In the evening, only Tang Feng's aunt and a distant cousin were watching in the Internet cafe. Therefore, his parents got up early every day and went to the Internet cafe to change their younger aunt.

After Tang Feng hung up Bai Yaqing’s phone, nothing happened. Since he woke up, he got up. His mother had already made it and put it on the table earlier. He simply ate a bit, then cleaned the table and changed it. I went out with all his clothes.

At this time, it was just over 7 o'clock. I wanted to go to the headquarters of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., but it was not time to go to work at this time, so I could only go to the Internet cafe of my parents first.

"Xiao Feng, why don't you take more breaks at home, and what are you doing here?" When Tang Feng walked into the Internet cafe, his little aunt had already left, and now his mother was sitting at the cash register.

"Mom, I don't want to see you more. This difference is only a few months ago. I'm leaving tomorrow. I don't know when I will be able to come back next time." Tang Feng crossed his hands and lay down at the cash register. On stage.

"Why do you have to leave right after coming back?" Qian Shufang thought that Tang Feng would stay a few more days when he came back this time, because he said that he came back by asking for leave, but he didn't expect that he would leave just now.

"Mom, this school is not opened by your home. It has been three days back and forth." Tang Feng didn't dare to tell his mother the truth, so he could only use the school as an excuse.

"Yes, yes, you see my brains, learning is important."

"Mom, I won't delay you here, go and take a look inside." Tang Feng found that it was really a hindrance to lying here, and someone would come to recharge money from time to time, and it seemed that the business was not bad.

"Yes, if you feel bored, ask to find a computer to play with." Qian Shufang handed Tang Feng a membership card as he said. Tang Feng took it and waved his hand, "Mother is better. "After speaking, he disappeared at the cash register.

It was the morning, and there were not many people on the Internet. Half of the seats were still vacant. Tang Feng found a seat and sat down smoothly.

I haven’t used the Internet for more than a month since I fell asleep. I don’t know what has changed. First, open the post bar to see if there are no important things in it. After about an hour of sightseeing, it’s all trivial things, such as Whose chicken is lost, whose dog bites someone, there is nothing serious about it anyway. Tang Feng lost interest after watching it for a while.(Read more @

After closing the post bar, Tang Feng opened the 2345 website navigation. The current 2345 website navigation is pretty good under Xu Yan's management. It is tepid. Because there is no innovation and big moves, there is no outstanding place. Reconciliation 123 has formed half of the world.

The 2345 website navigation originally suppressed 123 overwhelmingly. Just because of negligence during this period of time, even the promotion of YY has dropped a lot. It can be said that if you do not advance, you will retreat. Tang Feng looked at the data in front of him and shook his head helplessly. It seemed that something had to come out, otherwise it would be impossible to crush 123 well.

After exiting from the 2345 website navigation, I opened The current is a mess. It is completely unmanaged and can only operate normally. Tang Feng remembered him when he looked at the scene in front of him. What happened to Dewey's account?

During the period when Tang Feng was unconscious, Dewey made several calls to Tang Feng, but no one answered them. Later, Dewey went to the school to find Tang Feng. Of course, he was gone. In the end, Bai Yaqing returned a few times. A text message, he was relieved.

Tang Feng originally wanted to call Dewey to ask about the situation, but when he thought about going back tomorrow, he gave up. Finally, he opened the QQ game. He originally thought that QQ game had recovered after more than a month of cultivation, but he did not expect that there were very few people in it.

What Tang Feng doesn’t know is that QQ’s continuous failures. Some users have lost confidence in him. Starting from the super Trojan horse, their accounts have been stolen, and they have been stolen continuously. After the game, the players are scared. I don’t know if QQ will return next time. What will happen, I'm really afraid that the account I managed so painstakingly will disappear if I am not careful.

The failure of QQ Games has made it possible for some small game companies. These small game companies have become so hot that they have a tendency to catch up with QQ Games in one fell swoop.

Tang Feng looked at the time on the computer and it was already 10 o'clock. This time passed so fast, he stretched his waist and got up from his seat.

"Mom, I have something to go to school to see, so I don't have to wait for me to eat at noon." Tang Feng walked to the cash register and handed the membership card to his mother, then said.

"Go, pay attention to safety on the road, do you have enough money? If you don't have enough money, take some from me." Qian Shufang wants to collect the money here, so she can't walk away and doesn't have time to take care of Tang Feng. He can only take care of Tang Feng if he wants to go. He left.

"No, I have enough money to spend. You don't have to worry about money. I can make money by myself. If it's you, you can call me if you have money." Tang Feng said and took pictures. Tap your own pocket, it's bulging inside.

Tang Feng didn't go to school after coming out of the Internet cafe. It was just an excuse to go to school. He took a taxi and went to the Haicheng Information Building.

"Director Tang?" When Tang Feng walked into the information building, he was already a freshman, but some old people still knew him.

"Why don't you know each other? I just missed everyone, come and see everyone." Tang Feng's face had a faint smile.

"Knowing, knowing, how can I not bear it?" One of the first batch of college students recruited by Tang Feng, walked to Tang Feng's side with a smile, and took out a cigarette and handed it to Tang Feng.

"There is no need for cigarettes. There is also public or public, private or private. Smoking is not allowed during working hours. If anyone is addicted to cigarettes, go to the toilet and smoke one." Tang Feng did not pick up the cigarette, although it was on his face Smile, but speak with a sense of majesty.

"The lesson from Director Tang is that this is not because you are here. I am happy for a while." People have changed a lot. Tang Feng still remembers being shy when he recruited him. At that time, he taught him programming. Has become an old fritters.

"Okay, everyone, let me go and take a look inside." Tang Feng waved his hand and walked in the direction of Bai Yaqing's office.

"Xiao Wang, who is this? Why does it look so awkward? He is younger than you, right?" Shortly after Tang Feng left, an employee who had just arrived curiously asked.

"Brother Liu, you can keep your voice down. I can tell you that there are only two people who can't offend at Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. One is Brother Zhao, you know, and the other is Director Tang. You would rather Offend Director Chen, and don’t offend him, otherwise your job will be lost."

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