Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 277 I Am Her Cousin

Chapter 278 I'm Her Cousin

Tang Feng came to the school not to find the teacher in charge of what he said, but for another purpose. He came to Li Xuemei. This is somewhat related to Ye Tianxue. He wanted to give Ye Tianxue a surprise, at least to say hello to Li Xuemei.

When Tang Feng walked into the campus, there was still a little time before get out of class ended. He happened to see that there were sports equipment on the playground. It was a long time since he hadn’t exercise, so he simply did some simple exercises and warmed up his body by the way.

After about 10 minutes, the get out of class bell rang. As Li Xuemei did not have a mobile phone, Tang Feng could only go to her class to find her.

"Brother Tang Feng..." Tang Feng was about to go upstairs when he heard someone calling him, then turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice, and suddenly laughed, "Xiao Yurou, why are you here?"

"Brother Tang Feng, I thought I misunderstood the wrong person. I didn't expect it to be you." Tang Yurou ran directly to Tang Feng's side. If there weren't other classmates present, she would have thrown herself in her arms.

I haven't seen Tang Yurou change a lot for a few months. She has grown a bit taller and more youthful and beautiful. She has a bow tie on her head, and she is a little beauty. If she grows up, it will definitely be a disaster.

"Brother Tang Feng, why can't I be here anymore, I will go to school here, but you, didn't you go to school in Beijing? Why did you come here?" Tang Yurou asked curiously.

"I come to school to do something, and I'll leave in a while." Tang Feng looked at the time and it was a few minutes later. If I don't leave, I'm afraid I will have to go to class again. If I want to see Li Xuemei, I will have to next class. Up.

"Brother Tang Feng, I thought you came to see me. I haven't seen you for a long time, and you don't come to see me either." Tang Yurou pulled Tang Feng's clothes corner a little aggrievedly.

"Okay, I'll go first, and I will see you when I have time." Tang Feng touched Tang Yurou's head, and then he was about to walk upstairs.

Tang Yurou really hadn’t seen Tang Feng for a long time, she was very eager to him, and actually followed him. Tang Feng smiled helplessly, "Go back, we will have class afterwards, if you have heard of it, I will have time later. Just come to see you."

"This is what you said, you are not allowed to be shameless. If you don't come to see me, I will go to Sister Bai to find you." Tang Yurou raised her small fist as she spoke, and ran away after she finished speaking. Tang Feng looked at her disappearing back and smiled, and then continued to walk upstairs.

Li Xuemei's class is the third grade (2). It is at the top level. It may be arranged to prevent the students in the first and second grades from disturbing the students in the third grade!(Read more @

Tang Feng knew everything about the situation in the teaching building. He must have lived here for three years, and he directly found Li Xuemei's class and stood at the door and looked inside. At this time, Li Xuemei was reading the book seriously in her seat, and did not notice a strange face standing at the door.

"Who do you talk to?" A tall figure stood in front of Tang Feng, completely blocking his vision. Tang Feng had to miss a half step and pointed to Li Xuemei who was sitting in the middle.

The tall boy was immediately unhappy when he saw that Tang Feng was referring to Li Xuemei, "Who are you?"

"I'm his brother." Tang Feng said with a smile.

Tang Feng just finished speaking, the big man in front of him gave a smirk, "Li Xuemei, your brother is looking for you." With this voice, half of the teaching building heard it.

Li Xuemei had been reading the book and didn't pay attention to what happened at the door. She raised her head until someone called her, but she frowned because her brother was looking for her. In her mind, there is no elder brother, this is her strange place, because the big man stood at the door and blocked Tang Feng, Li Xuemei did not find him.

"Xuemei, come out." The big man was still there with a smirk and didn't notice that he had blocked the sight of the two people.

Hearing the sound, Li Xuemei trembled, a familiar voice, and asked weakly: "Is Tang Feng you?" She got up from her seat and walked to the door.

"Boy, you lie, your surname is Tang, and her surname is Li, how did you become his brother?" The big man who was giggling became angry after hearing what Li Xuemei said.

"My surname is Tang, and her surname is Li, so I can't be his brother. Don't you know that there is a brother called cousin?" Tang Feng gave the big man an idiotic look.

"It turned out to be my cousin, I thought it was the little bastard from which class was making trouble with Li Xuemei!" The silly big man laughed again after hearing what Tang Feng said.

"Tang, Tang Feng..." When Li Xuemei saw Tang Feng's appearance, she was also shocked, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Brother, I told you how many times I have met to call you brother." Tang Feng said while blinking at Li Xuemei.

Li Xuemei looked back at the stupid big man, and then yelled weakly, "Brother Tang Feng." After speaking, her face blushed.

The stupid big man saw that Li Xuemei was really called the elder brother, so he didn't think much about it. He really thought Tang Feng was her cousin, and even more enthusiastically gave Tang Feng a smirk.

"Dingling bell, Dingling bell..." It may be that Tang Feng and Tang Yurou were delayed for a while, and then the class started.

"Xuemei, please leave with the teacher for a while. I have something to do with you." Tang Feng said quickly when he remembered the class bell.

Li Xuemei was a little embarrassed after hearing what Tang Feng said, but she nodded. Tang Feng saw that she had agreed to this and then retreated. He just met the teacher who was coming to class, nodded politely, and then walked to the stairs.

About a minute later, Li Xuemei came out of the classroom. Tang Feng was waiting at the top of the stairs. After seeing her, he smiled and said, "It will delay your study, but you can rest assured that it will not delay you for too long. , I just want to tell you something, why don't we go to the playground!"

As soon as Li Xuemei went to the playground, her little ruddy face became even more ruddy, but she nodded, and Tang Feng walked downstairs.

"Xuemei, I came to you this time mainly to tell you something." Tang Feng went directly to the equipment on the side of the playground and leaned on a pillar. Then he continued: "I have A college classmate had a big oolong on the first day of school. I thought it was you because she looked exactly like you."

Tang Feng said that he was looking at Li Xuemei here. Li Xuemei was indeed a little surprised, looking at Tang Feng in disbelief, "You said that your classmate looks exactly like me?"

"Yes, the appearance is the same, but there are some differences. She is more open-minded, and you are more restrained. She wants to come and see it. Only because there are no holidays in school, this didn't happen." Tang Feng said seriously.

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