p Chapter 276

"Xiao Wang, won't it, it's so awesome, Director Chen is a good one, even President Bai has a bit of face, is she not as good as him?" Liu Yuanyi said a little unconvinced.

"You don't know this, right? You know that Director Chen was only his deputy before. Who do you say has the final say, and even Director Chen was recruited by him. I can tell you that there is limited information technology in Yade The company has many legends about Director Tang." Xiao Wang was full of energy when he talked about Tang Feng.

"Even if he was Director Chen's boss before, that is just when the company should start. It shows that he was lucky and advanced to the company. Just like you are now, what did you have when you came in? Isn't it an ordinary employee?" Liu Yuanyi looked at Xiaoli. Wang's proud look was even more unconvincing.

"Can I compare with Director Tang? Liu Yuanyi, I'm not bragging. It's not just your skills in front of Director Tang." Xiao Wang originally respected Liu Yuanyi, but now he is very unhappy after hearing what he said. He curled his lips.

It can be said that Xiao Wang admires Tang Feng very much, because he came in early, knowing a little bit of Tang Feng's strength, especially when Tang Feng taught him at the time, and he has benefited a lot until now. Take what Tang Feng taught him. He originally thought it was just ordinary knowledge. With the continuous improvement of technology, he discovered the difference. Even the most powerful engineers in the company do not have this level.

"Xiao Wang, let me see you brag, he will leave the company if he has this ability, let alone how old he is, I think you were fooled by him."

"Xiao Wang, why are you bragging again? What are you talking about? Tell me?" Just after Liu Yuanyi finished speaking, Tang Feng walked over from a short distance, and followed Bai Yaqing behind him.

Liu Yuanyi saw Bai Yaqing behind Tang Feng's complexion at the time, "Mr. Bai."

Since Xiao Wang turned his back to Tang Feng and didn't see him at all, he turned his head and smiled immediately, "Director Tang, President Bai."

Bai Yaqing just nodded, and then said, "Let's go!" Then she walked forward alone.

Seeing that Tang Feng did not follow, Bai Yaqing looked back and then stood at the top of the stairs.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Sister Yaqing, go down first, let me talk to Xiaowang." Tang Feng said loudly when Bai Yaqing was waiting for him. People in the entire office area heard it and looked outside.

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you outside." Bai Yaqing said and went downstairs.

Liu Yuanyi saw Bai Yaqing’s attitude towards Tang Feng and Tang Feng’s address to Bai Yaqing. At that time, there was a thump in his heart, feeling that something was going to happen. Only then did he feel the weight of Tang Feng and glanced at Xiao Wang secretly. .

"Work hard, there will always be a chance to get ahead in the future." Tang Feng patted Xiao Wang on the shoulder, then looked at Liu Yuanyi and walked outside.

It was this look that scared Liu Yuanyi into a cold sweat. The look in his eyes was so terrible that Liu Yuanyi regretted a little bit in his heart. The reason why he competed with Xiao Wang was because Xiao Wang said that Chen Yuhua was not as good as Tang Feng. Although Chen Yuhua has a cold personality, Liu Yuanyi likes this. Since he came to the company, he has been secretly in love. If it weren't for Chen Yuhua to go to the capital, he would have confessed.

Xiao Wang was there for a long time looking at the place where Tang Feng disappeared. He didn't understand the meaning of his words, but he knew one thing, that is, he must work hard. It is because of this sentence of Tang Feng that later a great programmer was created.

When Xiao Wang stood in the highest field of China's Internet, he couldn't help sighing, thanks to that sentence at the time, otherwise he wouldn't have what he is today. It is because of Tang Feng’s words that Xiao Wang has been studying hard from then on, checking information or asking others for advice where he doesn’t understand, and living in a tense atmosphere every day. This will last three years, and three years have been forgotten. Talking about his girlfriend, it is because of these three years of hard work that his abilities have improved by leaps and bounds.

"Tang Feng, did you go to trouble Liu Yuanyi just now?" Tang Feng came upstairs and Bai Yaqing looked at him.

"Why, am I such a person? I just let Xiao Wang do it well, and he still has potential." This Tang Feng didn't say nonsense. When he taught Xiao Wang, he discovered the comprehension ability of this guy. Very fast.

"It's strange if you believe it!" Bai Yaqing was white, Tang Feng walked outside at a glance.

"Sister Yaqing, wait for me, I'm still a patient..." Tang Feng started shouting after Bai Yaqing.

"You're shouting, believe it or not, I'll ignore you, every day there is no serious child, what old children are." Bai Yaqing stood there waiting for Tang Feng.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Didn't you miss you?" Tang Feng really missed Bai Yaqing and closed the door after entering her office.

Bai Yaqing didn’t expect Tang Feng to come over at this time. She thought he would come in the morning. She didn’t expect that he didn’t come when he was over 10 years old. She thought that there was something in his family, but she was a little disappointed in her heart. Tang Feng appeared in front of her at this time.

Tang Feng hugged Bai Yaqing directly after entering the door, but she pushed him away, "Tang Feng, let’s not do this, okay?" Due to what happened in Beijing during this period, Bai Yaqing told Tang Feng somewhat resisted, she just wanted to quit silently.

At that time, Tang Feng thought she was embarrassed and didn't let go of her, and finally let go when she saw that her face was not so good. He didn't know why Bai Yaqing resisted so much. He wanted to ask, but he didn't open his mouth. It was only after a while that Bai Yaqing returned to normal, and the two of them walked outside.

"Sister Yaqing, I found that you seem to have something on your mind." The two found a good restaurant. Now Tang Feng is sitting opposite Bai Yaqing. He found that from the moment he saw Bai Yaqing, except for the first glance, The rest of the time is absent-minded.

"Tang Feng, I think it’s better for us to be sisters and brothers. There must be too much difference in age between the two of us. If you like your sister’s body, sister can give it to you, but only once, it will be repaid for your life-saving grace. "Since Bai Yaqing came back from Beijing, she has been thinking about how to deal with Tang Feng's relationship for a long time. She still thinks it is better for two people to make it clear.

"Sister Yaqing, is Tang Feng that kind of person? Do you only value your body? If that's the case, we should have happened long ago. Don't tell me when we two were lying on the same bed. You don’t know your behavior..."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, she looked at Bai Yaqing with a cold look. After hearing Tang Feng's words, her face was pale, and she did not dare to look at Tang Feng's eyes.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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