have played here once. Not going to other Internet cafes.

Tang Feng originally let his parents buy a house, but both Tang Aiguo and Qian Shufang spent the money on the Internet cafe. This matter was delayed first, and now they live in a rented house near the Internet cafe.

"Xiao Feng, what are you eating today?" Only Tang Feng and Qian Shufang returned first, but Tang Aiguo stayed there to avoid any abnormalities.

"Mom! Why don't we go out to eat?" Tang Feng loves his mother, he doesn't want her to be tired.

"It's okay, there are vegetables at home, just say what you want to eat, it will be fine in a while." Finally, Tang Feng said that he could not help his mother, so he had to stay at home.

Tang Aiguo didn't come back at noon. Maybe it was because of the lack of manpower over there. Qian Shufang put part of it in a thermos after he was done, and prepared to take it with him later.

Tang Feng didn't go anywhere on this day. He stayed with his parents. Of course, he spent it in the Internet cafe. Looking at his busy parents, his face was full of smiles.

There are still many things to deal with in the capital. He decided to stay in Haicheng for three days, and then went back. He called Bai Yaqing early the next morning, "Hey! Sister Yaqing, guess I’m Who?" Tang Feng pinched his throat on purpose, then changed his voice.

"Xiao Feng, stop making trouble. I just woke up and didn't have a right line. What do you call today?" Bai Yaqing was sleeping soundly, but was woken up by a phone call from Tang Feng, and then he answered in a daze. Got up the phone.

"Sister Yaqing, you haven't gotten up yet?" Tang Feng heard Bai Yaqing's voice a little lazy, and a picture quickly appeared in his mind.

When Bai Yaqing heard that Tang Feng had guessed it, she felt a little shy, "You haven't gotten up yet, not talking about making people sleep in the morning, but also teasing people."

"Sister Yaqing, I'm back." Tang Feng didn't say much, just a simple sentence, Bai Yaqing was stunned after listening, "Little hooligan, are you really back?"

"I'm in my parents' rental house now. Would you like to come and have a look?" Tang Feng knew that his parents had been up a long time ago. It was because of their parents that they woke him up, and he also woke Bai Yaqing up. Up.

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